
Chapter Five.

Zawadi quickly stripped out of her clothes before changing into her silk nightdress. She was tired and all she wanted to was sleep. She had already ate back at the dinner, so all that was left was to get some rest.

She had just gotten under the covers when her phone rang.

She wondered who was calling her at the time. Very few people had her number and none of them was likely to call at the time.

Maybe it's a wrong number, she thought moving closer to her nightstand.

She took the phone with a sigh and brought it to her ear.

"Hello" She greeted letting out a yawn.

"Hello love" the person on the other end greeted.

Love? Who would call her that? Maybe it was a wrong number after all. But the voice sounded so familiar.

"I'm sorry sir but I think you have the wrong number "she informed, frowning.

"Oh no love, I know exactly who I'm talking to,Zawadi or I'm I wrong? " the caller said.

"How do you know my name? " she asked, wondering who it was.

"You don't know me? I am deeply wounded love. Here is a hint, I'm your dream come true. " He chuckled at the end.

Only one person she had met had an ego that big. And the voice.....

The billionaire, she thought and smiled. Why was he calling her so late? No, why was he calling her at all?

She hadn't expected him to call... at all. She had expected him to forget about her the moment here left through the doors of the dinner.

"You there, cupcake? or are you dreaming of me? "He asked definitely amused, from the sound of his voice .

"Y-yes, I mean no, I'm not dreaming of you " she stuttered.

"I called to confirm that date I was to have with you ," He said at length.

"What date? I did not agree to any date." she retorted.

"Come on sugar, you know you want to. What are you afraid of? Just say yes, it will be worth it, "

She really did want to go, but she couldn't. She couldn't get close to anyone. They would end up leaving, and she would be left to tend to the wounds left in her heart. Just as it was with Ahana and Eugene.

But it was only one date. Surely it was harmless. She couldn't get attached after just one date, could she?

"Okay fine, One date, but it has to be simple, okay? " she said and yawned again.

"Of course honey, anything you want. Now I'll let you sleep " He let out a laugh.

"Wait, I have two questions for you, "she said shyly.

"Ask away love" He said huskily.

"First, what is your name " And second, why do you use endearments while addressing me? Oh and where will you take me for the date tomorrow? "

she asked cautiously.

He let out a laugh before answering, " First of all your questions were three, not two, but I will answer them anyway. My name is Lucas Steele. And I use endearments because I like you. and they suit you. You are very beautiful cupcake. You have no idea how beautiful you are. Today all the men in the dinner were just staring at you. Every one of them . That's how beautiful you are. As for the date, it's a surprise, but don't worry, it will be simple. Just like you want it. You will not regret it. Now sleep, you are tired. Oh, and dream of me." He cooed just as the line went dead.

She could not believe it, she had just agreed to go on a date with him... a total stranger.

.Maybe it would be better than she thought, she hoped it would. She climbed onto the bed and let sleep take her.

Lucas sat at the edge of his King sized bed thinking about Zawadi.

He hadn't been able to get her out of his head since she bumped into him earlier that morning.

She was beautiful, but even saying so would be an injustice to her looks.

She had it all. A perfect body, a perfect face, a perfect voice... oh her voice. Just her voice managed to make him want her. Hey wanted her in ways He had never wanted a woman before.

He had been at the edge of control just while talking to her. Her voice alone had the power to give him a hard on.

He had been with other women before . The models she had mentioned, but none of them had ever appealed to him like she did.

She was everything he had ever dreamed of and more.

It wouldn't be easy to get her, but it would be worth it. She wasn't like the other women who at the mention of his name, lined up to warn his bed. She was different.

She had known he was a billionaire but hadn't treated him differently, and that made him want her even more.

Now that she was going on a date with him, hey was going to make it so good, she would want to go with him on another date.

He would Beverley her go so easily. Women like her were hard to find.

And besides she was his.

'Mine' He whispered, a smile tugging at his lips.

He would do as she wanted, but never let her go. She had asked for a simple date, and that is exactly what she would get.

Simple but, his own definition of simplicity.

He remembered how perfectly her eyebrows swept up at the end. The way her lips were inviting. Hey had wanted to kiss her at that very moment but he's reminded himself that timing was everything.

There would come a time when he's would take more than a kiss, but today was not the day.

He got under the covers ready to sleep. With a certain woman on his mind and a hard on from thinking of her. Hey would wait, however long it took to convince her.

But one day, she would be his.

One day.

He sighed and went to sleep.

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