
Comments of chapter undefined of The System: Civilian Shinobi


keep it up bro. I like the fresh twist on naruto's storyline.


Okay, I can understand that your MC has flaw and seem beta and all even taht he's loyal to konoha and spread his ass for them but get you facts straight KONOHA IS NOT A MILITARY DICTATORSHIP! Where the **** did you get the impression? Danzo is a dictator Konoha have a military system but no it's not a dictatorship, Ninjas are free to refuse mission they do not wish to do but it's not shown because the missions are given depending on the ninja and knowing that said ninja will accept, did you even watch the show ? Hashirama wanted peace and created the village for such purpose Now the hokage is the leading figure but it does not mean that you have to follow his order to the letter it's not ROOT! The hokage gives his missions depending on the ninja which is why most don't refuse because he know that they are willing to do as said It's a Shinobi system that ressemble a lot Military system but it certainly is not a dictatorship so stop writing as if it's one I don't care about him being a wimp and being loyal doing everything told if that's his character but don't go on changing the background of the village to something it's not!


towards the the author section yes i get your point of view HOWEVER we are also talking about tsunade here she would NEVER force a marriage after what happened to the love of her life, that and tobi's character wasnt this beta to begin with until after you had your short hiatus, it seems to me that you in something of a creative rutt so to speak, and im not saying this to get under your nerves, im saying this as some one that enjoyed reading it up till the finals of the chunin exams


When the author can't take even legit criticisms, the story is guarantee to go downhill.


well the idea was to build a peaceful village..... and not even blood mist forced people to marry..not exactly like you mitary state,not that i have anything against this forced marriage as it might be nullified anyway but still just saying.


Sigh... honestly I'm just gonna drop this. The story just isn't for me anymore as I've lost interest over the past few chapters. Best of luck with writing though!


also you're making your MC look like a retard as well he's supposed to be ridiculously mad that his sword teacher was killed by the hidden sand and Orochimaru's plot that means and this is also shown in the show and Cannon kankuro Gaara and TEMARI was aware what was going on the entire time which means by extension key should hate them to and yet you're going around making him think at least she's pretty? let me tell you something man when you hate somebody enough their looks don't mean s*** these guys killed his teacher and he's cool with marrying one of the members of the squad who did it. that says a lot about his personality


author everything you said in your note was wrong Shinobi can refuse missions from the Hokage if they think it's not suited for them also Tsunade of all people definitely wouldn't Force anybody into a marriage 3rd you've already let all the village higher-ups know that he has the Sharingan there's no way the leaf will let the Sharingan fall into the hidden Sands hands even if they do have to go back on their agreement after all the sand went back on their agreement first you just seem like you don't have a good grasp of the internal musings of the Hidden leaf


I'm not a fan of stupid MCs to be honest. I mean, I honestly think he could do a better job even when he is not a reincarnation. Another topic is that it seems normal to assign a seduction mission to a 12 year old kid, or so the MC suspects. This makes me think that author is pretending to normalize this situation, kids having thoughts about *** and all that you already know, not my cup of tea. I'm dropping here, I really doubt this will get better for me.


I don't think he's a beta,just a textbook shinobi.but him pinning towards ino is kinda make him stupid.as from ur story she only treated him as a backup guy or something and she chose sasuke at a critical point.normally ino is tolerable but in this I don't like her.well with temari....as long it goes well and with some kinda logic,the ship can sail.all ship can sail author,its how u write from the start.u chaps kinda made some of us dislike ino😅.temari well , she's is like tobi(text book shinobi).how it goes depends on u.


Thank for the chapter just ignore those that said that the mc is a beta and don't provide any help to prove the point. Konoha is a military dictatorship in where bloodlines powers are a very important thing so while forcing them may be not part of the hokage power they can still propose them whit the option to refuse.


Author why did they not cancel the marriage?? He has the sharingan no way they are gonna let that fall into the hands of suna.


This's not Comment Section.. This is fucking Warzone... Who'll win???? Beta MC Author that cant differ between Military Dictatorship Village and cant accept that that Hokage is actually powerless to Civilian Council, if this Military Dictatorship, why Danzo can do as he please, why previous Hokage succumb to demand of Civilian Councils and powerless let Elders decide the fate of Uchiha Clan been masaacred by her own kin, Hokage that doesnt have power to punish villagers that tried to harm the innocent kid that hold immersive power in his body and let the villagers do as their like without fear of Hokage and been backup by Danzo, Elders and Civilian Council.. If this is Dictatorship Village, will yhis things happen huh?? Or, The righteous readers that slowly been fade up with Author and Beta MC that think he know everything and been right to his false Justice.. The Righteous readers that been insult by Author that cant accept his wrong.. The Righteous readers that slowly abandon this story, the ones that throw up their Power Stones, so this fanfic become popular, that in the end, the fanfic that readers proud and loved slowly become worse and worse by update that Author wrote.. Who will win??? And the result will been announce in a the next update, if Author is alive and want to continue thisC Beta story, it is..


this website fanfiction section is really sad , if the mc isnt a psycopath chad "alpha" that does everything right , constantly fucks his partners to submission with is ultra mdga 15 inch dick and kills anyone that looks at him funny ppl star callin beta or simp , ppl are complaining bcause the mc accepted a arranged marriage to stop a war. Like wtf??


Like i told yall story is going downhill..


Not only did you make him marry someone who is complicit in the murder of his teacher, you also made him accept that ...


The thing about this website is that numerous readers are in the age gap between pre****/teenager, and hardly have emotional maturity to deal with a 'flawed'(Human) character. They come here seeking some ideal scenario when only victories are acceptable and the hole plot MUST somehow quicly get to the point where everything is shinny and sweet. You're doing an refreshing approach to the "Naruto" universe in this fic, with a NON-REINCARNATED character that's coerent with the situation he finds himself in.(AKA: Textbook shinobi, loyal, willing to sacrifice himself to the betterment of the village). I hope you don't take those fella's impulsive coments to heart, and as soon as they drop your book the better. Only then you'll have some peace to keep writing this story with the DEEPTH and RITHM you envisioned.


I am really getting frustrated that the MC is acting like everybody's b**ch and being effing dominated and it is getting really on my nerves


You're doing a great job so don't listen to these haters, write what you want because it's great to read, do your job and be informed that you do it very well.


Between the war that exists between the author and the readers and that I don't like stupid MCs who make more than questionable decisions and that you have to make other stupid characters so that the MC seems to shine ... This story is no longer for My, so I'll drop this novel. Good luck author-san


thanks for the chap