
Late lunch with Navi (3)

That definitely isn't a normal bamboo steamer! There is no apparent source of steam below the bamboo steamer. No pan, no anything.

Steam just seems to come out the top as if it had manifested inside.

"How does this steamer work? Where does the steam come from?"

My curiosity doesn't allow me to ignore the nearly impossible situation before me. I simply can't help but ask.

"There's a spatial transfer circle at the bottom. From there steam is directly transferred into the lowest layer of the bamboo steamer. Originally there was supposed to be another transfer circle in the top layer making the steam disappeared without exiting from the top. I altered it so the steam would come out the top. For aesthetic purposes."

Two spatial transfer circles. That is continuous spatial displacement for crying out loud!

"And where does the steam come from?"

"A separate mini dimension that is created and maintained by the enchantments in this little gem."

Navi turns the bamboo steamer a bit and points at a gem about the size of her fingernail. Red and blue paint seem to swim around inside the gem with a thin line that has no distinct color separating them.

An enchantment that controls a fusion of two basic elements as well as such a sophisticated application of the fabled space magic... I can't even imagine the cost to buy something of this level even if it's just a small gem.

"What's the cost of such a gem along with the enchantment?"

Apparently, I am not the only one thinking about the gem's price. Quinn however asks for the price outright.

"I'd love to tell you the price of this little toy but I'm afraid I can't."

"Business secret?"

"There's no secret involved. I simply can't tell you the price of something I didn't buy. This gem was gathered and enchanted by yours truly. I don't intend to sell it so I never thought of an asking price."

"You made that? Didn't you say that you had to alter the top?"

"Yes, at first I only considered the practical value. Making the steam disappear right after it had served its purpose seemed ideal. However, after using it for a while I just felt like there should be steam coming out on top. This isn't some pressure cooker after all."

You know space magic?!!!

While Quinn is asking follow-up questions I'm still shocked by the fact that Navi knows space magic. That's like top-tier magic! Everyone wants that!

<It truly is quite handy. One of my racial skills allowed me to instinctively manipulate space in certain manners. Through that, I found it much easier than others to learn it.>

Wait, you mentioned that if someone's proficiency reaches a high enough level they can directly grant someone that magic skill. Are you capable of doing that?

<I am. However, consider this before asking me to do so. Firstly, unlike most disciplines of magic, you can't learn any useable spells in the beginning. Until your space magic reaches an advanced level you can't use it for much. Secondly, even if you find a way to make use of it the mp drain is over the top. Unless you specialize in magic from the very beginning you won't have the necessary mp at your current level.>

I should have known, nothing ever goes this easy.

<Space magic isn't for beginners. Just try to train your earth magic until it evolves once or twice and then you'll be ready to choose any school of magic you want.>

Evolve it once or twice. Easy for you to say that.

"The dumplings are ready!"

While we have been talking the dumplings have been fully steamed and are ready for consumption. My daughters don't seem to have noticed that I had a mental conversation with Navi since her physical body has kept talking to Quinn and Cassidy all the while.

We sit down around a wooden table with a very light color. Birch perhaps. Navi sets the dumplings down in the middle of the table where we all can reach and brings a pitcher from her fridge.

"I hope everyone likes elderberry syrup."

The dumplings are soft and release a torrent of flavor when I bite through their thin skin. The meat and sauce inside are very delicious and fill my mouth with a heavenly taste after each bite.

Pata's cooking still reigns supreme but this isn't bad either. I can already feel my stomach complaining because I'm overindulging again.

To give myself a break from all the eating I take a big gulp from the elderberry syrup in my glass. The intense sweetness of the syrup washes over my taste buds threatening to make me gag from how strong it is. Gulping this down in large doses might not be the best idea.

I cautiously take a sip and find that the sweetness is much more manageable like this. I really shouldn't be greedy...

But I'm sure I can eat another dumpling. And maybe there might be room for more after that. I take another sip of syrup before I get ahead of myself.

In the end, I settled for just three more dumplings. My self-control is truly astounding!

As I mentally pat myself on the back Navi carries our plates and glasses over to the sink before returning to the table.

"So, Quinn, Cassidy, what do you think of your father's new workplace?"

"Alright I guess, though I do wish I could meet lady Libra on a more regular basis. Just thinking how much I could learn from an hour or two each weekend. I'd have half a mind to skip some of my classes to make more time."

"Please don't skip your classes."

"Half a mind. And it's not like I would learn much from those I'd be skipping."

Quinn seems almost infatuated with Libra. Navi just smiles and turns to Cassidy.

"What about you, Cassidy?"

"Everyone here is so strong and nice! I wish daddy had started working here sooner."

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