
chapter 19:days preparing for battle part 2

Jack stand right where he was as you looked upon the skeletal dragon. Jack was in speak never breaking eye contact with it.

"So you summoned me to this world. hmm a lot less Grand than I imagined. But oh well."

The dragon seems to laugh at what Jack was saying. Maybe the dragon found it amusing. It would then speak.

"Yes I suppose humans would think that now would they?. But onto the matter we need to discuss."

Jack raised an eyebrow as he heard this it'd be obvious that this dragon peaked his interest. The dragon continues to speak.

"I see you have recruited some necromancers to your service. And I see you're playing a very interesting game of politics. And you have been keeping me very entertained with your shenanigans. So I figured I should Grant you more power to see what you do with it and see if you can keep me entertained. And of course I must remind you that your job is destroy all other worship whatever else you do it comes second."

Jack rolled his eyes as he heard this before the God could continue Jack cut him off.

"you grab me more power if you wish but I will decide when I complete anything."

The dragon looked a bit annoyed at being cut off but he then continued what he was saying.

"Yes yes I hear you but remember who gave you power. No where was I oh yes another matter the other gods have taken notice of you.and I plan to bring their own champions to this world. Normally I would not be phased by this but I know my fellow guards they will not react to this lightly the possibility of their champions being ordered to eliminate you is quite high so keep that in mind. Another matter is the bandits that will be attacking you."

Once again Jack's attention was caught. And the God could tell this and continued.

"A few of them are followers of Alcatraz so be wary of that. And the power I'm about to give you I suppose what you could call it is a perk. Well this perk will allow you to perceive the champions of the other gods. I will leave how to deal with them to you all I want is them to not get in the way."

Jack nodded slightly cuz he did understand what alduin wanted him to do is he felt the dream starting to end the dragon looked at him again speaking before fading out of existence.

"I have given visions to the necromancers in your service. they are to obey you if they ever wish to gain my favor."

As the dragon fades Jack wakes up. He could feel he was stronger as two notifications popped up.

"Congratulations you have gained champion site"

Then another notification

"Congratulations your actions have caused the surrounding hundred miles to be cursed and corrupted"

This caught my eyes immediately. Does this mean that they are already finished with that ritual?. Stood up as i would then begin to put on mry armor making sure everything was tightened and wooden fall off of me and a fight then I placed my new sword on my back. I began to make my way to the body room where I saw all of the necromancers I just rescued standing there waiting for me. The lizards seem to look up at me with a smile.

"Champion or my Lord either one we've completed the ritual you asked of us and we are here gathered like you asked of us."

I stared at each of them with a smile as last anyone had counted this room contained 150 bodies. And at the current time my undead units are 125 combine those two numbers together and I nearly have 300 soldiers I smiled as I looked at each of them.

"In this room is 150 bodies I want you all to raise them with a ritual that will constantly raise the Dead and make it spanned 150 miles outward from this location. When the bandits attack us every one of them that dies will rise again as our soldiers. Entire armies would find it difficult to fight as well because every one of their dead will become our soldiers."

As I said this I continually looked around the room watching each of the facial expressions of each of them some of them were in all of this plan. while some of them were more horrified. but there was one particular person a woman who seems to be very interested what kind of plans I have. She spoke up which one she did the entire covenant seem to go to intention.

"So tell me what other plans do you have besides us doing this ritual."

I stared directly at her as I would smile and speak.

"Well one of my plans is to create an undead dragon. Since no necromancer has achieved such a thing. Next is of course conquering this continent. then we will amass an army and begin to invade other continents continuing to do so until we have control over the entire world. After that we will set certain plans and motion to help keep our empire together.we will create certain societies led by each one of my most trusted advisors with a set purpose in mind for each one where. They will have their own set plan that they must work to."

As I spoke I could see that she seems very interested in these Grand plans of mine. I wouldn't say something as I would stare her directly in the eyes.

"Is the lizard really the leader of this covenant. since I noticed everyone seemed to stand to attention when you spoke?."

