

We walked hand and hand down the hallway, to the PE changing room.

Luckily, we meet no people at all during the walk. They're probably preparing for a school festival.

Although I wouldn't mind telling the whole school about our relationship, I want to keep Ryuu happy and away from gossip for this period of time.

This is only our first week together after all.

Reaching the locker room, I had Ryuu stay outside before going in.

'She' doesn't have PE this semester luckily, so 'she' never had to change with the other male students and deal with that mess.

I could totally see 'her' just panicking and blushing every time 'she' sees someone's naked upper body.

Ryuu, though, doesn't take this well at all. His face turned a bit black and he was starting to drink vinegar.

As much as I like seeing him being jealous, I promised him that this time would be the only and last time I would go into the boy's locker room. Only then did Ryuu calmed down and started looking more pouty instead, which nearly made me pitch his cheeks.

As for the matter of the boy's locker room, all I have to do is to make up a condition that wouldn't let me join PE. I just have to hack into the school's network.

If someone just did that in the beginning, I wouldn't have to do this at all. But then again, what did I expect from someone roughly copying my skills?

'... You do know that you're in the sports festival right?'



FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFf- sigh. Nevermind. Since that won't work, I'll just make it so it says that I can't join PE because of personal reasons and hope for the best.


If not, I'll call Tatsuya for help. Since I helped him with his family, he should help me back. He shouldn't be a grateful trash right?


Then again, this all began with ACCEPTING YUU'S REQUEST for the sports festival.


Thankfully everything is going to work out, OTHERWISE we would have a huge problem.

'I'm sorry...'

Oh well, I just have to make the best of things. I am TOTALLY having a great time with this.

'...' NervousLaughter.jpg

Fortunately, Ryuu's here so things wouldn't be that bad.

'Right, right!'

I mentally sighed.

Whatever, what is done is done. Time to leave.

I finished changing and left the locker room. I find Ryuu leaning on the wall.

"I'm done changing. Let's go." I smiled and started walking.

"Ok." Ryuu nodded, though he looked a bit disappointed.

Easily knowing what made him sad, I turned back and held his hand.

"Come on." I gave Ryuu a doting smile as he brightened up.

He nodded then we walked towards the field Yuu said we'd met up at.

'She' has never been to the fields at the back, so I don't know the exact location either. Though from what I've heard from Akira and had seen from the little bit of view from our classroom, I had some idea of where it is.

After flitting around for a few minutes, we finally reached the field. We met no one on the way surprisingly.

I let go of Ryuu's hand when I saw Yuu in the distance, much to Ryuu's disappointment. To my surprise, there were quite a few people around him.

I thought he'd isolate us, though I suppose Ryuu would have been here too.

Before walking over, I turned to face Ryuu.

"Are you sure you want to stay and watch? It's going to be boring for you, you know?"

"I don't mind." Ryuu shook his head. "And it wouldn't be boring as long as I'm looking at you."

I smiled brightly.

He's such a natural flirt. I bet he doesn't realize it at all.

'Obviously. He's saying them way too smoothly.'

"Alright, I'm going to practice with Yuu-kun now. Try not to get jealous, ok?"

Ryuu pursed his lips, before nodding slowly.

He's so cute.

I took a quick peep at Yuu and his crowd. After confirming that no one's looking over here, I gave Ryuu a quick peck on the lips.

"Cheer up. I will only be yours ok?"

"Ok." Ryuu blushed a little.

After engraving that face into my head like the many ones before, I finally turned back towards Yuu and started walking forward.

As I walked over, I saw Yuu perk up and waved at me.

"There you are, Haru!" Yuu excitedly yelled, though he stiffened a little when he realized that Ryuu was behind me.

I waved back, trying to contain my smile.

The others around him didn't exactly seem as welcoming until they saw Ryuu. Which some of them then turned their face away.

Huh. So this is what it feels like having a bigshot behind me.

"Some of the team wanted to practice too, so they followed me." Yuu spoke with a smile, but I could tell he was not happy.

