
Chapter 312 - Charades(Part 3)

"Okay, guys, it's time for round four! So, who wants to be the guesser?" Inquired Mitchell, as the other team selected their players for this round. 

"Yeah, I don't think I want to take part in this game anymore," Muttered Seila, as she lit up a joint and took a deep, long puff. 

That last round must have really traumatized her, huh?

"I don't feel like taking a risk after that previous round either," Added Katie apprehensively. 

"Alright, in that case, I'll be our guesser this turn," Volunteered Mitchell, as he shuffled up to the front of the couch. 

Taayin was going to perform the charade this round, and his team's guesser was Makoto, who was looking pretty crestfallen and inconsolable after I'd frozen him in time during Seila's dare. 

"Okay, I'm starting," Remarked Taayin, before tapping on the screen and beginning. 

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