

The Citadel was an impressive fortress, sculpted from solid rocks, its grandeur implying the handiwork of a powerful Magus.

A mile-wide sea of lava separated them from the Citadel, a molten moat that promised a fiery death. However, as they neared, a bridge magically raised from the scorching river, creating a path for them.

Thousands of Dreadspineer spiders were hot on their trail, scurrying across the bridge in relentless pursuit. Yet, their chase was cut short when the bridge submerged back into the lava sea, engulfing the spiders in a blaze and drowning their shrieks in a violent sizzle.

Once the last echoes of the spiders' screams faded away, the group arrived and parked in front of the Citadel. The leader of the Space Knights dismounted the construct and bellowed, "Open up!!" Moments later, the gates creaked open, revealing a ragtag group of Magus, some brandishing similar projectile weapons.


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