
All I want (Haikyuu! Sugawara x reader) Chapter one: Teenage dream

"Ughhhh why the hell do I have to go to THIS school!!" y/n yelled as she walked into her new school-Karasuno. y/n's old school was Nekoma, but she always got bullied, and it got so so bad that she had to change schools but she decided she needed to get tougher herself, y/n thought was the reason she got bullied. y/n thought before that she would never be able to protect herself, but she was dead wrong. She ended up dying her hair midnight blue rather than her natural hair color blonde. When all of these thoughts crossed her mind she wondered what if she could protect herself? Would that stop the bullying right away? The only one that didn't bully her was her boyfriend....

I had so many thoughts in my mind, I couldn't see in front of me. Then, FWAP she fell to the ground. "Hey do you mind!!!" She yelled the guy in front of her said "sorry" in a small voice I looked in front of me and see a silver headed boy. I sigh as I apologize and walk away without saying anything else. Welp, I guess that's my first bully.... I hear the bell and I realized I haven't looked at my schedule yet! I quickly grabbed a paper from my backpack "Hm...Oki! My first class is english!" I say while trying to locate the room and by some miracle, I made it to class on time right as I walk in the teacher points to me. "Ok listen up class, this is our new student, y/n Kozume we will be respectful." "and y/n you can sit next to Sugawara, Sugawara may you please raise your hand?" She says. And when he raised his hand I thought I would be hell-It was the guy that I bumped into this morning. I felt some shivers go down my spine as I slowly walk over to Sugawara. I sit down trembling as the teacher goes on with the lesson. "Oh I also forgot, Sugawara can you help y/n with catching up?" She said turning towards us. "Yes ma'am" He responded smiling. "Oki what do you want to start with?" He said smiling. Huh? Isn't he supposed to be rude, mean, etc? "I- Uh- I have to go to the bathroom! I yelled without even asking the teacher.

(Sugawara's P.O.V)

What was that? Does she not like me?!?! I truly try to be friends with everyone but....she is different.... I finish class and go to Kiyoko, I wanted her to check up on y/n....she was barely in class and I was worried. Kiyoko was willing to do it.

(Kiyoko's P.O.V)

I went to the girls bathroom and the only stall that was locked was the first stall. I walked up and stood in front of the door. "Hello? Sugawara told me to come here to check on you." I said though I think I scared her because right after I talked she shrieked. "Are you okay?!" I say immediately. "Y-yes you just scared me". She finally responded. I go asking, "Why did you skip class today?". "I was partnered with sugawara the guy I bumped into today....I was scared he was going to bully me, I want to defend myself but I j-just cant!" y/n said said crying. I was very confused. "Suga? He's one of the nicest guys in school, he would never bully, and nobody would bully in karasuno." I replied. "Huh? There's not even one bully in karasuno?" y/n said, but with a calmer voice. I tried to get her out of the stall as I thought of a idea. "Hey y/n? Would you like to see the volleyball team? they are really nice, they might cheer you up!" I said. I heard the stall unlocking itself. "R-really?" she said slowly walking towards me. "Yes, but not for long their practices between classes are a bit short." (I think they dont have practices between classes but who cares and I don't know exactly where they have practice so please go along with it)

(Y/N P.O.V)

I follow Kiyoko to the gym and I see a lot of cute boys practicing. I tried to look away from Sugawara. "Here, we can sit on the bleachers." I follow her going in another direction. I sit down and just give Sugawara a glance and I started having mixed emotions. Wha-what am I feeling? (Author took a break because she got defying gravity vibes) Is it love? Wait no! how could I think that?! After I was thinking of these thoughts I didn't notice Sugawara coming over to me and Kiyoko. "Y/N? Y/N?" He said trying to snap me out of my thoughts. "O-oh y-yes sugawara?" I ask stumbling over all of my words. "I wanted to say sorry for bumping into you today, I wasn't looking at where I was going." He said cracking a smile. "Uh- Oh- Its o-oki." said looking down. "Are you going to watch us practice tomorrow too?" He asked. "uh- Sure! I-I don't have anything else to do so...." I said. Then all of a sudden I couldn't control my body, I ran. I ran to the back of the school and put my head in my knee's. I thought.... What if he's like Kuuro though...

*Flashback to when Y/N went to Nekoma*

I ran to the tree that the note said to meet them at. I saw nobody there. Of course! Somebody pranked me I always fall for the pranks- Then I see somebody emerge from behind the tree, he had black spikey hair. "Kuuro....? What are you doing here?" I asked out of curiosity. W-well Y/N I don't know if you ever noticed but ever since you came to Nekoma.....I have had huge feelings for you, so I brought you here today to ask you....would you be my girlfriend?" I tried to say "Yes" but I was interrupted by a angry girl approaching Kuuro. "What is going on?" I asked. "I'LL TELL YOU! KUURO IS WITH ME NOT WITH SOME OTHER GIRL LIKE YOU!" She screamed out of rage. "Kuuro....your with somebody else.....?" I asked. Before he tried to explain I ran off, bursting out into tears.

*Back to present*

Then I thought, No! He's not like Kuuro! Kiyoko has known him for a while and she did say that he was very nice, and would never bully or something like that..... I realized what time it was and I ran to my next class, and surprise surprise Sugawara was in that class to. The teacher whispered something in my ear and I started blushing like crazy. I had to sit next to Sugawara again I Slowly walked to the empty desk and sat down and put my hands on my face. "Whats wrong?" Sugawara whispered. "U-uh nothing" I whispered back. He chuckled a bit. "Cute" he whispered. (This part is actually based off of something that happened to me IRL) I Blushed a bit more but then tried to focus on class, and not think about Sugawara...

I might not update a lot I'm not sure how to work this app yet :/ so yea I just hope you guys enjoy!

RinRin1creators' thoughts
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