
Chapter 13

Mizu's eyes are attentively searching around, wanting to know where her opponent will attack next, but every time she caught a little movement, it was already too late, and was being wounded once again, helplessly. Mizu then felt the sharp pain coming from the cold blade slicing her skin and felt the touch of the warm blood flowing. She was covered in wounds from arms to feet. The clothes she's wearing was almost wrecked off, exposing some parts of her slender skin.

The psychotic girl chose to make her cry in agony while slowly slicing her skin like the meat of pork about to cook.

Mizu has a hard time following her fast movements and ended up in this dire situation. The shallow cuts that she received were indicating her opponents were only toying with her which somehow felt insulting, nevertheless, she strangely felt calm. Holding tightly the knife, she observed her surroundings once again, but her ears were useless in detecting a person as her sense of hearing was completely blocked by thunderous noise coming from the audiences full of excitement. Plus, the eerie song that the psychotic girl singing, like some prayer to call a grim reaper is mixing with the crowd noise, untrackable, she can only trust her eyesight for now.

The psychotic girl suddenly stops and stands in quite a distance in front of Mizu while playing a single knife on her hand her body has no single scratch. Tilting her head to the side, the psychotic girl has this scary expression like she was annoyed and wasn't satisfied playing her prey.

Frowning, she said insanely craving, "Hey! Cry, cry till I was satisfied. Show me despair. Show me tears. Let me hear the song of your agony!"

Like a flash of lightning, the psychotic girl attack Mizu again running like a madman but disappearing in a blink. In a gust of wind, the psychotic girl was already in front of Mizu, the knife was aiming to stab, but Mizu, fortunately, managed to block her attack, and the weapon clash and sparks from a strong impact. Mizu barely defending herself, and noticed how strong her opponent's strength was, if she intends to kill her right away, she can slice her throat anytime, without a problem.

The psychotic girl grinned while staring at Mizu, "Show me blood honey~", licking her lips with pleasure, but Mizu nonchalantly gazed at her, eyes weren't reflecting fear nor body was shaking.

"Boring," the psychotic girl thought.

In the next second, her other hand noticeably lets out another silver knife glistened with a sharpness that was coming to Mizu's indefensible neck, but with a fast reflex, Mizu able to hold her wrist with her other hand, stopping her.

Although with perfect defense, Mizu was still lost in strength, and the tip of the knives was slowly reaching her tender skin. Exerting all her force in one go, she managed to push the psychotic girl backward and instantly throw a kicked which unfortunately landed in the air.

The psychotic girl successfully avoided it while tumbling 3 times backward. Now, firmly standing she irritatingly shouted, "I don't like a tough prey!"

In a flash, she attacked Mizu constantly without stopping, the body moves like some whirlwind twisting around with a knife in both of her hands. With a drastic momentum, their weapons spark in silver and golden light when clashing. Despite her opponent's disappearing presence and strength, Mizu was now able to block some of the attacks as she can already read the girl's movements.

Still, as the force exert are strong Mizu stepped back several times and still received some damaged.

Glancing at her back, Mizu saw how her body coming nearer to the edge of the stage where countless pointed spears are waiting below. "If this will continue, I'll be a lump of dead meat!" she thought.

She was in a pinch, all her cells in her body, from head to toe even her soul and instinct are desperately wanting to counter-attack and to be alive. When out of a sudden, she felt a strange feeling; how the crowd's noise turned silent, how her lungs and nose breathe out of the air so calmly, and how her opponent's movements turned so dawdling like some snail. All her surroundings were in very slow motion, opposites on how her senses become so sharp of a sudden. Desperate for the slight chance of opening, Mizu suddenly saw a silver-thread showing her away, directing her on what she will do next.

Her body moves subconsciously, following the fascinating thread, ducking in a very slow position, and successfully dodging the two knives coming. Gripping her knife tightly, she thrust the weapon towards the girl's chest. However, her hands suddenly changed in trajectory and aim onto the girl's face, grazing her beauty.

It happened in a split of a second when a thought came to Mizu's mind that she was about to kill a living human once again, guilt likely consumed her, failing.

Taking several steps forward, Mizu abnormally gasped in air and looked at the psychotic girl petrified on her standing while facing Mizu with her intimidating back. It was also the same time when all motions around Mizu turned back to normal. And, when she finally felt how her body complains of pain, so excoriating. But she endured it, not wanting to show she was at her own limit. Moreover, she has this thought in mind, about what is the strange sensation she felt before. A kind of feeling where she was like about to cut a thread of life, what exactly is it?

