

Boom! !

Boom! !

Boom! !

Bondi Wald jumped, wielding a giant axe that was 100 times larger, jumped to the fifth floor, and constantly waved the giant axe, killing all the way from the sixth floor to the first floor! !

The whole process is like cutting vegetables, splitting the entire advancement city prison, no one can stop it! !

"Tsk tusk tusk...it's terrifying!"

Ye Kai saw Bundy Wald, suddenly a batch, which was really terrifying. Shukw.com library network

Ye Kai also knows that this guy has the ability to touch fruits and can magnify what he touches by 100 times.

It seems... not just simply zooming in 100 times, it can also increase the speed by 100 times.

This is equivalent to putting the weapon in your hand 100 times, and then accelerating the attack speed by 100 times.

Speed ​​is actually a kind of power!

When the speed is increased by 100 times and the weapon is magnified by 100 times, how much terrifying power can burst out?

A small coin can destroy a car or even a battleship after a rapid speed.

The speed of 100 quilts... Tsk tsk, it is absolutely terrifying to think about it.

"It doesn't matter, I can't deal with these guys now, doesn't mean I can't deal with them in the future!"

Ye Kai was also very satisfied with his plug-in.

100 times the training speed.

After leaving Push City, give him some time, he is confident that he will not be worse than anyone else.

Moreover, he might not be in conflict with Bundy Wald and other prisoners advancing the sixth floor of the city, right?

"It's you!"

The battle between Ye Kai and Yu Zhiliu ended, and he rushed to the intersection of the sixth and fifth floors. Magellan also saw Ye Kai.

Magellan didn't have a deep impression of Ye Kai, but he did.

Approaching some time ago, Ye Kai made a lot of noise on the first and second floors, and he personally announced that he had thrown Ye Kai to the fifth floor.

"These...you did it!!"

Magellan saw Ye Kai and thought of the movement Ye Kai made on the first floor some time ago.

At this moment, I saw Ye Kai on the sixth floor.

Obviously, Ye Kai was the one who entered the sixth floor and released the sixth floor prisoners.

"I said... I just passed by, do you believe it?!" Ye Kai said lightly.

"Poisonous pufferfish!" "Poisonous


Ye Kai's answer was not Magellan's words, but Magellan's attack.

The poisonous venom came out from Magellan's mouth and flew towards Ye Kai.

At the same time, the poisonous dragons that had just been defeated by Bondi Wald gathered again.

Three poisonous dragons attacked Ye Kai overwhelmingly.

"If you don't agree, do it, is this really okay?!"

Ye Kai jumped, broke through the hole directly from Bondi Wald, and jumped to the fifth floor.

At the same time, the bursting sword in his hand slashed out, bringing out a sword energy of more than ten meters.

Boom! !

Sword Qi swept the venom, chopped and slashed on the poisonous dragon, directly splitting the poisonous dragon in half.

Ye Kai himself logged on to the fifth floor, followed behind the sixth floor prisoners, and rushed all the way to the first floor.

"Shoo~!" A

figure rushed behind Ye Kai!

It's not Magellan.

It's Xiliu of Rain! !

When Yu Zhixi stayed in Ye Kai and rushed to the fifth floor, he also jumped up.


Magellan looked at the figure of Yu Zhiliu leaving, and followed.

There was a fierce battle on the sixth floor just now, and Magellan didn't know who it was at first.

Now that I saw Ye Kai and Yu Zhiliu's injuries, I knew it was a fierce battle between the two.

But I didn't expect that Ye Kai's strength grew so fast.

Some time ago, Ye Kai was surrounded by blue gorillas and chicken snakes, unable to cope with it, and voluntarily gave up being arrested.

How long is it now?

In less than a month, his strength has grown to such a level that even Yu Zhiliu can't help him?

Magellan knew that he couldn't organize the prisoners' escape from the city, but he had to prevent more people from breaking out.

"Where are you going to Xiliu?"

Magellan followed out, only to find that Xiliu of Rain had to leave Pushing City.

Yu Zhixi kept a cigar in his mouth, glanced at it, and said indifferently: "I am also a prisoner on the sixth floor..."

Abandoning this sentence, Yu Zhixi rushed out of the city without looking back. .

"Propulsion City is lost... The prisoner has successfully broken Propulsion City!"

"This is my negligence!"

"Field Kerry Yekai... This person planned, organized, and released the sixth tier of prisoners, which led to this. The main character in this escape incident!"

"This person is practicing extremely fast. A month ago, his strength was beyond the jailer's uniform. Now even I didn't take him for a short period of time. He and Yu Zhiliu had a fierce battle. A tie... is a great threat to the Navy!!"

Advancing into the city, Magellan's ability to fight the poisonous fruit with all his strength envelops the entire first floor of the prison with a layer of venom, and no one can rush out.

He himself is my golden phone bug, reporting what happened in the propulsion layer to the admiral of the Navy-Warring States.

In fact, during the prison riots, Pushing the city reported the matter.

Now, Magellan is just adding.

Especially for Ye Kai.

Magellan reported to the Warring States Period and directly referred to Ye Kai as the head of planning the escape, and organized the escape.

At the same time, the charges for the release of the sixth-tier prisoners will be placed on Ye Kai.

It is clear that Ye Kai's terrifying strength is increasing, and he is very cautious: Ye Kai will grow up like this and will become the greatest threat to the Navy in the future.


Navy headquarters!

Warring States put down the phone bug in his hand and rubbed his head with a headache.

He looked at Karp in the office and said, "You heard it too. I didn't expect Push City to be completely lost. Some of the incredible guys in the sixth floor have escaped..."

Even Karp put his hands down Senbei in the room became serious and frowned: "It's really a bit troublesome, the guys on the sixth floor, many people even us will find it tricky, they are actually released."

"It's too late to rush over now, I let Huang

Yuan went to the past, try his best to save it, and at least capture a few...and Ye Kai!!!" Ye Kai didn't know, and he had already entered the eyes of the admiral.

Became the chief culprit in this incident of pushing the city to escape.

Although... Ye Kai was indeed the culprit, but Ye Kai didn't know how serious this matter was.

Even the Warring States and Karp felt tricky, showing the severity of this matter.

The Warring States period took out a phone worm and directly contacted Huang Yuan who was outside, and asked Huang Yuan to immediately go to Push City, try his best to keep the escaped prisoners and hunt down the escaped prisoners.

It would be better to bring back the main culprit-Ye Kai!

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