
Chapter 12

The wand lore began from Italy where the where the first wand was ever made a few thousand years ago. There were only a few books in the world which had comprehensive knowledge about the ingredients used in wands but none what so ever regarding the makings of one. The wand maker had kept the knowledge behind fedilius and magical oaths where only a select few can even view them. The art was passed from mind to mind keeping its value and hiding it from the rest of the world. My wand was unique and rightfully so because despite my best efforts to kill a  dementor, they just shrugged my efforts off. The only boost my wand provided was in soul arts and soul magic and I had found this out by means of eliminations and not the actual magic. The only soul magic I found was the Horcrux and a few ancestral communication rituals. While one was one of the violent forms of magic, the other was relatively tame but required a literal shit tone of magic worth a few dozen experienced wizards. There was also a very minute boost in mind magic but I had always avoided using legimency via my wand incase it was ever inspected. I had tried to get another wand from a shader maker in America but he looked at my wand once and turned me away saying that no wand would fit me. 

Moody, the crazy lunatic that he was, regarded my wand as one that was  dangerously close to the Dark side of magic and that was when he was still moody. Jr. Crouch was literally oozing with madness with a similar clear thought about his master. Despite all these shit ton of indications, not of the Aurora were aware of what was going on and chalked up the weirdness to the moniker Mad-eye. I sighed as I dressed up for the ball and kept my dress rather plain just to match Hermione's colors at the last moment. While, the three male competitors waited near the entrance to the ball room for their dates, Fleur arrived with a 6th year muggle brat as her date. Hermione arrived and dazzled everyone with are sky blue dress. I immediately transfigured my cufflinks, tie and shirt to match hers and she brightly smiled at the action. 

"Looking good, Hermione." I said offer her my arm. 

"You look good as well." She returned the compliment. 

We were soon faced with a dumbly dressed weasley who was also seething in anger and probably drowning in jealousy. I smirked at his robes and he glared at me. 

"Just transfigure them to something nice." I said in irritation. 

"You're the one to speak wearing muggle rags." He replied. 

"Wow, then these muggle rags look better than your Noble cloak." I said with a chuckle.

"Ron, calm down. We are trying to have a good time here." Hermione said trying to calm Ron down. 

"Yeah mate, calm down. What has gotten into you?" Harry chimed in as well. 

"Why are you even trying to side with this snake?" He yelled at both Harry and Hermione. "You think you are better than us don't you because of your grades and money." 

"Yeah, that is it." I pointed my wand at him and restricted all his movement and levitated him all the way back to staircases. "Okay, on with the evening." I said and looked back to find absolutely horrified Hermione and Harry. 

"That was a bit much innit? Why in the bloody merlin. . ." Harry was cut off by a Patil twin looking absolutely ravishing in the traditional Indian dress. 

"Woah, you look gorgeous." Harry complimented and nearly forgot about the missing friend. 

"Why thank you Harry, but my concern here is about Ron and why is he immobilized on a staircase?" She asked looking at all of us. 

"That is a good question Ms. Patil. Care to explain yourself, Mr. Enigma." McGonagall said with a levitating and still immobilized Ron floating behind her back. 

"Well, he was being rather, ummm how do I put this politely?" I asked tilting my head. 

"The Ron boy was being a Cyka and my friend here helped us all." Krum answered McGonagall's question. 

"Language Mr. Krum, use of magic in the halls is still in effect." She said and freed Ron of his bindings. 

"Bloody hell. He should be expelled for that." Ron yelled as soon as he touched the floor. 

"Now, Mr. Weasley there is no time for that as we have a ball to attend." She said as a very Lovely Luna stepped into the scene and laced her hand with Krum's and didn't see me at all.

"The jaberwokky was blue so I had to help it." Luna said and we all accepted the weirdness in strides as we moved on to the ball room 

The first dance was slow and melodic and we swayed to the rhythm in a beautiful manner. Hermione was enjoying her dance but a few lustful thoughts still made their way out to me. As the first dance came to an end, we were joined by many Hogwarts couples on the dance floor. Hermione even had a few dances with Harry who was absolutely comfortable around Hermione. I had even danced with Fluer and she was so impressed with my dance that the room got a full blast of the veela allure bringing the dances to a grinding halt. The night came to an end and the only few people happy about that was Ron and a few more downers. I accompanied Hermione to the Gryffindor house and looked at her one final time for today. 

"Now, this is usually the part where the couple kisses each other and a long love story begins. But this isn't a love story Hermione and I bid you goodbye." I said and kissed her cheek before walking away. 

Instead of walking to the Ravenclaw tower, I headed to Hogsmead to blow off some steam. The wards wouldn't notify anyone as I was legally an adult because of the triwizard tournament rules. I ordered a butter beer and began to assess the few wizards and witches. There was one particular witch that was completely hammered but the anger in her heart still raged on. It was something about how one death eater had tortured her lover and raped her but had still gotten off scot free. I used some telekinesis and pinched her aorta shut causing her to wake up screaming as the pain inside her chest grew beyond what she could have imagined. She clawed at her chest revealing her breasts but when that didn't help, she reached for her wand but didn't have much strength left as she fell over. Her mind kept screaming about her revenge and why was she the one being punished. She tried to make her peace but couldn't due to the dark emotions running through her head. Finally, death came and her cold body lay there on the table looking just like any other passed out drunk. Notice me not charm comes handy in situations like these as no one had noticed that a murder was performed adjacent to Hogwarts. I sighed in relief and pleasure as I fixed her aorta and left the building after paying my tab.

