
Chapter Thirty Nine.

"We are here " Lucas announced as he pulled up outside a huge mansion .

"It's so big. The last time I was here the house wasn't this big. " she said getting out of the car, amazed by the view before her

" But this, " she pointed to the compound " All this is the same" a smile made its way to her face .

"The swing...its still here. It was here the last time . Oh and the huge mango tree. Every December the tree would be filled with ripe mangoes, I used to love it. "she rambled on.

"Come on, let's go in" Lucas said.

"Yes yes. Let's go in"

They walked towards the door and Lucas rang the doorbell. After a few seconds a boy, around 13 years old opened the door.

"Yes, how may I help you? " he asked politely.

'He looks just like dad' Zawadi thought. The same sharp jaw, same blue eyes, same long neck even his smile matched Charlie's.

"We are here to see Mr and Mrs Mwamba" Lucas spoke.

"Mom, Dad, there is someone here for you " he shouted facing upstairs.

Zawadi was beyond shocked. Mom? Dad? That meant he was her brother. She gasped as she moved near him.

"You are their son? " she asked, her voice almost above a whisper.

"Uhm yeah " the young boy answered .

Zawadi couldn't help it. Tears started falling down her face. She threw herself into the boy's arms.

"I have a brother, I can't believe it. " she cried happily and turned around to hug Lucas, ignoring the confused look she was getting from the boy.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Uhm Amani? " It was more of a question than an answer.

"Amani" Zawadi said with a smile.

"Here are my parents " Amani said, turning his gaze to the couple coming down the stairs.

Zawadi couldn't believe it. At last she was face to face with her parents. She had dreams of this moment ever day for the past eleven years yet none of the dreams she had could ever compare to this.

"Mom" she whispered stepping closer to her.

She moved closer to Lisa and caressed her cheek lightly.

"I have missed you so much " she said as she moved to hug her.

"I have waited for so long to meet the both of you. I have missed you both so much. That day when I couldn't find you, I was so terrified. I thought I would never see you both ever again. I can't believe I am standing here right now. I am so happy. " Zawadi said hugging her mother tightly.

When she realized that Lisa wasn't hugging her back, she stepped back and looked up at her.

"What's wrong mother? " she asked, worried. "Oh I know, you are overwhelmed with happiness. To be honest I feel the same. I am here mom , I really am here. Your daughter is here. " she took Lisa's palm and placed it on her cheek a smile still on her lips.

"Get out"Lisa said, a little above a whisper.

"What? " Zawadi asked confused.

"I said GET OUT" she repeated a bit too loudly.

"What? Why? What are you saying " she asked confused.

"She said you should get out" her father said.

"Father, what is going in. It's me, Zawadi. What... what are you saying? It's your daughter "she said her voice full of desperation.

"We know you are Zawadi, but you are not our daughter anymore. Our daughter died eleven years ago. Since then we only have one child and that is Amani"her father said pointing to her brother.

"There must be a misunderstanding, I am not dead. Mom look at me. I am here. I am not dead, okay? I am here" she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"You are wrong. We are no longer your parents. You are dead to us. We know you are Zawadi, but you are not our daughter any more " her mother spoke.

"Mom, what are you saying? " she asked.

"When you disappeared from the park that day, we looked for you everywhere, but we couldn't find you. We were so heartbroken. And so every day, we looked for you. We informed the police, you father even hired a private investigator. But every day it was the same news. You were nowhere to be seen .

For years it was the same pattern and everyday it hurt even more. Until one day we found a lead. We found out where you where and we were so happy.

The next day we left first thing in the morning to come and get you. So that we can bring you back home. But when we came... when we came to get you, you were living in a brothel.

It was too late and you were already a prostitute. So then how could we bring you back with us?

You are a disgrace. You have brought share to our family and our name. Since that day you stopped being my daughter. That day you died in our eyes" Her mother explained.

By now Zawadi was in tears. It was the same feeling she had gotten when Lucas had accused her of the same. But this time it's was even worse because this time she also felt rejected, she felt unwanted.

And all of those dreams she had ever had of living happily ever after with her family were shattered.

"It's a misunderstanding, I am not a prostitute. No, no. I am not like that. I am your daughter. I love you both so much. Please, I am telling the truth " she shouted desperately.

"I am sorry, but it will be better if you leave .Your father has just started his career in politics and with the election season coming up we can't have the whole country talking about his prostitute of a daughter. It would ruin his image. "Her mother said without an ounce of remorse in her voice.

"Mrs Mwamba, she is your daughter. How can you just let a misunderstanding get in the way of your relationship. She has been looking for you for so long and you just reject her? What kind of a mother are you? " Lucas asked.

"You are asking me that kind of mother in? What about her? What kind if a daughter is she? She has brought nothing but shame to this family. I curse the day she was born " Lisa spat out with malice.

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