

With Beowulf's arrival, Emery and his new pack of five had spent the last two days under the guidance of the old White Fang chief, who based his teachings on his past experiences leading multiple wolf packs and participating in the Royal Hunt event.


If on the first day they had to demonstrate to him their individual abilities, the second day was when the man decided to take the group into the wilderness and test their hunting skills directly against the wild creatures that roamed outside Silvermane City.


Beowulf's guidance proved to be invaluable as Emery and his pack successfully hunted down several preys, Now, on the morning of the third day, having seen what they could do together as a team, the old chief decided it was time to give the group more direct guidance to make them understand what they had to accomplish.


"Let me hear how much you all know about the Royal Hunt," Beowulf said to Emery and the others.



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