

Autor: Jay_94
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"Any last wish Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asked contemptuously, aiming gun at him. Jungkook snickered before grabbing the barrel of Taehyung's gun and putting it against his beating heart. "Shoot..." Jungkook whispered, looking straight into Taehyung eyes. And Taehyung's hand trembled...

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Chapter 1Chapter One: Encounter

"They're meeting at Taureau club. I have my lead on them..."

Taehyung was talking on his phone, walking by the road, a burning cigarette clasped between his fingers as he was taking puffs periodically and then blowing out nonchalantly.

"Yeah, shipment is ready..It'll be dispatched by tomorrow and will reach there by Monday midnight. I need boys to be ready by that time. No mistakes!"

Taehyung warned in his calmest yet venomous voice while throwing now almost fully consumed cigarette at the ground and crushing it under his shoe mindlessly.

"Good!! Tell Namjoon to contact me as soon as possible."

He said before hanging up and shoving his cell phone in his jeans pocket. He pulled out another cigarette and lighted it up before blowing out smoke in the air effortlessly as he strolled further.

It was a freezing night of winter in Paris. Snow was carpeted all over the streets, cars and houses. A rare view to see. There was barely any human in sight. No one would want to freeze to death in this frosty weather.

But Taehyung scarcely give a damn about it. He was on a mission in Paris. And there was nothing that could hinder in his work, not even this petty weather.

His steps were big but slow as he grew closer to his destiny. It was at a fifteen minutes walk from his hotel. So, he was almost there.



A weak yet painful yelp paused him in his track. His muscle tensed as his gaze roamed into his surroundings for the source of voice.

The street was pitch black with no street lights at all. The only light was the moonlight but it was just making the street more creepier than it already was.

Well, that wasn't something that could scare Taehyung. He was surrounded by these type of things almost every-time, dark nights, dreadful weapons, painful cries and lifeless bodies. He wasn't a bit bothered by the creepiness instead he was ridiculed.

He tsked, shaking his head that why people wandered around in these deserted streets at night despite knowing the fact that crimes happen at night.

"Some..one ...help.."

It came again, adrenaline rushed in Taehyung's body, swiftly dragging him into the narrow alley, towards the voice.

He ceased as soon as he saw a man crouched on the ground, holding his stomach, whimpering in pain. Taehyung darted to him without a second thought.

If it was someone else, he would've left that man to die on the street. But it wasn't the case with Taehyung. In his life of 26 years, he had neither killed an innocent nor let any innocent die. It was his life's principle or might be a bit of conscience he had in him despite of a mafia man. He didn't know why he always considered innocents' life but he was sure that it was a little right in all wicked he was doing.

"Hey..are you okay??"

"Who are you??"

"And who did this to you?"

Taehyung knelt down to his level, holding him up in his arms. Since it was dark, it was hard to tell how much he was hurt cause even making his face was difficult for Taehyung.


An almost inaudible mewl came from the man, making Taehyung to bend a little more to hear his voice. But only whimpers came out.

"A mafia man helping a stranger???"

Taehyung scoffed.

"But screw this conscience of mine!!!!"

Taehyung sighed before he took off his long coat , putting it around the man's shoulders before carrying the man up on his back and began walking back to his hotel.


The walk back to hotel felt like centuries. With the freezing cold wind, while in just a turtle neck sweater and a jeans and weight of a man on his back, made it dreadfully horrific experience for Taehyung. He even regretted saving him few times during the walk, cursing his little conscience for being horribly unfair to him. He cussed himself for leaving a really important task for saving a life.

But Taehyung being Taehyung, didn't know how to give up, despite the tons of cussing, he didn't stop for a bit and now was unlocking his hotel room with a man, who was practically passed out on his shoulders now.

"Consider yourself lucky man. I had never left my work for anyone. Let alone giving someone piggyback."

Taehyung muttered exasperatedly under his breath as he placed the man ever so lightly on his bed. It was so not like Taehyung to leave something important to actually save someone but here he was.

Taehyung winced out loud as a cramp shoot in his back as he straightened himself.


His eyes got bigger in utter disbelief.