The next morning continued as so until campaigns were called and were stood in front of the audiences. They cheered as Fluer took off her clothes and immediately jumped into the water followed by me and Krum and finally Harry. I used bubble head charm, Depulso and modified  augumenti to zip straight to the centre of the lake and in mere minutes, I was standing in front of the four poles that held the hostages. I grabbed hold of Hermione and casted a shield around us both and finally aparated to the stadium without a hitch. The stadium turned quite before cheers and applause thundered through. 

"The champion of Hogwarts, Ace Enigma has come first with a splendid apparition and various other spells. Medics on the stage check the hostage. Ladies and gentlemen, If didn't know better Mr. Enigma here nearly broke a thousand year record for completing the tasks the way he did, but alas he was beat by a minute and the fastest task still belongs to Uri Poliski from Drumstrang about 800 years ago." The announcer yelled into the Mike, extracting sighs of wonder and amazement. "Not to mention the flawless Apparition which would be illegal for a student but since he is a Champion, more point to him."

The second was soon taken by Krum and as usual Harry came last but before the points were handed, Fleur confessed that Harry was only late to help her out and that got Harry the third place and the crowd went wild. The total points were announced and I was in the lead by full points followed by Krum with 4 points less at 76, Harry was still at the third place with 75 and finally there was Fluer with 74. I was summoned to Dumbledore's office and when I arrived there, the atmosphere was positively chilling. 

"Mr. Ace, congratulations on your tasks but there were a few matters at hand that require your input." Albus said in a serious tone. 

"It has come to our attention that you were not at Hogwarts last night and went to Hogsmead instead, breaking the curfew by quite a lot. Where were you last night?" McGonagall said. 

"I was at the bar there drinking a butter beer." I said and they all shared a look. 

"And why were you alone?" She asked again. 

"My date was having some unchristian thoughts." I said with a laugh and McGonagall pulled out her wand. 

"What are these un Christian thoughts exactly and why do you find them funny?" She yelled out.

"You asked for it. She wanted to shag and I didn't, so I went out for some drinks alone." I askes with a sigh. "Why am I being questioned here like a criminal? Did something happen at the bar and am I somehow the suspect?"

"We found a dead body at the bar this morning and the barmaid said you were looking at the deceased with quite the interest." Albus said. 

"Oh, that crazy hag? Well, she spazzed out, flashed her breasts and passed out." I said with a sigh. "The woman was flashing her chest of course I would look."

"Well, the said woman is dead of natural causes. It seems that her heart gave out. Have some decency when talking about her." McGonagall added taking a seat. 

"Well, if that is all you have add Mr. Enigma then you are excused." Albus said and gestured towards the door. 

Ace had left the room but McGonagall was still a bit miffed about no handing him punishment for violating the curfew. 

"Albus, do you think it was a natural death or someone killed a witch under the very noses of Ministry and on our grounds." McGonagall asked. A

"The death was natural as there is nothing to say otherwise, but that boy had unwittingly seen the entirety of that witch's demise." Albus said and poured himself and Minerva a glass of fire whiskey. 

"Is there something else we need to be worried about?" Minerva asked an Abbus nodded. 

"He is also learning Occulumency from a few books he bought at Knockturn alley but so far there is nothing worrying about him." Albus said. 

The next few minutes were spent downing the entire bottle and the two oldies went their separate ways. Ace was assessing the memories he had shown Albus and there were no discrepancies due to his skill with mind arts. On other avenues of his skill set, ace was finally very close to achieving combat level transformation but he still needed a few more months to perfect it. I had also learnt a few fire based spells for the final task and also a few more cutting charms and hexs. I had also stumbled onto a newer spell by our own professor, Sectumsempra, it was simply exceptional in the way it cuts. Only the intended object in sight is cut along the wand movement and the rest is simply avoided. It can even go through directional shields but not through omnidirectional ones. 

Hermione was avoiding me but that didn't bother me at all as I simply ignored her altogether. Though, she did wish me luck on the day of the task. The champions were called for a final time in front of a huge audience and it was decided that this would be the event that decides the champion due to the point being so close. The champions were allowed to enter one at a time with the highest point holder being first. So, basically I was now walking around with my eyes shut to avoid all life, including the Crouch that was somehow locked onto me. I quickly checked my person and found a button that was not there before. I smiled and conjured a butterfly which flew away in the opposite direction to me and drawing the death eater away. 

I took a seat near the edges and waited for a red flare to pop up and it did rather quickly. Which meant that either Fleur or Krum was out and since I was not really competing, Harry should be close to reviving 'dad'. I laughed at that thought and kept walking around. Untill, the bushes parted ways and I was shown the way to the stage. 

"Good job Harry. You won us the cup." I said in a loud cheerful voice. "Guys, is something wrong?" I asked. 

"He is back." Harry said in a guilt stricken voice. 

"He who?" I asked with a tilt. 

"Mr. Enigma, go stand to the side, way over there." McGonagall pointed to the exit of the area. 

I stood in a corner and watched as Moody dragged Harry away and was soon followed by the school staff after they had placated the crowd. Cornelius was outraged by the declaration Harry had made to the reporters and the crowd but soon, shifted the blame onto Albus and stormed away. The awarding ceremony was properly thrown out of the window as the school was being hounded by aurors and reported for the truth about harboring a known fugitive for more than half a year. Just before Harry was officially declared the winner, I had the bright idea to apply for OWLs and I work out perfectly. A week later, Filtwick called me to his office. 

"Ace, I didn't know that you had applied for OWLs early. I wish you luck and hope you continue to improve upon your dueling skills." Filtwick  said and took me to the ministry via a Floo. 

"Now, follow the instructions carefully and meet me here after you are done with the tests." He said and went back to hogwarts. 

"Fine, let's see how much chaos I can cause." I said with a chuckle. 

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