
A spoiled wife sleeps till late

The night passes fast, except for the dream I have. It's the second time, already.

In this one, I can see myself sleeping in my bed in Polis. A warm breeze flows from the windows, and the night sky is full of stars.

It's the middle of summer, and the only light in the room is the candle near the door.

My face is peaceful, and I don't think I'm wearing any clothes. I see a hand caressing my hair, and I understand it's of the person whose memory I'm reliving.

When I open my eyes, in the morning, I don't precisely remember what I dreamt about, but I can feel this unyielding warmth in my chest. I stretch my arms and smile to the Duke.

He's already ready for the hunt. His clothes are dark as always, but the details are all red or golden. A diamond broach reminds me that he's a nobleman of high ranks. He combed his hair back and fixed it with wax. I already knew that my Duke was handsome, but it's the first time I see him actually dolled up. It's refreshing, and a part of me realises that I like his appearance more than what it's adequate.

He walks to the bed and plants a kiss on my forehead.

«Am I not supposed to be there as well?» I mutter. Why didn't he wake me up earlier? I'll need at least half an hour to dress, not to mention that I can't go there in everyday attire!

Ladies give their best wishes before the hunt, and then they stay there and all together wait for the end. Which usually happens at sunset, but this time the Emperor ordered to finish earlier. So that we can all prepare for the evening banquet.

«Probably,» Alexander chuckles. «But my wife is a bit spoiled, and she'll sleep till late.»

I crook my mouth, pretending to feel offended. The Duke just decided that I need to be spoiled, even though we agreed to show our connection to the court. How can they all witness our lovely farewell if I'm not there?

«Let them wait for you,» he says, and I get up in a hurry.

I'm full of energy, right now, but I don't know what to do. I reach a gown and contemplate it with tons of doubts. Then, I consider that getting ready now means forcing the Duke to be late as well.

«I will let them wait,» I nod, putting the gown back. I walk back towards the bed but stop next to the Duke.

«Martia will come to get you at midday. All right?»


«You're in a good mood. Is it because we're finally having a ceremony?»

«I'll let you think that,» I giggle. «I'll let you believe that you're that relevant to me...»

«I don't remember your kiss for good luck!» he exclaims as if he recalled it right now.

«That's because I haven't given you one,» I explain, with the tone of a patient teacher. «And you won't get it.»

«Why not?» he mumbles, visibly disappointed.

«Because your wife is still sleeping lazily,» I shrug. «She won't see you off.»

The Duke chuckles and, as fast as the wind, he surrounds my waist with his arms, while I wince surprised. I try to turn away, but he blocks my chin between his fingers.

He lightly caresses my lips with his, waiting for me to consent him to go further. Only then, he dares to kiss me.

I close my eyes and gasp at this familiar feeling. Feeling wanted is so pleasing. It makes me forget about my situation, even if for just a few minutes. Also, the Duke knows very well how to kiss a woman. Every time, he understands how to calm me when I'm nervous, how to comfort me when I'm scared, and how to cheer me up when I'm sad. His caresses change according to the situation, with the only constant of his sharp eyes noticing my mood and thoughts.

«Don't go there alone,» he whispers between a kiss and the other. «Wait for Martia. And don't go out of this room until lunchtime. Deal?»

«What am I supposed to do for so long?» I reply, backing away.

«You've done nothing for weeks, you can endure a few more hours, right? Also, you have to prepare for the banquet. Isn't it stressful enough?»

I sigh. How much time should I take to dress up? It usually takes me more than half an hour, but this time it will be a special occasion. Rather than the dress itself, hairstyle and make-up will take much of my energy.

I pout my lips, sighing at the thought of the torture that is waiting for me.

«Are you this unhappy about it?» the Duke chuckles. He's still holding my waist, but he's not trying to kiss or touch me. He's just looking at me like at a weird animal.

«About what?» I reply.

«I don't know, you're the one unhappy.»

«I'm getting used to doing nothing, so now that I have a commitment, my soul aches,» I murmur, smiling teasingly. «I will strain my delicate muscles, like this.»

«By wearing a dress?» the Duke mutters, confused.

«I'm talking about my cheeks muscles. I'll have to sit straight and smile at everyone. I hate smiling at strangers.»

«When you were a queen, you didn't waste time with that,» he comments. «You didn't smile unless you felt like it.»

I roll my eyes. Does the Duke have to rub it in every time? I get it, he knows about my past like no one else. I understand. There's no need to remind me that he had a very well-hidden spy in my Palace.

«I'm not a queen now, I don't have the right to show my annoyance,» I point out. Will I ever find out who the spy was? What happened with that person? Did he get promoted or disposed of? Not that I care too much, after all, it's a traitor.

Right now, I need to focus on the day ahead of me.

I'll have to show deference to those with a higher status and bow, and I'll have to graciously smile to all the others, even to my husband's old loves.

Mhm, now that I think about it...

«If you had to choose between lady Elisabeth and me, whose life would you save?» I ask, hinting him that the lady that he was asked to marry has a lower but more stable status than me. She won't get killed if she misbehaves. She'll just be grounded home by her parents or hidden away until the dust settles.

As for me, my head is always on the line. I can be beaten without consequences, accused of false claims, looked down on... If Alexander isn't sure that he wants to protect me, then I have to find a way to do it on my own.

I can't rely on a man's mood, since they're always so inconstant, but I'd like to know what his preference is right now. At least for today, it would be of help if he chose me among the others without second thoughts.

«Why is my Duchess asking this? Are you planning to kill her?» he asks, pulling me in his arms and leaning his head on my shoulder.

«No, I'm not. But I can't forecast what will happen. If it comes to that, will you protect or you'll let go of me?»

«I won't let them hurt you, Thea. Be it the last thing I do.»

I try to smile, but the blood in my veins is as cold as ice. I'm almost sure that lady Elisabeth will try to disgrace me, and that the man that attacked me will speak cruel words again. Can a discharged Duke really save me?

If the Emperor supports those people, then Alexander simply won't be able to help me. I would feel guilty if I caused him harm. I'd still prefer that than dying, of course, but my conscience wouldn't stay untouched by it.

«Let's hope that it isn't necessary,» I sigh.

«Mhm, that's right. I wouldn't like dying so early. I wanted to do so much more with you!»

I sigh, beaten. Alexander is talking so lightly that it's bothering. And he's happy that I'm worried about him. This cruel man thinks that I'm asking him to be careful just for the sake of him!

He's actually right, but I don't want to let him notice that, even if just a little, I'm starting to get attached to him.

«You can't protect me if you're dead, so please think before doing anything,» I continue. «All right?»

His smile doesn't even falter, but his eyes are suddenly solemn. He's trying to figure out how sincere my words are, while I use all my determination not to let him read my thoughts. I can't allow him to have this Duchess's affection so smoothly. He will need to work hard for it!

Here starts the final part of the volume: the autumn hunt!

I hope Theodora finds a way to survive it unscathed ;)

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