Her blank stare turned into one with a smile as she would slowly clap her hands. Then she would speak.

"In all truthfulness no he's not I'm the leader of this covenant. And I have been the leader for the last 150 years. No of course I am a human which shouldn't be possible for a human body to last as long without the influence of necromancing."

As she spoke I stared at her calm listening very intently. But I couldn't help but notice her figure

surprisingly for someone who claims be 150 year old human she was very beautiful. But I was more curious in her words than her looks. I continue to listen to her speak quietly.

"And the ritual you're asking us to perform well it will take at least 2 days for it to be first cast and at least one of us to constantly maintain it."

Look on my face soured as I heard this news we didn't have that much time before the bandits would attack.

"but the spell you asked us to do where it corrupts the minds and spirits of the people in this town's vicinity has already been casted for about 5 hours now. and I've noticed the people have been talking about learning necromancy only two dwarves however been talking like that. But with time this entire town will be okay with necromancy being used openly. So there is no need to worry there."

My expression would turn to a smile as I heard this hopefully by the time the band is attacked the entire town would be okay with necromancy being used. I would then speak.

"Well at least that spell was done. But what will I have you all do since. That ritual will not be done before the bandits attack."

I said this out loud to make sure I had all of their intention.

"I would like three of you on the wall where the ballistas are. So you can cast spells and help with the fighting. And the rest of you will if you can set up small spell traps across the areas around the village."

I said this as they all nod and began to leave the room all except for the only girl. She would speak with a smile.

"There are a number of things I could teach you. But lessons from me come at a price."

As she spoke I looked at her calmly as I stood up but she would continue to speak.

"That price being since you do plan on conquering the world I will be your queen."

I looked at her calmly as I shook my head I heard demand and begin making my way to the doorway.

"I already have a queen I do not need another."

I noticed her smile turned to a frown. But I walked out of the room. I guess she thought just because she could teach me something I would agree to such a ridiculous demand. I began to make my way over to the battlements so I could overlook the village. And I could see that the rest of the covenant were already at work. Which brought a smile to my face. I noticed Luna was on the battlements as well she was looking over the courtyard at the people who were training with bows. I began to walk over to her. I looked at her with a smile.

To me she was the most beautiful girl. And honestly I'm in love. But I had so much to do and she had so much time to wait I just hope she would be willing to wait.she noticed me walking towards her and she gave a shy smile.

"Lord jack it's good to see you again."

I smiled happily as I heard her words. Then Helga ran up to us looking like she was exhausted. I looked at Helga

She was breathing heavily as she would speak.

"Lord Jack..... The bandits are a days March away from the village..... There's a list 50 of them..... And 10 of them are heavily armored.... And I can only guess they're leader is the one in the horse I saw."

I Pat her on the back as I had a smile on my face and then I spoke

"Thank you for your hard work now get some rest we're going to need everyone ready for a fight."

Helga nodded as she began making her way to the barracks. Luna look at me worried. Eyes went to the tallest battlement as I would shout my voice would rang right through the village.

"Everyone you can't prepare for a fight the planets are a days March from here I want everyone who's been working hard head to the barracks to catch some shut up my personal soldiers will take the first watch. I want everyone to have only some armor Randy strapped on as soon as battle begins.!!!!"

Everyone who could hear my words not as the entire village went into the walls of the fort the body room is at the back of the fortress the barracks was at the front. And are internal blacksmith shop was in the courtyard there was no reason anyone should have gone to the back of the fort.I looked over the necromancers who seem to catch my drift a few of them began entering the fort itself only five of them stayed on the battlement. Then I got a notification.

"You are prepared for battle chance of victory 85% chances of enemies surrendering 70% estimated losses 10% of the village population."

I looked at this notification with a sad look though 90% of the village population were my undead soldiers there still was all the living people would die. So it wouldn't put a dent in my numbers it would stop me from having a town okay with necromancy and it would paint a bad reputation for this town.

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