
Chapter 157: Isn't She?

"I'll be right back," Elsa told them.

She pretended to go to the bathroom, so she used a concealment skill and went to eavesdrop on the conversation of the man who was contacting someone.

It was the same man who earlier tried to use obedience powder on Choko and Nero.

"Miss, it is like this." With a talisman of communication, he spoke in a low tone: "These girls are harder to deal with than we thought. Also, if there's a woman with a scary aura around, it's going to be hard to get anything done overtly. And it seems difficult to separate them from the group..."

"You… You are all worthless! I didn't pay a large sum of coin essence? Now you're telling me you're not capable of kidnapping two simple little girls? Ha, that's laughable, and to think they brag about their services so much in the end, is that all?"

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