
Chapter 10

[Reed: "Hey dude, that was quick! What were you doing?"]

[Charlie: "Nothing man, I was just busy with something."]

It's true, I was busy waiting for my lucky encounter which was actually you.

[Charlie: "I won a giveaway or something and already had the game in my account. What's it about anyway?"]

[Reed: "So basically you're in space and there are two roles. You're either An Impostor or a Crewmate. Only two people are Impostors and their goal is to kill all the crewmates."]

[Charlie: "Ohh okay, and as a crewmate, I have to find out who the Impostors are?"]

[Reed: "Exactly, and you get a certain number of tasks. If everyone completes their tasks then you win."]

[Reed: "You'll probably get it after a few rounds. Have you downloaded it yet?"]

[Charlie: "Yeah, I downloaded it as I finished the thing I was busy with."]

I'm technically not lying.

[Reed: "Cool, okay. Do you have discord?"]

[Author Note: I'm debating whether to think of another name for discord but I think this works just fine. If you guys have any ideas please put them in the comments."]

Hmm, so I recognize both Google and Discord were in my past world as well, could there be other similar things? The phones definitely weren't similar and the company was coincidentally named Mango instead of Apple.

[Charlie: "No, what's that?"]

[Reed: "It's an app to talk to others. Download it real quick, that's where all of us are talking."]

[Charlie: "Errr okay."]

[Reed: "Nah, Charlie is a complete newbie. He's a cool guy though, you'll like him."]

I could hear him in the background talking to the streamers. Yes, give me a positive image so that when I begin streaming I get a free boost of viewers. Reed, I love you. I still don't understand how we got along so well. In a few hours, we seemed to already be great friends.

I did not know him in the past and in this life, we didn't talk much at all. It truly doesn't make sense at all.

Also, how does he know these streamers? Wait.. don't tell me he's also a streamer..?

[Charlie: "Alright, I downloaded the thing and made my account, do I friend you?"]

[Reed: "Yeah, I'm Redde#0000"]

I chuckled at that.

[Charlie: "Haha okay Red."]

[Reed: "Argh, I'm Re-"] He strangely interrupted himself. I heard the sound effect of him muting himself and he continues.

[Reed: "By the way, don't call me by my real name, call me by my streamer name."]

Oh so he's a streamer, that's interesting to know.

[Charlie: "Streamer name? Are you also a streamer?"]

Reed stayed quiet for a while.

[Reed: "Do you really not know me?"]

[Charlie: "You're Reed, from Weath First, right?"]

I heard a slap. He probably face-palmed.

[Reed: "So you didn't call me Red at first because of my streamer name?"]

[Charlie: "No, I just did because it was funny. Is that your streamer name?"]

[Reed: "..."]

Well, what a great misunderstanding.

[Charlie: "So you do streaming? You should've told me, man, let me subscribe to your channel."]

[Reed: "You don't think it's weird that I stream?"]

[Charlie: "No bro, it's pretty cool. Even if you've got like 10 viewers, it's still 10 viewers."]

[Reed: "I thought you knew I was a streamer… I felt happy that I finally had someone to talk to about my streaming…"]

[Charlie: "Oh. I mean, we can talk about your streaming if you want to I'm not sure if I can give you tips though…"]

[Reed: "Dude, you're missing the point."]

He was getting emotional now.

[Reed: "So you didn't know I was a streamer and I told you my secret just like that?"]

I could hear him shaking at this point.

Woah woah, he needs to chill. Nothing's changing anyway, we're still friends.

[Charlie: "Woah calm down dude, what's wrong with you streaming? I think it's great. Literally, you are already one of my great friends and I don't see why it should affect us at all."]

So that's why he was so friendly to me. He probably thought I knew his very safeguarded secret who he has not even shared with his closest friends and was dying to have someone to speak to about it in real life.

His voice shook.

[Reed: "You don't think I'm weird?"]

[Charlie: "Am I supposed to? Look, dude, we just met and you're one of the greatest guys I know already. You're really funny and so far have been a really great friend. When I was at my lowest point you made it slightly easier for me to live. At this point, you could be the weirdest guy ever but you'd still be my friend man."]

[Reed: "..."

[Charlie: "You can trust me, dude. We're friends. I was depressed for 11 months because of my ex and back in the cafeteria I almost passed out just from seeing her. I trust you to tell you this because you're my friend."]

In a way, it won't affect me much if he knows, but it still is one of my vulnerable spots. To get trust, you have to give trust.

He remained in silence for a while.

His breathing stabilized and his mood recovered.

Happiness was practically emanating from the phone.

[Reed: "Thanks, man. You're the only one who knows this and my parents don't think of me too well streaming. I couldn't talk about this to anyone before and I thought someone finally recognized me."]

[Reed: "Though I wasn't sure what you would do so I prayed you wouldn't tell anyone and you didn't and that's when I knew you are a great guy. I trust you, bro."]

I smiled.

Well, I became friends with someone who I could probably at a later point in life trust with my life, due to a misunderstanding.

