
the great battle.

the shinpaku allience ad the ragnorock groups had gathered kisara and freya both were conversing befor the fight.

"the one with big boobs is mine." said kisara

when the three fighters from the shinpaku alliance stepped forth those three bieng tanimoto miu and junko.

"witch one is yours again" asked freya after seing botrh busty girls.

"the blonde you can handle the brunette." she said suddenly their was a huge wooshing sound and the arrival of a newly reformed kenichi had surprised averybody since he was now sporting an entirely new uniform one miu instantly recognized as the furiji style uuniformm it was a green gi wth beige pants kenichi was also sporting an orenge battle coat and blue combat gloves and boots.

kenichi said "i'm here guys." he said.

the battle began with miu vesus kisara.

kisara came at miu going for a round house kick miu dodged it by drpping down and preforming a sweeper to her leg then came up as kisara got to her feet and went for a axe kick miu backflipeed and vpreformed a rolling flip into a diving kick.

taking kisaqra in the solar plexus kisara went for a double round house kick shouting you wont win blondie miu blocked it and said you rely on yourself to much i'm fighting for more than just me i'm fighting to defend my friends and family and that gives me the reason i need to win miu said as she kneed kisara in the head fallowed by four consecutive knee lifts then a body slide fallowed by a back drop into a stampo where holding her legs north and south she pivoted on her crying out "FURINJITO STYE ROLLING PHEONIX KICK !" in simular fashion to kenichi.

aftwer witch kenichi helped kisara revive by giving her a senzu bean she ate it and recovered.

the next fight is between freya and junko.

freya pulled her bo out and junko held up her hand as a flame danced in hjer palm.

the two faced off and freya rushed junko who caught her of haurd by rolling to the side and prforming style 99 revison the doubla axe kick caught freya's staff she disconected it turn9ing it into two escrema sticks and rushing junko with them junko dodsged the attacks and when she found an opening she preformed style 101 hazy wheel.

the jumping repetetive back spin kick knocked her up into the air then she was slamed to the ground by an nside axe kick freya usd her staff to getn junko in a choke hold but junko grabbed her and put her through an ippon-soushi-nage amonst the shinpaku aliance were members of the kusunagi-no-ken dojo and the hiryu-no-ken schoolk of kung fu they all watchyed the match while dealing with their own enemies.

kenichi watch ententively

as juko went for style 100 demon blaze the rising flaming tuirn punch knocked freya inton the air as junko powered up a flame and shouted eat that and tossed a huge wave of fire towards freya who's instinct was to dodge and counter with a rain of thrust. junko blocked them with her guard but then freye preformed a swipe that sent a shockwave towards junko junko roled out of the way and rushed up -to freya punching her in the stumacch and the lip then grabbing the staff as she released a powerfull explosion of fire from her hand destroying freya's staff into spliterring shards.

"Oh Hell!" the croud shouted.

freya admited defeat and she had found a new found respect for these three fist fighting girls.

the next fight was between natsu tanimoto and berzerker.

berzerker started off with a roundhouse kick witch natsu dodged and countered with a palm to the stumch then natsu went for a axe kick witch berzerker dodged and exchanged with a right round house natsu went for a slap that caught berzerker on the chin then aq cyclone palm that caught berzerker off guard and got natsu behind him as he struck him in the kidneys with a byakko soushoha berzerker turned around and swept tanimoto's leg before going for a repetetive backflip heel drop but natsu rolled out of the way and caught berzerker with a snap kick then he went for a spearhand into a back knuckle. then thrust his elboow out into a shimoun chouchu and finally punched him with a moukoh kouhazan.

that combo knocked him down as he rushed natsu who got him in a kung fu grip and preformed the same move kenichi did to Loki dislocating his arm and slinging him to the ground like a rag doll.

he crawled over to odin and begged him for help but odin tricked him and threw him into the air then fired off a fire ball at him.

kenichi recognized that as shirahama style martial art's so it's true kensei ogata did train with my grandpa.


"kenichi you may not know this but you're grandpa and i trained a disciple before you."

"his name was kensei ogata but fearing the evil in him we only trained him in four techniques."

"the seikuken the uragan the fire ball and the ikari technique." "there is no doubt that he would have taught ryuto these techniques as well."

(end flashback)

"kenichi stepped forward you would try and kill your own ally!"

that's it btake off your glasses."


kenichi released his aura.


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