
He Choose To Stay

I wave my hand at Viscos smiling as my way to assure him that everything will be fine and all he needs to do is to trust me. My face went serious, eyes are dead with emotion the moment his figure could no longer reach my sight. I turn my back with heavy shoulder and heart.

My mind is filled with thoughts I never wanted to bother me even just for three consecutive days. But as I said always, we are not in control of everything.  Even if I tried my best to control my emotion and buried my unwanted thoughts, it will still spilled out once I could no longer grasp it in my hands. When it becomes too many to handle, it just suddenly explode. 

My thoughts and emotions moves like an impulse, it act like a reflexes that I cannot control because it acted on its own. Overthinking is like living rent free inside my head, I cannot push it away, I cannot set it aside instead it over power me most of the times. 

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