Meanwhile, in the middle area of the middle floor,

Most of the players of all houses, at a level not more than 20 are watching the game between Mizu and the psychotic girl on the massive monitor in the center. They expected less for Mizu to win based on what her performance was showing.

There's this group of three people in a very loud conversation, wearing a dark purple cloak with a crest of a black wolf showing its mighty canine teeth and an entrancing dark purple flower surrounding the creature— the Wolfbanes of the West House. They sit comfortably on the couch while facing some of their kohai's and boastfully saying with their loud ducky voice that can be heard throughout the area:

"If I was in that game, the two of them will turn into a pulp in a single minute." the guy in the center of the three said with full of confidence.

The other two also added, "How lucky that rookie girl in the north house, she has the weakest opponent."

"That girl in the east house can't even attack properly. Seems the master of the terror dragon has a blur vision already, he has great mistake choosing that lucky girl."

Their loud voice and insulting laugh were so disturbing to the other players watching the game intently with a goal to study the movements of their soon to be opponent, yet they choose to stay still and keep their silence.

The Kohai was just forced to sit down with them to hear their magnificent comments but truly lame. As they were their superiors with a level of 20 and about to move to the upper floor in their next tournament, they didn't complain. In short, they are the most superior on this floor with their level that's why no one can oppose how may loud they are. They also keep mocking Mizu in whatever way they wanted to.

Suddenly, like a dark silhouette of death, two persons were standing on their back without their noticing, hearing each of the nasty words insulting their important person, their eyes filled with horror while looking down at them. Those kohais who noticed flinched in terror and instantly moved away, not wanting to disturb the fight that was about to happen.

"Hey, where are you going?--" the center guy asked towards the younger ones which interrupted by a sudden feeling of tightening of a grip touching his shoulder, along with the other person sitting on his side with the same situation, then with a voice so low and chilly the person asked, "Who said our girl is a weakling?!" Akane's visage was so scary like she was about to devour a person.

The person beside her also added, "How dare you mocking our youngest sibling?!" Zhi uttered angrily clutching the remaining person's collar, planning to strangle him.

"Who are you? Do you want to fight? Huh?" the center guy stated. Seeing the color of the clock they are wearing, they snickered, "So, you lads are in the east house? You're also so aggravated which means that weakling was your teammates, heh~"

Having short temperance, Akane was even more furious and tried to land a punch onto his grotesque face, but was stopped when someone hold's her arm tightly, she didn't even notice his presence, he also managed to hold Zhi in the arm stopping him to strangle the other, and said with a husky voice, "What are you doing with my subordinates, little ducklings?!"

His presence was tremendous and very tall and brawny. The two felt their arms will be a break.

When suddenly two youngsters in gold and black hair also approached the scene and hold the guy's arm firmly. "What are you doing to my siblings?!" Himari said chillingly, while Haruto also uttered, "How dare you touch Zhi with your filthy hand!"

The atmosphere has become tenser. The tension between the two groups was overwhelming. Making the other players step aside.

"A mere level 15 players dare to challenge us?" the brawny guy- their leader said so threateningly. But the two didn't falter instead their grip becomes even tighter.

With the deep silence and intense air, a gorgeous lady in a black cloak with a fitted dress and a style that expresses her fully bloom blossom, and that shows how white her slender waist and thighs are, looking so irresistible. She wears a black mask that covered her beautiful features yet highlighting her reddish lips making more enchanting. Her slender arms and jade-like fingers holding a black curly dagger with the sharpest blade were already touching the vulnerable neck of Himari and the brawny guy without no ones noticing. One wrong moved they might lose their head.

These shocking events make everyone alerted and by the sudden appearance of a beautiful stranger. She can even easily tell who was the leader of the two groups.

"Stop it Dark Queen." a voice cold as an ice and strong as a command emerges in this silent atmosphere, giving everyone a tremendous chill down their spine. Following the voice, they saw a handsome young man in a black silky cloak unparalleled to anybody, with a fashionable mask and in white silky hair. Back has a crest of a terrifying Dragon, and where an Excalibur sword was located. He was followed by a guy of the same age with also a great presence.

"If that is what my Lord Dark King's ordered then I will~," the beautiful woman said cheerfully while retracting her weapon and leap back to the side of her King, towards the intimidating young man.

It was then everyone in the area was in commotion, even Himari's group were in thoughts asking about "Why is the person seated on the crown, the top among the ranks of all players, known as 'The Dark King' was in this middle floor?"

"Why he was here?"

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