
Chapter Thirty Five.

Zawadi woke up the next morning feeling tired. She barely slept thinking about how to make Lucas believe her. She went to the kitchen and made them both breakfast.

"Good morning " she greeted Lucas when he walked into the kitchen already dressed in one of his expensive suits.

"Why are you still here? "he asked harshly.

"Well, I live here. With you remember? " she said softly.

"I was hoping that you would have some shame and get your sluty ass out of my house before I throw you out. " he all but shouted.

"Why don't you listen to me before you jump into any conclusions. " she practically begged.

"Listen to you? Just admit that all you wanted from the beginning was my money. That's what you do, you go around throwing yourself at men then you steal their money. It's who you are" he spat out.

"who I am ?You haven't even given me a chance to properly explain my part of the story. And then you come here with some random chick and kiss her upfront of me. Saying I am just like her.

I love you. I have never been with any other man. Ever. I thought you trusted me, but no. You would rather listen to everyone else but me.

I am putting up with all this because I love you. Otherwise I wouldn't let you humiliate me like you did yesterday."

she said on the verge of tears.

"You are such a drama queen. Well ,let me tell you something. I will make your life a living hell. You have messed with the wrong man. " He said and walked away.

Zawadi bit her lower lip to keep herself from bursting into tears. It was as if this was a different Lucas all together. Or maybe this was how he truly was from the beginning but she had refuses to see it.

Oh it hurt! It hurt so much to have the one you love treat you like nothing, like a pile of dirt under their shoes. It was like stepping on a pile of broken glass barefooted.

She wouldn't give up though. ' He would come to his senses soon' she made herself believe.

She knew that living without him would be like living without purpose, for she had meant it when she said that she had given him her life, her heart, her body and her soul.

"Nothing good comes easy" she told herself and went to get ready.

She was going to have to endure all the negatives thrown her way. For him, only for him.

And she knew that he would be worth it.

Zawadi got ready and left for the dance school. She didn't go to the office like she usually did. She thought it would be better to give Lucas some space. For him to think and calm down .

"Hi, miss Zawadi" One of the children greeted.

"Hi Lara, " Zawadi answered, looking at Lara reminded her of the time she had gone with Lucas to a Children's Home.

It had been a wonderful day, but then all her days with Lucas were. She had gotten so used to him being around that the thought of him breaking things off made an unbearable pain appear on her chest.

"Why are you crying? " Little Lara asked.

"It's nothing baby, I am just happy to be your teacher" she lied.

"We are happy to have you as our teacher " Lara remarked, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Cell on everybody, line up" Zawadi directed the children who followed immediately.

The day went by quite slow for Zawadi. She caught herself checking her watch every five minutes.

She was eager to go back home, to see Lucas even though he was mad at her.

He needed time, she told herself , he was just in shock, the news hadn't been light after all. He would come around, eventually.

She packed her things and left the class immediately after she was done.

'He must have come to his senses. He must be waiting for me. ' she thought again and increased her speed, almost running to get a cab.

"Thank you sir, keep the change " she told the driver as she got off.

She ran into the house . Excitement and hope coursing through her. The excitement of seeing him after all those hours and hope that he had believed her.

She saw his car packed outside, and a smile crept on her face.

She knew he would be in the bedroom so she went straight there.

With a sigh of hope, she opened the bedroom door wide.

"Lucas" she whispered disappointed when she took in the sight before her.

"She stood still for a while, taking in the sight of a man and a woman lying on the bed, both naked, with the woman under the man, moaning .

"Zawadi" Lucas said his tone laces with guilt. As if he hadn't expected her to be there.

"I am sorry for interrupting you... please excuse me" she whispered then turned and walked out the door, shutting it behind her.

"Zawadi, please let me explain " Lucas shouted coming after her.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain anything. I saw it all. "she brought her palms to her cheeks, whipping her tears.

"I don't know what came over me. I don't know why I did it. Please , I am sorry " Lucas pleaded moving near her. In return she took a few steps back.

"It's doesn't really matter anymore. It's not your fault. I should have seen it. I should have seen that you don't want me, that you can I can never be together. I mean look at you and look at me" he frowned at her last statement.

"Cupcake please don't say that. I was wrong and I shouldn't have done what o did. I should have listened to you. I am sorry" he said.

"I told you that you have my life in your hands. That you can either make me happy or kill me. Today, you have killed me. But I don't blame you. I asked for it. I knew it would happen, I just hopped that you would see that I love you and that would be enough " this time, she let the tears flow freely.

"Cupcake, you are wrong. " he said.

"I am right... It hurts. It hurts so much. Right here " she placed her palm on her chest, rubbing it furiously.

"It's killing me. It's suffocating me, and I don't know how to stop it. I want to stop so bad but I don't know how.

I don't want to trouble you.

I know you don't want me and it's fine. It's a free country. You are allowed to choose whoever you want.

All I ask is that you please give me the information about my parents. That is all I ask. " she said and took a deep breath.

"Baby, I love you. I always will. Please sit down so we can talk calmly. We can sort this out. please just sit down. " he moved to touch her but she jerked back.

"Love, you love me. When you love someone you don't hurt them. You try your best to keep them happy. You do everything for their happiness. You are happy when their happy and your sorrow is theirs. But you won't understand. It will be better for both of us if I leave. Don't worry, you will never see me again ."

"No, don't say that I won't see you again. Don't you love me? "

"I love you, but that is not enough " she said.

"You can't just give up on us. You can't just throw our relationship away like that. I thought you said you would never leave me " He said sadly.

"It will be better if we live separately. I can tolerate you not talking to me. You being cold. But sleeping with another woman I can't take. We are not meant to be. Just give me my parents address and I'll be gone. "

"Look, Zawadi... "

"Text me the address" she said and walked out the door.

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