It's starting to be harder to contain my smile.

"I see. So that's why they're here." I'm glad that Ryuu is here, otherwise I'd have to deal with an irritated Yuu and irritated groupies by myself.

It's satisfying to see them irritated but can't do anything because of my backup.

"Are you fast, Suzuki-kun? Can you even keep up with Yuu-kun?" One of the braver girls went on the offense right away! Even with my backup!

I applaud you for your courage!

'I don't think she saw Ryuu.'

Apparently, love can literally make one blind!

"I won't say I'm fast, but I'm not slow either." I defended myself.

"And-" Seeing that Yuu was starting to speak, I cut in.

"Plus, the three legged race is more about being in sync than being fast."

"So-" Seeing the girl was starting to speak, I cut in.

"Why are you asking this anyway? If you're worried about me dragging Yuu-kun down, I won't. Also, why are you worried when the person in question is not?"

"You-" Seeing that another girl was starting to speak, I cut in.

"In addition, I know that you're Yuu-kun's fan, but you're not being a good one."

"How dare-" Seeing as the girl who attacked me was starting to speak again, I cut in.

"I mean really? You just tried to mock me! I know you're doing it to help Yuu-kun, but it's a really, really, dumb AND terrible way to support him."

"How do you-" Seeing that another one of Yuu's fans was starting to speak, I cut in.

"Furthermore, you could have actually harmed him instead of helping."

"There's no way-" Seeing that the girl who started this speak again, I cut in.

"People could easily misunderstand your actions. For example, I could've told people that Yuu's fans are crazily obsessed with Yuu-kun, and that they would mock people if they cause Yuu-kun to feel even the slightest grievances. This would in turn make people think that Yuu-kun and his fans aren't good people at all."

This time no one started to speak. After waiting a few seconds, I continued.

"Thankfully, I'm not that kind of person, and I understand how dumb fans can be when it comes to their idol. If it was someone else though, things wouldn't go so well. Yuu-kun's reputation could have been ruined."

Seeing that some of the fans had a slightly pale face, I finally decided to stop grinding them down.

"All right then. This time was an honest mistake, but you better be more careful in the future alright?"

The fans nodded. I nodded back, feeling proud like a teacher that successfully taught the bad students on what's the right thing to do.

I gave my students a warm, doting smile of a parent, before turning towards Yuu.

"Come on, let's go practice now."

"Ok." Yuu looked like he was still dazed while he walked to the track.

I followed behind him, while Ryuu followed behind me.

Taking a quick glance back, I found the fans huddled around that one girl. Although they looked like they were only talking with each other, the girl's eyes were red.

'I know that you wanted to vent your rage a little, but did you have to go that far manipulating them?'

I ignored the non-existing voice in my head, and instead took another glance back.

This time I saw a few of the fans comforting the girl, who was smiling now.

'... Alrighty then. Never mind.'

I smiled on the outside, while I sneered at the idiot on the inside.


When I glanced back at the fans, I also took a peek at Ryuu. He had exactly the same expression, as the one before I started talking to Yuu and his fans.

I don't think he understood what I said at all...

'Hey! He's not that dumb!'

I mentally sighed to myself.

He's a dummy, but he's my dummy.

'I thought he was your puppy?'

He's my dummy puppy.


###This Is Definitely, Purely An Extra/Omake, And Not Written For Word Counts.###

'Say... Why is Ryuu so gentle with us?'

Hm? What do you mean?

'I mean, I know we taught him the proper way to show love, but it shouldn't have made him this submissive, right?'

Ah, you're right.

'Yeah, so what's the reason for this huge change?'

I don't really know. It might be because we fainted twice in a row right in front of him which made him super careful with us, but who knows. It could be anything.


I'll do a special chapter update on Christmas, as a Christmas present, to make up for the late updates and last-last week's skipped chapter.


I should really start stocking up chapters... With more words too...

Inactiverightnowcreators' thoughts
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