
Chapter 4

Although Grayson didn’t want to go out the next night, Carlton was having a party and he had to be there. But Grayson vowed to go and make an appearance, and then leave. If it wasn’t Carlton throwing the party, he wouldn’t have even bothered going. But he and Carlton had been friends for way too long to disappoint him now, even with everything that was going on in his life.

Grayson had spent the last day trying to convince his father that he didn’t beat Dima, hadn’t even toughed her, and then he told him exactly what had happened. But no matter what his father thought, Grayson was way beyond caring now. After all, he didn’t live his life for his father, even though he was King. Grayson had never succumbed to his father’s every wish before, and he wasn’t about to start now. But Grayson agreed that it was time for him to settle down.

Grayson had had enough of family and ex-fiancé drama to last a lifetime. After this, he was ready for some normalcy. He had hated the thought of “normal” before, but right now, a normal life sounded pretty good.

Carlton slapped him on the back and then squeezed his shoulder as Grayson stood at the bar. “Come on, man. Stop looking so glum! Forget about the b*tch and let’s have some fun.”

“Don’t call her that.” Even though she had done some unspeakable things, he wasn’t going to stoop to her level.

Carlton stared at him for a minute, and then said, “Come with me.” He walked away, expecting Grayson to follow.

Not in the mood for Carlton’s antics, Grayson was tempted to just walk out the door, but he downed his scotch and followed him instead.

Carlton stopped in a room and two beautiful women with long, dark hair draped themselves over him. “What you need, my friend, is a moment to forget.”

“Really?” Grayson rolled his eyes, waving his hand in dismissal. “I’m going home.”

“Not so fast.” Carlton patted one of the girls’ asses. “Girls, give us a moment alone. Will you?”

The other woman ran her fingernail along Carlton’s cheek and down his chest. “Whatever you say,” she said seductively and then walked out. The other woman followed. Then she turned around and blew Grayson a kiss.

“I can’t believe you sometime!” Grayson wheeled on his friend after the girls were out of earshot. “With everything that’s going on in my life right now, you have to pull this?” Grayson waved his hand in the direction of the girls.

“Hey! Chill!” Carlton walked around the bar, took a bottle off the shelf, along with two short glasses, and started pouring. “I was only suggesting that you loosen up and have some fun.” Carlton pushed one of the drinks toward him.

Grayson took it and headed over to a club chair and plopped down. “I think I’ve had enough of that kind of fun for a while.”

Carlton took his drink along with the bottle to the chair across from Grayson. “I know what you need—”

Grayson smirked. “Oh, here we go—”

“A virgin!” Carlton smiled triumphantly.

“Yeah, right! I need that like a hole in the head.” Grayson downed his drink and was ready to bolt, but Carlton stopped him.

“No, wait! Hear me out!”

Grayson silently lifted an eyebrow.

Carlton moved a bit closer. “There’s a site I know of, Snow White Escorts, that specializes in virgin trysts.”

Grayson shook his head. “Forget it. After what Dima pulled, I’ve had enough.” He started to leave again, but Carlton caught his arm. Grayson looked down, silently telling him to remove his hand... now. Although he usually found Carlton funny, now he didn’t even find him slightly amusing.

Carlton removed his hand. “Hey! If you’re looking for something permanent... like a wife....” Carlton visibly cringed. “Then why don’t you try AmericanMate or AnastasiaDate? There’s other sites, too, that have Spanish women, Asian women, Indian women… you name it.”

“I’m not into one-night stands or prostitution.”

“No, man! It’s not like that!” Carlton leaned forward for effect. “These are reputable marriage brokers. It’s all legit.”

Grayson raised an eyebrow. “Like dating services?”

Carlton laughed. “Like dating services on steroids.” He moved forward on the edge of his seat. “I’m talking about a modern mail-order bride.”

“A mail-order bride?” Grayson asked in disbelief. “I didn’t know they still had them.”

“They call them international marriage brokers now. But, essentially, yes.” Carlton shrugged. “At least you wouldn’t have to worry about finding someone suitable. They do all that for you.” He nudged Grayson’s shoulder. “The only thing you have to do is decide which one you want.” He poured himself another drink and was ready to pour one for Grayson, too, but he waved him off. Carlton sat back. “They’ve had a lot of success.”

Grayson stood. “Well, after Dima, I’ve had enough dating for a while.”

“Who said anything about dating? I’m talking about getting married.” Carlton rose to his feet. “Just think about it. It might be the answer you’re looking for.”

Grayson smirked. “What are you? Their recruiter?”

“No, not me.” Carlton shook his head. “With so much for the taking, you won’t get me near an altar anytime soon.”

“You know, you’re making me rethink our friendship,” Grayson said flatly. Even though he was teasing, he was half serious, too. When they were younger, they had plenty of adventures together, but now that lifestyle was just getting old. It was obvious to Grayson that he had outgrown his friend.

Carlton laughed. “You love me. Can’t get along without me.”

Grayson shook his head. “Yeah, right.” Grayson headed toward the door. “Talk to you later,” he threw over his shoulder as he walked out.

He made his way past the women and other partygoers, half of which he didn’t know, and headed out to his Mercedes. Although Carlton was clearly crazy with his ignoble ideas, the thought ran through his mind about possibly taking a wife.

Grayson pushed the thought from his mind as he drove home, but the possibilities kept creeping back. The last thing he needed right now was a one-night, but taking a wife was another story.

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