
Chapter twenty-two

I decide to work my way down the decks, making sure I'm not walking too fast or explaining too quickly.

After Deck twelve I lead them straight past Decks eleven, ten, nine and eight because they're all made up of cabins. But I make sure to let them know that on each deck, at either end of the ship, there are smaller and cosier balconies that make for great places to watch the sunrise and sunset. Harry agrees with me, so I'm guessing that he's already found them.

I consider showing them the poker machines, but after the look that Emily and Ben give me after mentioning them showed me that neither of them are mature enough to go anywhere near them. After passing the Waterfront restaurant and that bored-looking lady at the reception, we continue down the decks, and at Deck five we stay for at least an hour, exploring the beautifully-decorated lobby, devouring slices of chocolate cakes, and getting lost in the short and tightly-packed aisles of sweets.

Emily turns to the lolly store and then to us. "I'll be back, like, never." And then she disappears inside.

With a shake of her head and a roll of her eyes, Lilli pulls Charlie towards the souvenir shop.

I turn to Harry. "Gosh," I exclaim. "We come as a group, but all they wanna do is go off in their pairs," I say.

Harry gives me a knowing look. "Is that a bad thing?"

I blush. "Absolutely not."

I don't mean to, but I glance towards the jewellery shop. Things are just looking real shiny in there, and the store honestly looks like the entrance to a twinkle heaven.

"Do you want to go in there?" Harry asks me.

So much for not being suspicious. "I… Um…"

"Come on," Harry says, then takes my hand and whisks me off to Wonderland.

We wander around in there, Harry standing behind me as I examine each and every piece and leaning forward whenever I want to show him something interesting. Rings, bracelets, charms, pendants, necklaces, earrings. They're all very beautiful. And expensive. But I can't help letting myself fall in-love with the craftsmanship.

I think I'm too captivated by one particular piece. A beautiful heart-shaped diamond shimmers atop a slim silver ring. From different angles I stare down the ring, probably looking like a weirdo in the process, and gawk in awe at the exquisitely carved diamond.

If Harry had never reached forward to tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear I never would've left.

"Do you like this one?" he asks me, smiling wide.

Oh, no. No, no, Harry. Don't.

I back away from the ring. "Well, Harry, everything in here is beautiful," I say, doing my best to look away from the ring and at everything else.

He gives me a look that says, 'Don't be ridiculous,' and I stop talking and start to walk out the shop. He looks reluctant to follow, but quickly hurries out behind me.

Grumpily, I say, "Let's get cake."

So now we're sitting on wide armchairs at a circular glass table, spooning tiramisu cream covered with rich chocolate into our salivating mouths. As we chew, we're trying our best to savour the bubbly sensation within, but it melts quickly, and before I know it I've finished half my slice of serenity.

We're eating in silence, and it's awkward, but dessert makes everything better.

"So," Harry clears his throat, "Did Emily get her duffel back yesterday?"

I swallow my mouthful. "Yep, they returned it to us quite late though."

More silence.

"Um, I um…" Harry starts, stuttering. I'm too shocked to hear a stutter come from Harry's mouth that I start choking. People turn and stare, my face feels like fire, and Harry's leaning over and patting my back. "Tasmin! Tasmin, uh… uh… water, here!"

When I'm no longer dying I apologise.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

"You don't stammer. Usually, anyway. So that stammer made me die," I explain.

He laughs.

"So, what did you want to say?" I remind Harry, and his cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Oh, so I was just gonna ask what you've been doing for the past few years," he says.

He's interested in what I've been doing for the past few years!

"I mean, not much, I've just —"

" —CHOCOLATE CAKE!" Emily dives down and steals the cake right off my spoon. "Mmm," she hums happily. I reach over and give her a playful slap on the arm.

I'm about to continue explaining to Harry but Lilli informs us that there is a karaoke bar open upstairs and we should all go. So Harry and I gobble down the remainder of our cake and make our way with satisfied tummies to Deck seven's bar.

"I have the perfect song ever!" Emily calls out, passing Lilli and I the book of songs and pointing at Dancing Queen by ABBA. Emily is the musical one of our group, always singing and dancing, mostly to her anime intros, and she always has enough energy to sing a song from her ever-changing favourite musical. "Isn't it just the best?!" she yells.

"Not so loud," Lilli scolds her. "But yes, this is cute. Why don't you two sing it and I'll film?"

"No! You have to sing it with us!" I whine at Lilli, tugging the phone from her hand and handing it to Charlie ('cause he's the tallest) to film. "Let's go," I say, linking my arm with Lilli's and leading her towards the DJ.

With absolutely no fear in my gut I take the microphone. The speakers boom behind me, sounding the first notes of the song, and then the adrenaline rush courses through me.


You can dance.

You can jive.

Having the time of your life.

Ooh, see that girl.

Watch that scene.

Digging the dancing queen.

The elders in the room are loving our energy, so we sing a little louder, dance a little more enthusiastically. Even Lilli's shaking her hips to the rhythm of the beat. I feel that if I close my eyes I could be dancing on a jeti in the Greek islands. I'm lost in euphoria, vision blurry and I'm feeling sweaty but in the corner of my eye I can see our trio of friends, standing there watching intently. I laugh into the microphone at the look on Harry's face.

With a bit of rock music,

Everything is fine.

You're in the mood for a dance.

And when you get the chance,

You are the dancing queen,

Young and sweet,

Only seventeen.

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