
Chapter 13.5 - Roommates

('Bitchko' POV)

My day was pretty boring.

Those classes were very boring, and there was anything interesting happening that caught my attention.

I never gave too much importance to all of those boring things, but unfortunately I needed to.

I had my own ideas for my future and, if I wanted to go through with them, I would need to have a degree.

The most interesting thing that happened on those last couple of days was that new student.

I assumed he was a new student since I never heard of him before, but maybe he just liked to be low key.

Not like it was my business.

Ever since I had sex for the first time, my life has being very different.

It wasn't long until I discovered that if I offered, pretty much every guy that would be willing to spend their money for some 'quality time' with me. Sometimes even girls would pay for it.

It's not like I would do it with anyone. I tended to restrain my activities to inside of the school grounds. Of course I did my best to be a little discreet in my 'services', only doing in places difficult to other people to see or hear what was happening.

Even so, there was no way to avoid rumors starting to circulate, and eventually I gained a nickname.

The School's Prostitute.

Well, I never bothered myself with what people thought of me, rather it was convenient since it made more 'clients' came at me, which increased my payments.

Of course it was only a matter of time until members of the school faculty trying to stop me activities came to me, but by that time I had already gathered enough evidence of the 'involvement' of other teachers with me.

Now they basically left me alone as long as I made sure to don't be caught to no one inconvenient.

I didn't always liked the experience. Some of the clients were good, some were bad, some were quick, some took to long, some were 'underdeveloped', some were too 'developed' or some combination of these aspects.

The new student was a client that I was starting to like.

After my experiences I could already deduce if someone was a virgin or not, and he certainly was one, but different of the virgins I 'serviced' before he wasn't ashamed of it or got flustered about it. My clients would normally only cum two or three time, with highest count being the gym teacher that came four times.

But he came six times! And said it was normal for him with a completely straight face!

Not only that but, until now, he was capable to pay for it without even complaining about it, which probably meant he had enough money to waste in me.

I was curious about him.


I was going back home right now.

After my 'quality' time with Takashi I decided to just go straight home.

I thought for a moment if I should go to one of my clients and offer some 'company' to them, but decided against the idea. My mouth was hurting a little from so many blowjobs.

Not that I wouldn't do it again.

Fortunately my apartment was close to school, only a twenty minutes walk after leaving school grounds.

Arriving at home, I was greeted by the person I shared that place with.

"Ah Saeko, welcome home!"

On the couch watching the news, was a girl wearing nothing but a towel pushing against her big breasts that were a little bigger than mine, with blond hair and pink highlights reaching her shoulders.

"Hey Yariko, you really should change this habit of watching TV on a towel. You might get a cold, you know?

"What's the harm? Not like anyone is gonna see me anyway. And if I catch a cold for a while it might actually be a good things. This way at least those perverts on the other agencies would stop bothering me for a while"

I could only sigh at this girl carelessly attitude.

Her name is Yariko Abazure, and she was my older cousin and roommate.

And just like she said, my name is Saeko Abazure.

We have being living together for roughly three years now. After she started to work as a model she has being frequenting our school, since it was well known for it's high quality in education.

My parents wanted for me to have a good education, so they send me to live with her after bothering me so much that I agreed to come to this place. Her parents happily agreed, since they were worried about her living alone from the beginning.

Both me and Yariko got along well, so our daily life never was that hard but Yariko was most happy about my presence because it allowed her to guarantee jobs without her parents interference.

Apparently the model industry was the home of many people that liked to exchange jobs for 'company', and Yariko could get them without much worries when her parents weren't meddling too much.

I never had any problem with her activities. I knew that if she found herself in trouble she was more than capable enough to handle herself.

"I took a little more time arrive than you should today. Were you 'entertaining' someone?" she asked, with a little smirk on her mouth.

I just shrugged my shoulders at her questions.

"Yeah, I was"

"So how was it?"

"Much better than a thought"

"Really? How so?"

"Well, for starters he has a dick with a decent size for a change, and was able to cum six times?"

"Six times?! That much?!"

"Yeah, I surprised too. Not only that, but this was only after school ended. I also was with him during lunch period, and he came five time!"

"Fi... How much does this guy can come?!"

She was very surprised by his performance, and honestly so was I. I mean, how can someone cum so many times in a row on the same day.

"I don't know. From the way he acted he probably would be able to cum even more"

"That's really something. Is he any good during sex?" she asked "If he is bad in it then being a sperm hose isn't worth shit"

"I wouldn't know but probably not, since he's a virgin"

"... A virgin you say?" she said smiling at my words.

I knew that smile of her. She was thinking of something naughty, and I think it might involve my new client.

I could only imagine what was going on in her head.

Suddenly a thought appeared in my mind.

'Now that I think of it, I should have asked his name'

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