
Side Story: Ray's Crash Course In Life 20

He twisted around trying to untangle himself from the seat belt his mind in a haze until he heard a sound that sent a surge of relief through him. His son's innocent cry, he was alright. but as soon as he managed to turn around he knew why his son was alright. Leilah's limp body was still thrown over the car seat...

Blood was seeping into the pearly white blouse Leilah was wearing as her body limply dangled over Hunter's carrier. His son's screams were like a hellish background sound that couldn't overpower the ringing in his ears.

He could hear people from outside the car, after all, they were in the middle of the street. He could hear them calling out to them and asking if they were okay, but his eyes never left Leilah's limp body as if in a trance.

His father talked to people outside then turned to him talking, but Ray couldn't hear him, He could see his lips moving and heard unidentified words seeping into his ears, but he couldn't understand what he was saying.

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