

Her hands reached for the syringe to pull it out.

"Don't move." Everyone's on alert to shoot her, five guns on her head.

Rolling her eyes. "Fine." She just needs a minute more to gain control of her body, the tranquillizer wouldn't do much in her system, her wolf blood would just fix it.

"So, this is all a set up to catch me instead?" Starting a conversation to have some time to recover. Of course, she already knew the answer.

Then she suddenly felt a burning pain in her chest, her heart thumping so loud, hearing it. On all fours, a hand close to her heart, gasping for air.

"W-What's happening to me?" She asked in gritted teeth.

"You are one of them, a-aren't you?" He wants to confirm it. "It has affected you."

Melisca can't look at them for she knows that her eyes had turned. And then slowly, the burning has calmed down, air can now flow freely in her lungs.

She laughed, he got her worried there, but just for nothing. They gave her a look of a crazy woman. Raising her head, amused in their reactions.

"What do you mean, them?"

"H-how? Then you're just, normal. But--" Confused in his own thoughts.

"--Sorry to disappoint." She cutted in.

"Then great, you're not one of them. What can you do? How able are you as a hunter?"

The questions are intriguing, it made her smirk, though they can't see because of her mask. Few strands of hair loosened from her tight bun, touching her face. "Depends on why you ask. Do you really want to find out?" In just one swift move, she held her bounty hostage. Everyone got surprised.

"Now, are you willing to come with me, or are you coming with me? Either choice is fine." She clearly said. Not enjoying the situation anymore for the sun has risen. Anyone could witness them.

"You've proven something. Take me then." He signalled for his people to lower their guns.

It confused her. "Proven? What do you mean?"

"You'll find out soon when you take me."

Melisca noticed something's not right. He's not afraid of her, and what she just did, did not bother him. He's not even struggling to get free from her. "What's the situation, Gregor? Why are you saying these things? And how did you know me?"

"I just know that you're an excellent bounty hunter and a great fighter."

"What else? What do you know?" She asked, gritting her teeth and tightened her grip on him. He can't possibly know what she is, who she is.

Raising both his arms like surrendering, "Easy, I-I can't b-breathe enough to t-talk." He really is gasping for air.

Loosening her grip just enough for him live. "Talk." She commanded.

"Can we have this somewhere else? Somewhere safe."

He really is testing her patience.

She's about to question him again when her senses picked up something else. Actually, it's not something, it is someone. The other half of her. Her senses all on alert, someone's approaching. She freed Greg and pushed him to his fellows. They caught him and help their boss up. "Go." She then pulled out the syringe and threw it on their feet. "Remember, that doesn't work on me."

"You said you're taking me with you." A knot formed on his forehead.

"Next time, but right now, I have something else to do." The werewolf is in the area now. Though they may be in their human form, she can still determine her kind.

"No, take me with you." Now he sounded desperate. "Before he takes me."


She didn't listen to him anymore as she saw someone approaching them. A big bulky guy, hiding his face in a hoody, walking nonchalantly, both hands in his pockets.

Greg hid behind her. "Him." He whispered frighteningly, pointing at the guy.

Melisca didn't expect that she would face one now. One of her other kind, a pure-blood. Lucky for her that he doesn't know she's one of them, partly.

His men now pointing their gun to the newcomer.

"Hello, Greggy." He greeted as he stopped just a few feet before them. The guy has a friendly tone. Finally looking up, she saw his sharp nose, greyish eyes, strong jaw, definitely a guy that girls would go crazy over. "Tell me, lady, how did you know this guy? Let me tell you, he's no good." Even showing his perfect teeth, when he curved his lips in a captivating smile.

She just got her senses back when Greg strangled her, the point of the gun poking her side of her head.

"Really? Me? As your hostage?" That mindlessly slipped from her mouth. She has to get back up her conscious mind together. It's not like her first time to have seen such an attractive guy.

