
Liam Tells All Episode 2 pt 1

"Wow thank you Liam this is really dope like the most awesome thing ever" Pierre breathed in awe loving his new sword his new look

"come on inside Pierre meet your brothers" Liam said drawing him inside to join them as he did  Liam continued to talk wanting to get this whole story thing out of the way

"Jhaesun and Yonghwa of Magnetic World Sword Knights also the Leaders of Magnetic world High IQ kids and a military martial planet our people, and Jhaesun is Magnetic World Special Marine and Yonghwa is his partner a Special Agent of law enforcement on their world

they represents the entire planet and all its people they were chosen by the King of Magnetic World they outranks his dad as the commander general of the entire military forces they have understand? if the king wants to fire Jhaesun's dad as the commander general of the entire military then Jhaesun is the man who will fire him and replace him"

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