
The letter (3)

After spitting out my concern, I wait for the court to absorb my words. I turned the situation in my favour, showing how the supposed late appearance of this letter should concern his majesty and his protectors.

This doesn't just discharge me of any accusation of treason, but it also shows that someone hid it from his majesty.

Now, the only thing left is to prove that my claims are founded.

«Months?» the Emperor murmurs. He looks at the paper and crooks his mouth, confused. This is a surprise, isn't it?

I'm a few steps ahead...

«Yes, your majesty. The letter is months old,» I reply. «What can be the reason for asking me only now?»

Oh, the reason is simple. The Empress had the missive in her hands only a few days ago. She delivered it to the Emperor as soon as possible.

«Why was it kept secret?» I continue.

It wasn't kept secret for the simple reason that it didn't exist. Yet, the Empress can't know it.

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