
What Do You Want Me To Do To Ellena?

Emmelyn still remembered clearly the face of the wicked woman who was responsible for so many bad things that happened in her life. She saw Ellena's face in her nightmares and it always made her feel disgusted and angry when she woke up.

She had fewer nightmares after she was reunited with her husband and had Harlow back in her life. However, they were not really gone. She still saw Ellena in her dreams at night, laughing wickedly at her and agitating her.

She didn't tell Mars about those nightmares but she believed he knew about it. He didn't bring them up because he was waiting for Emmelyn to tell him first. However, he took the time to ask her what she think should be a good punishment for Ellena's crimes.

When they had the conversation, Emmelyn was sure she wanted to see Ellena dead. And even until today, she thought she wanted the wicked woman to be beheaded in the town square.

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