Not even struggling to let go, she knows that she can easily get free from him, but not before the eyes of everybody. Specifically from the wolf in front of her.

"Aw!" She yelped, Greg pushing the gun on her head. Frightened that he could pull the trigger anytime, and haven't even done anything to save herself, she has to think of something. "What d-do you w-want from him?" She turned to the man they are facing. "At least l-let me breathe, y-you criminal!" Trying to pretend that she's not strong enough to loosen his arm around her neck, but she really can't breathe.

"We just want to talk." Answered the guy.

"Talk? You mean to kill me." Retorted Greg, fear laced in his voice just above her ear. She can even feel his body trembling.

Does he know what this guy is? For him to be really scared shit like this.

"Why kill you? Have you done something that's worth killing you for?" The guy seems not bothered by their situation. He more looks amused. "You have.." Now, he's really laughing. "Haven't you?"

"Get away from me! Or she's dead!" Taking a step back, dragging her with him.

She can't even form a word now, gasping for air. But as the nice conversation is going between the two men, she's trying to remember if he's one of the guys that got her father killed, he may not be one of them, but maybe from the same pack. She would never trust anyone from both of her sides, human and wolf.

"Would you really dare to hurt a lady?" He asked innocently.

Is this guy clueless? She would have rolled her eyes if she's not in her current state. This guy had even killed his own wife, what more about me. She thought on her mind.

Sighing, like he had enough fun already. "Greg, I don't like to go to that extent. Just come with me." His aura suddenly changes into something dangerous now.

"No! Shoot him!" Her captor sounded frantic. His men started firing the guy but he was nowhere in sight. They were all their surroundings.

She can feel him somewhere nearby, unharmed.

"Monster! I'll kill this woman!" Greg shouted. "I know you're out there, hiding."

"Greg, w-what do you know a-bout him?" She finally forced out some words, his hold loosened a bit because of their retreat.

"Shut up!" He thundered in her ear, that somehow left her ringing for seconds. "Go take the car!" Ordering one of his goons.

She really can't take this anymore, reaching her nerve limit. Melisca broke free from him and bent his arm to his back. His men pointed their gun at her, about to shoot, but the guy suddenly appeared again, taking out the guns of each man and brought them to the ground in just a minute. She almost marvelled at that.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, lady. But, now I can take it from here." He now faces her.

"No! Please! Don't let him take me." Greg pleaded to her.

Looking back to the guy. "You can talk to him at the police station. That's what you're after, right?"

The guy stared at her for a moment. "You're a cop?"

"You can put it like that." She just can't say she's a bounty hunter. The job has to be discreet.

"Can you show me your badge? or any proof you are one?"

She sighed frustratingly, not having anything to show him. She even left her hunter license at her apartment back to where she really lives. Why can't he just be gone? He's taking my mission longer.

"I don't have it right now, but you can come along if you don't believe me."

"Don't let him near me!" Her bounty butted in.

"Shut up, will you?! You've been too loud! You sound like a woman. Not any word from you now, or I would really cut your tongue off." She can't hold her annoyance anymore. His girl-like screams were making her deaf.

Both of them stilled, they can sense civilians in the area nearing their direction.

"We have to go." She announced.

"Wait, just wait a minute. Let me text someone." The guy fumbled his phone immediately.

She's getting worried, they can't be seen like this. Humans are always nosy. She hates attention the most. One of the factors that she likes her job is, it needs to be done secretly, and she feels so cool and thrilled about it.

"Okay, he's all yours for now. I'll visit him some other time. Please, don't get him lost. I'll entrust him to you."

"No problem. Com'on, Gregor." She helps him up and about to handcuff him.

Bang! Bang!

The gunshots came from a few distances behind them. They now heard some people cry in fear of the sound.

Hot, stinging pain from her back made her dropped on the ground. "Fuck!" She cursed. Though being invincible, she hates receiving bullets anywhere on her body.

This shouldn't be happening. Damm it!


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