"I got a muscle cramp because I held a man on my back for a while...Woah Taehyung...so fucking humiliating.."

Taehyung mumbled in disgust as he turned around to see the reason of this humiliation but froze.

A man, so...beautiful, felt like in his early twenties was lying there. Despite of the purplish blue bruise near his lips and a wound at his right temple with blood rolling down beside his cheek. His disheveled raven hair and long eyelashes shadowing his slightly bruised cheek bone. His lifeless yet puckered lips and eyebrows knitted together in a frown probably from pain, drove Taehyung into daze.

Taehyung found him utterly gorgeous. He had never seen such a breathtakingly pretty man in his whole life. Even with his bruised face, he looked like a piece of art that was designed so elegantly and magnificently.

Taehyung was in trance, forgotten to even breathe. Mouth a-gaped, mind wasted, senses dormant. Only one organ was working in his whole body. Not actually working, it was hyper working. His frantically beating heart, almost near to explode out of his chest.

But a knock on door startled the hell out of him, dragging him out of his stance.


Taehyung swore, smacking the back of his head while swiftly rushing to the door.

"Sir, actually our hotel's doctor is not available right now and I've checked but there's no doctor or hospital around this area. Since, it's already past midnight and with this extreme of a weather, it'll be impossible for any doctor to come or for you to take your friend to the hospital."

A female from hotel staff said apologetically as soon as he opened the door.


Taehyung blurted out in disappointment, sighing deeply while glancing at the enthralling man, who was still passed out in his bed.

"Sir, we're still trying to contact our doctor. We'll let you know when she's here. For now, this is first aid box, you asked for."

She said, extending a medicine box towards Taehyung, which he took instantly.

"Okay Thanks.."

Taehyung dismissed her, before closing the door and leaning his back against it while exhaling heavily.

"What I've gotten myself into??"

Taehyung mumbled while peeking at the man through his eye lashes and then quickly looking away frazzled.

"A heir of Mafia, to be mafia leader is being weak and helpless in front of an ordinay man??Why it sounds so ridiculous??"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, utterly miffed by himself.

He kept cussing himself as he unwillingly dragged himself to his bed.

"You're quite something, aren't you? Making a fool out of me when I just met you, for what like an hour ago...??.."

Taehyung snorted exasperatedly after placing the box at the side table. He closed his eyes, taking few deep breaths before reluctantly climbing on the bed to get that man's wounds treated.

"You've got quite alot of bruises on your body. Exactly what the hell happened to you??"

"Who beat you up in the midst of night and for what reason?"

Taehyung rambled in confusion as he traced his bruised stomach mindlessly.

'These bruises are such a discrimination to this beautiful body..'

Taehyung's eyes widened at where his mind is actually leading him to as he shook his head vigorously, trying to get himself together.

As soon as he was done with dressing, he hastily put a pair of sweat shirt and sweat pants on him, tugging him under the blanket and nearly ran to his bathroom, shutting the door behind, breathing heavily.

"Woaah...what's with this man?? He's playing with my head, when I don't even know him...he..he's enchanting me...Enchanting Taehyung? who had never been struck by anyone's beauty in his whole life...what a mess!!"

He grabbed his head in his both hands, letting out a whine. Turning on the shower, he let it fall over him in hope that this could bring his sanity back. He couldn't decipher his emotions. He was still in trance. What he feeling was new yet frustratingly annoying and disgusting to him.

"I should get myself together...this isn't right...I should be focusing on my task..I'm not here to be carried away by a man I just met...no...no...this isn't right Taehyung...Get your head straight Taehyung.."

Taehyung punched the wall of bathroom, snapping his eyes shut in extreme infuriation. He ran his fingers through his wet damp hair a little roughly before grabbing the robe and putting it on and stepping out of bathroom.

But a gasp left his mouth as he almost stumbled on his feet.

Two does eyes, glowing like two moons, glistening in a night sky as in holding galaxies in them, looking ever so innocently right through Taehyung's sinful soul.

And Taehyung forgot to breathe...


Hi Taekookers,

A new start with a new journey with our power couple..

Hope you'll gonna love them and love this story too 😍

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