
unknown player

Chapter 34: unknown player

✴Isabella Marciano✴

Reluctantly, I followed 'fake head' out of my holding cell. Apart from the foul smell of that room, I can think of better ways to escape from this place if I could get a glimpse of where we are.

The basement hallway was way better fragrant than that cell. I can already smell the ocean even without crawling out of the underground and I can guess that we're still in Greece from that time frame.

We climb up a few flights of stairs, two to be exact. Keeping up with Blondie wasn't as easy as it looks, though it puzzled me why she hadn't even put cuffs on my hands or restrained me somehow. Bad move for her.

As soon as she swiped her card on the door and placed her thumb on the scanner, the door creaked open, a little illuminating from the ajar door. I took this chance and fisted Blondie's hair and slammed her fake head on the wall.

She yelped the same time her head hit the wall, she crushed and held my hand from the back of her head but I slammed her head three more times before I threw her on the floor. My shoes landed on her stomach before I used my strength to kick her in the forehead.

I pushed open the door with the aim of finding John and escaping this place but I stood frozen when I saw Kon standing in the hallway. His back was against the chalk-white wall of the hallway, his hands tucked inside the pocket of his blue jeans. Three of his dress shirt buttons were undone and his silver-gray eyes were already gazing at me, taking my appearance in.

He titled his head to the side, his soft golden locks following his head's movement while his brows arched.

''I don't have time to hide the fake head's body'' I shrugged my shoulders, wincing when I felt my ribs push my flesh in the movement.

Kon nodded as if I just told him the sun will shine again. ''Come,'' he offered his hands to me.

I stared at him for a while, a long while. Dumbfounded that he thinks I���m that dumb to trust him again.

''I won't hurt you, Isabella'' he pushed off from the wall and stood properly.

''You already did'' I silently leaned my back on the walls this time, too exhausted to even stand on my own feet. ''Who are you working for?''

Kon stared at me blankly, his silver-gray eyes that used to show his feelings, so easy for me to read, were now distant and cold. ''I don't work for anyone.''

A vigilante? Rogue son of the dirty shipping magnate?

I bit my lip, he's an unknown player in this game. His intentions are vague and I still don't know why he kept me alive.

''I know you have many questions, Isabella'' he pushed himself from the walls again and stood in front of me. ''Let's get you treated first and I'll tell you what you need to know.''

I tilted my chin up, mesmerized by his beautiful face.

Oh, my heart. Why be so stupid? He can't be trusted. You should have learned this by now.

''What I need to know?'' I echoed.

Kon's brows arched, the side of his full lips lifting into a smile. ''Stop playing with my words.''

I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. ''Playing with your words?''

He groaned softly, ''your smart mouth and mind.'' he placed his hands on both sides of my body, caging me in. His spicy pine and apricot scent invaded my senses.

''My smart mouth-'' his lips crashed on mine, I got him where I want him to be.

Lifting up my knees, I kneed his balls and he grunted in pain. I was about to kick him there again but he caught my knee, pulled it forward making me lose my balance. I saw his hands move but it was too late for my reaction. He already pressed the pressure on my neck and chest, resulting in my blurry vision before total blackness swallowed me.


My back was against a soft mattress, my body feels a lot better than the last time I remember. My ribs were back in place, I can feel a bandage around my chest and on my ankles, my whole body was a little numb from the pain reliever but so far I feel okay.

The salty smell of the ocean and the sound of the lapping waters on the shore was pulling me back deep into my slumber.

I want to stay here a little longer, it's safer in my sleep than in my real world. I had no enemies here except for my own mind.

''I know you're awake'' Kon's voice made my eyes pry open. I remember him kissing me, then I kneed his balls. Poor little Kon.

Groaning, I turn on my side, following his voice.

It was already dark, how long was I out? I might not be able to tell the time when fake head Blondie walked me out of my cell but I knew it was sometimes at dawn.

Kon was seated on a chair beside the bed I was in, he was now in a fitted white Henley and gray sweatpants. His golden locks were messily draping in his beautiful face.

I tried to move my hands, my left hand was free but somehow my right hand was restrained on the bedpost.

''Kinky'' my voice came out broken. ''How should I please you, Mr. Grey?''

Kon's blank expression darkened, ''can you shut your smart mouth for a minute and listen to me?''

''Sure, if that's what you want, Mr. Grey,'' I pouted my lips, knowing fully well that it'll only make him want more of me.

I learned that I'm not the only one stupid enough to be attracted to him. Apparently, the feeling was mutual and I can use that to my advantage. This is gonna be fun.

''Isabella,'' he warned, his eyes settling on my lips before going back to my eyes. I really love the sound of my real name on his lips. They roll off like silk from his skillful mouth. ''We need to talk about a lot of things and you're not making this easy for me.''

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