
Emily The Tomb Raider. Part 2

Hal raised his brow, 

"Tomb raiding?" The question came out with much more surprise than he had actually wanted to put in but it was mainly because he had never thought Emily to be interested in such.

Emily nodded with a smile, 

"Oh yes. How better to get rid of the boredom I feel in your absence than to desecrate the final resting place of a cosmic saint who died hundreds of millennia ago" she said with such a bright and cheery tone and expression that one could very well think she was being sarcastic.

But Hal knew that was not the case.

Emily was bright and cheery because that was actually what she thought of the prospect of violating a tomb.

"There is always a lot to acquire in the tomb of such selfish people and they can prove helpful for me personally as well as my sect in general." She said.

Now Hal raised his head off her laps to smile at her, 

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