
ch 12

the next mouth

mayson: i want my summoning jutsu to be a bear oh yea i have named the dragon faith ( the dragon is red white and purple red for fire white for wind purple for lighting )

zach: you want the bear summoning jutsu i will take you there since you choose that one

( a/n naruto sasuke gaara and kurama are girls and naruto's name is now naruka )

4 weeks later

zach: we are finely here

mayson: it took us 4 weeks to get here so i need to sigh this scroll right

zach: yea i will be a way for awhile after this sorry so yea i will see you later i want you to never say my name if you call me something call me soul i need to change my name so keep your pet dragon a secret or someone will steal it from and while your dragon has fire lighting and wind my tiger has earth water wood

mayson: can they get more affinity's i want to get more affinity's like yin yang steel and ice

i am not going to continue this i made to many mistakes in this i will leave it for now and start a new better thing

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