
Mystery Boys

Timothy and his three friends met at Gregg's house on 84th N Wallace Street. Gregg lives in a greenish-blue house. His neighborhood was not quite as dangerous as other blocks in his area were. When they arrived, Timothy ranged the doorbell. Then Gregg opened the door quickly entering his friends inside.

      "Glad y'all made it, " Gregg said greeting them inside. 

      Gregg directed them towards his room. His bed was a king-sized, and his covers had Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny's image design on it. His room was very spacey and extraordinary. In the center of his bed, he had a big drawing poster board of comic panels taped on his wall. On the left side of his closet door, was a bookshelf stacked up with speds of Nancy Drew Mystery books and Stephen King books.  On the left side of his room was a Toshiba TV set. On the top of his television was a black Sony VCR. His TV was standing on top of a glass TV unit where it had sets of VHS movie tapes. Beneath the TV unit was his  Comedy movie section and Horror genre section. 

      "What's that poster drawing you drew, Voo-doo-In Tha, what?" Mike asked.

      "It's a Nancy Drew mystery I drew called "Nancy Drew: Voodoo In The Hood comic drawing I did…" Gregg said.

       "Voodoo? You into Voodoo nigga?" Mike asked.

      "Yeah man, I know a lot about Voodoo, I spent a whole month studying about voodoo in a witchcraft book I bought at the book store…" 

     "You practice Voodoo for real?" Timothy asked.

     "Naw, it's for my comic book, man, I'm thinking about selling my comic book arts though, I can be making a whole lot of bread, " Gregg said.

      "I'm glad you don't practice Voodoo, and you can actually make a living selling your comic books, how? I don't know, maybe you can sell it to some of the kids at school who reads comic books, " Timothy informed.

       "That's a good thought, Timothy, " Gregg said.

     "You actually read Nancy Drew books too? Now what nigga reads about about a white woman?" Mike asked, standing near the book shelf holding one of Gregg's Nancy Drew books. All of them started laughing except for Gregg.

    "The kinda nigga who's smart and get ideas from books and add them to his art, " Gregg said.

    "Man, you gotta point, but I don't read these kinda books, I like more historical books from the 18th centuries, " Mike said.

    "Books from the 1800s? Those books boring as hell, they put me to sleep" Gregg said.

    "I like em, you can learn so much interesting stuff that happened back then. But judging by this cover of this blonde woman,  Nancy, she does look kinda fly though, I'll smash her good, " Mike said talking s*xually.

     "Man, if Nancy Drew was real, she wouldn't want you man, she would want a real man like me, who is fascinated with mysterious," Gregg said, and the others laughed.

     "Nancy Drew not real?" Mike asked while the others laugh at him.

      "Haha, man naw, she is a fiction character, " Gregg said trembling his head.

       "Aw man, all this time I thought this woman was real, I could have sworn I saw this woman on the news channel somewhere, " Mike said putting the book back on the shelf while the others still laughing hard at him.

      "Haha, on the news? Everybody knows that Nancy Drew is not real, you tweaking man, " Timothy said shaking his head.

    "Yeah, he is. Now let's start making these flyers, " Gregg said.

    They all strolled towards Gregg's computer desk, which was big and was made out of wood. The desk was placed in a corner by his window. The computer was a white Dell computer.

    "Aw my bad y'all, let me go get some chairs for y'all, " Gregg said getting up from his seat.

      2 minutes later, Gregg comes back into the room with four chairs. "Here y'all go, let's get this over with, " Gregg said walking towards his desk sitting in his chair.

     "Now how do we actually come up with flyers?" Gregg asked.

    "Don't worry y'all, I know how to create it, " Anthony said stepping in.

   "Yeah you the one came up with this plan, you know what, you can sit here then, " Gregg said leaping up from his seat.

     "Okay.  Well first we need a short content, " Anthony said.

    "What do you mean?" Gregg asked.

    "Like a real short leading content

explaining what we using the thugs for, " Anthony informed.

    "Uh, maybe…" Gregg getting cut off.

    "I know what it can be, I was thinking it can say, We Need A Thug To Act For a 1,000 Award. If The Thug Do This Act Right, You Could Win More Mone," Mike suggested.

     "Hmm, that's not a bad content Mike, " Gregg said.

     "Okay, let's use it then, " Anthony said typing the letters on a Microsoft Office XP document.

"Okay, now I have to divide them into sections to spread it out so we can print a lot of copies out."

           "Cool, " Gregg said.

          "We need a catchy headline phrase, " Anthony said.

         "So we need a title?" Gregg asked.

        "Yeah but it has to be catchy, so it can stand out for thugs to read it when they approach it on the street. We are hanging these flyers up right?" Anthony asked.

       "Yeah I rather hang up the flyers than just giving it to em, if we give it to em they ain't go take no teenagers serious, " Gregg said.

      "Yeah, y'all got any ideas for a headline phrase? What about you Jeremiah?" Anthony asked.

     "Uhm, maybe, since we attracting thugs, it should be something called How To Make More Money As A Hustling Thug slash call this number blah blah blah, " Jeremiah.

       "Haha, that ain't a bad phrase man, " Anthony said.

      "Hell naw it ain't, that's a cool phrase man. Jeremiah, you my boy and all, but you too quiet man, you need to talk more, you got some cool **s ideas, " Gregg said.

      "Let us use that phrase than, " Anthony said typing. "Don't forget about the location, " Anthony informed.

      "You can just put, You Can Reach Us At This Address Located On 78th N Cottage Grove Street, " Gregg said.

        "Okay, "Anthony said typing. "What phone number we will use?" 

        "Do we actually need a phone number?" Timothy asked.

         "I think we do cause it would be creepy if they just pop up at our location,  wouldn't it?" Gregg asked.

         "He gotta point, " Timothy agreed.

         "What number we using?" Anthony asked.

         "We can use Jeremiah's mama's phone number, " Mike said being sarcastic.

        "What?" Jeremiah said, with a weird look on his face.

      "Haha, it's something wrong with you man, " Anthony said shaking his head.

     "Put my number down, 773-468-4590," Gregg said.

     "Okay, the flyers are officially complet...Aw wait, I forget we need an image design to attract them, we need something serious that is about business," Anthony suggested.

     "We can use a photo of 2pac in the movie Juice, " Gregg said.

     Everyone laughed. "Hahaa, naw man, we need something more realistic, not in no movie, like a picture of a businessman wearing a briefcase, " Anthony suggested.

      "I think that would work since you said business-wise, " Gregg said.

       "What about multiple pictures of different professions?" Jeremiah asked.

       "What do you mean?" Anthony asked.

       "Like you can have the same black man picture having a suit and tie on holding a briefcase, with three other panels of pictures of the same man either posing as an actor, a chef, police, whatever, that's just a thought, " Jeremiah suggested.

        "I like that thought, imma use it, " Anthony said typing the information.

       "Cool, " Gregg said.

       "Hey man Gregg, about that brick building you showed us yesterday. That place needs some decorating cause that place looks terrible, and it smells terrible, " Anthony informed.

       "How we go decorate an old building?" Gregg asked.

      "I think I have somebody in mind, but we need a break, I'll tell y'all about it later, who's hungry?" Anthony asked.

      "I am, " Timothy said rubbing his stomach. 

      "Me too, " Gregg said.

     "Who has taste for some J&J Fish?" Anthony asked.

       "Fish? I know I do," Gregg said.

     All of them agreed and stood up from their seats, and walked out of Gregg's room.

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