
第1章: Death- Door to the Path of a New Life

Team Natsu together with Jellal embarks on the 100 years quest to "seal" five potentially destructive Dragons in hiding known as the Five Dragon Gods, all equal in standing with Acnologia.

After Elefseria's effort to subdue them by learning Dragon Slayer Magic was met with failure, he requested powerful mages from other guilds to carry out the task of sealing them away. Prior to Team Natsu's acceptance of the job, 98 failed attempts have been made over the course of at least 160 years, with only Gildarts Clive managing to return from the mission alive.

Now, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Jellal, Gray and Erza are faced with the Goshinryū also known as The Five Dragon Gods or The Penta Drake in a battle. The five dragon gods launched an all out attack in unison against the mages. Viernes with his gold elemental magic, Selene with the power of the stars, Mercphobia with his voluminous water, Aldoron who absorb the nutrients from the living, and Ignia with his intense fire created a huge orb like energy- so powerful that it vaporizes anything it touches. Erza knew that there will be no surviving this attack.

She looked at her nakama who were bracing themselves for the impact. In an impulse, out of her instincts she lunged forward, summoned her demon blade benizakura poured out all her magical power into it. She enchanted everyone with a dragon slaying magic shield that she learned from Wendy when she was in her Irene form to make sure that they will not be harmed, although this magical spell will shorten the caster's life span, hence, declaring it a forbidden magic, still she risked her own life to save them. Magic circles appear under Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Jellal, and Gray as a red flash of aura emitted securing a shield around each one of them feeling like Erza wrapped them in a warm hug.

Being the only daughter of the Dragon Enchantress- the former dragon queen and the mother of all dragon slayers- Irene Belserion, made her a half dragon and a half human, she was able to use a powerful magic that even surpasses the dragon gods but will definitely drain her life force because of her mortal body not being able to withstand its immense magical power and might rip and torn her body apart in the process.

"It was time. The time I knew would come sooner or later but dreaded. I had to say goodbye to the only people that I felt cared, to the family that I felt happy with- my friends. If I could go back to when I first join the guild I will do it all over again and I wouldn't change a single thing. I have not lived fully, but I am not afraid of death specially if it means that you will be able to live on and continue with your adventure. Goodbye and I love you all. My companions make my heart strong. If I'm fighting for those I love, I care not what happens to this body." she thought. 

"Lend me your strength, my dear friends" she shouted as she went forward slashing the orb with her sword dividing it and piercing through killing all the five dragons with her attack, but her physical mortal body was damaged and injured- almost like a sheet of paper almost torn and ripped apart, multiple severe wounds and cuts, bruises and blood covered her as a result of that fight. She knew that her sacrifice ended the war and saved the world so with her last breath she let out a beautiful genuine smile. "Even if I can't see. Even if I can't hear. Even if I die. I have light inside me. The path I walked with my friends, is bringing light to my future. I don't fear anything! This isn't even worthy of being called pain! The worst pain is.. The pain of losing your light.." she said inwardly as darkness over takes her.

Her lifeless body fell from the sky as the dragon's turn into ash and disappearing into nothingness. Blinding white light hit her from all angles, invading her vision with unnatural luminosity. If someone ever stuck their head in a pile of snow, this, she supposed, would be what it looked like. Freezing, all consuming, merciless. 

She hits the ground and her magical barrier faded as her life faded away. They ran towards her and Wendy tried everything to heal her but it was too late. "Erza sama, I'm sorry, I wasn't able to protect you because I'm weak, once again you protected me- us" she cried as she prayed to Kami to bring her back to life. She remembered that day she lost her guild- Cait Shelter and when she was down and lonely, Erza was the one who saved her, taking her in and asked her to join fairy tail and that their bond are stronger than of those who are sisters by blood. Gray tried to shake her gently to wake her up but it was no use. His tears began falling from his eyes as he hugs her tight screaming his lungs out. The memories of the day she joined the guild and Cana's fortune telling told him that it was his lucky day that Erza was his lucky charm- indeed for she saved him many times that he lost count "Don't you die on me now Erza, I have so much to tell you, I love you Erza" Gray whispered in her ear, his tears rolling to her pale cheeks and planted a soft kiss unto her lips, then snow started to fall as if the coldness of his heart manifested. Natsu was shocked and remembered the day that Erza stopped both of Gray and his attack and she confessed how she loved both of them.  Jellal almost fainted with his heart filled with resentment and anger, his soul died as if he lost the only reason he lives.

It was raining hard. You can sense the grief, desperation and anger in the atmosphere. Every one is wearing clothes with a shade of black in them, they were all crying, sobbing and heads bent down, maybe it was them showing respect of maybe they were too afraid to look at what was in front of them. They are gathered around with puffed red eyes facing a monument with a female knight with wings her swords raised as she rides her horse and below it a tombstone says:

Here lies

Erza Scarlet

X765 - X784 

"She Erza Scarlet, was loved by God and she loved God and she loved all of us, her dear friends.Her heart was bigger than the endless sky and her sword gleamed brilliantly for the sake of those she loved. Her figure dancing like a fairy, was more beautiful than any of nature's great vistas. Love makes people strong and it is love, too, that can make people weak... I loved her like my own daughter. She will be known as Fairy Tail's 7th Guild Master. I pray that she may rest in peace" Makarov Dreyar, Guild master said while sobbing and sniffing.

"The magic council has voted unanimously, one of the two newly opened seats shall be eternally granted to this woman. Erza Scarlet shall henceforth be counted among the ten great holy mages. The first seat in the Ten Wizard Saints" The group of magic council leaders and the current wizard saints of Ishgar declared but still the guild is wrecked with pain over her loss.

 "Stop fooling around! What the hell do you think you're all doing!?!? Erza isn't dead!!! How the hell could she die?"  Natsu growled with anger and denial and he destroyed the flower decorations on her grave.

"Natsu please stop. Please just stop. You need to take a look at reality" Lucy shouted and sobbed in tears.

"Why you" Gray said stopping Natsu and pinning him to the ground.

"Get off me, Erza is alive" Natsu screamed and started to cry as well as everybody else. Jellal just stood there silently, his face blank and his eyes were dead and lifeless.

Erza wakes up in front of a a door, used in traditional Japanese architecture, consisting of translucent sheets on a lattice frame vertical rectangular panels which can slide from side to side. She reached her hands to open the Shōji to reveal a Chashitsu- traditional Japanese waiting room designed for exclusive tea ceremony use.

Weird enough she cannot remember a single thing. Her memory is gone like she was just born into the world with pure innocence. She do not know her past, where she's from or who she was. She is totally unaware of her abilities like everything was erased.  She tried to think but her mind is blank. It was chaos in her head; She did not know where she was. "How did I get here? What to do? Where to go?" she asked inwardly. Her memory was blurred, the past a fading dream and nothing to prove if it was real. She did not know anything and stood there all alone...with no hope... nothing but sadness and confusion to live with for the first time the mighty Titania was unsure and was afraid, scared of what is going to happen.

She gathered her courage and stepped inside the senkaimon then another door beyond it opened and a Jigokuchō a hell butterfly that has a completely black body with purple wings that has a black outline. The jigokuchō guided Erza through the senkaimon that lead her to a totally new world. This is where her new journey begins.

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