
Not An Elf

[Lucid Dreaming achieved.], my System told me.

Which was great, and all, but I hadn't been trying to achieve such a state. It was just after my last report...

I suppose I should mention that. Never mention to your vengeance god patron that there's a war going on. Well, maybe a quest to kill a hundred enemy soldiers with your own hands is something you'd like. I didn't, especially because the riders I'd already killed didn't count. Sentient mounts only counted if they served a god.

Any god; it didn't matter. Something about soul energy of one lesser erg or greater. <1 >

When I objected, Sobek calmly asked me if I were planning on taking out more soldiers, and exactly how long I thought the war would last, and whether I was planning on counting the Tidelands Resistance as part of my wartime activities.

Good to know your god supports your efforts, and thinks you'll survive them.

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