[Charlie: "Alright man, your secret's safe with me. I also trust you to keep my secret."]

[Charlie: "Let's play some Among Us?"]

[Reed: "Alright, don't tell anyone that I was crying like a little baby though."]

[Charlie: "Everyone already knows you're a baby, it won't change anything."]

I joked and he laughed.

[Reed: "Alright whatever, have you friended me yet?"]


Entering the discord voice chat immediately, I hear people yelling over the mic, screaming, and laughing at the same time.

Holy shit. This is absolute chaos.

Hearing the sound of a person joining, the other nine people stayed quiet.

I hear a female voice.

[Poodlefluff: "Uhh, who is that?"]

[Reed: "That's Charlie, say hi, guys."]


[Charlie: "Hey, how are you guys?"]

[Poodlefluff: "I'm good, you?"]

[blacklily: "Pretty good, you?]

Both female.

I saw their profile picture lighting up from speaking and the rest spoke over each other so I couldn't tell them apart.

[Charlie: "Good to hear. Are you guys in a game already?"]

[Rykun: "Uh no, we were waiting for you."]

[Charlie: "Oh, thank you very much…"]


[Charlie: "So uh… how do I join the game?"]

Immediately the ice is broken and they're all laughing.

[blacklily: "God damnit Redde, aren't you supposed to be helping him?"] She said mid-laugh.

Reed whined in protest and he typed the code in the discord chat.

Adding to the fuel, I hear one of the guys tease Reed.

[Rykun: "Come on Redde, you can do better."]

I decide to add a little as well.

[Charlie: "Yeah, come on Redde what's up with you?"]

[Reed: "Argh shut up Charlie!!"]

The tension is completely broken, the next step is to be a huge noob and get them to laugh at the stupid things I do.

I join the game and it soon starts.

I see big words written in red, "Impostor," and my character appeared there right next to Reed's. How lucky, I'm Impostor the first game I join.

Okay, so both of us are impostors.

I'm sorry Reed, but I have to do this.

[Reed: "Oh right, Charlie, you've got to mute yourself."]

[Rykun: "Come on Redde."]

I mute myself and begin walking around with no direction.

I played this game before back in my past life but it would be a little weird if I knew what I was doing since I've never played it here before.

Soon, a corpse is reported and the silence is broken.

[Rykun: "Alright where was it?"]

[Charlie: "Uhhh, guys? Why are my and Redde's name Red?"]


I can literally hear everyone begin laughing their asses off. While Reed cries in despair.

[Reed: "Uhh, Charlie what are you talking about?"]

[Charlie: "Dude, your name is literally red."]

Everyone begins laughing even harder.

[Poodlefluff: "Hahaha, Redde, you got anything to say for yourself?"]

[Reed: "He means my name is Redde, not color red."]

He's instantly voted out.

[Reed: "Come on guys, he's just a noob! Why would you even trust a noob!"]

[bzoomster: "It's exactly because he's a noob that we believe him."]

They laughed.

Redde has been ejected.

[Charlie: "Uh, Redde, what am I supposed to be doing?"]

The laughs come back again. Well isn't this one really cheerful group?

Reed sighed.

[Reed: "Just kill blacklily and let them vote you out."]

[blacklily: "Wait what? Why me?"]

Everyone laughs again.

Heeding Reed's directions, I start running towards blacklily the moment the game starts. As she runs away, everyone chases from behind desiring to attend the murder.

No one's even bothering to mute themselves and are laughing their asses off as my character corners blacklily into a dead end.


I click the huge "Kill" button with no hesitation.

[blacklily: "NOOOOooo…"]

After that, I instantly reported the body.

[Charlie: "Hey guys, I don't know but it seems like Poodlefluff is a little suspect."]

[Poodlefluff: "Wait what?"]

[bzoomster: "Haha. Yah, I dunno but she's kind of been staring at me a little weird."]

[Rykun: "Yeah, I saw her vent too."]

They're practically giggling from the doltishness of the situation.

As if everyone was connected telepathically, we all vote her out simultaneously.

Some of the people that were quiet too began talking. Though I could hear separate laughs, they were quiet and it seemed too awkward for some of them but now they've come out of their shell.

I hear a pretty damn deep voice speak:

[Loafofbroad: "Yeah get her out of here. Charlie how are you so good at this?"]

Hoh. Noticing their intentions, I reciprocate.

[Charlie: "I don't know man. It's probably the amount of bread I ate powering my brain."]

Some got the joke and started laughing at how completely idiotic, stupid, and cheesy it was.

[Reed: "That's not true, he's an idiot in real life!!"]

He joked with a whining tone.

[Yvettel: "Shut up Redde, you're dead."]

[Reed: "I'll haunt you for saying that."]

It's like everyone's inner child comes out when playing videogames. It really is a joyous thing to just have fun with others like this.

[blacklily: "Shut up Redde…"]

Her little voice squeaked out. She probably was still bitter at Redde telling me to target her.

Their laughs too started even affecting me and I began laughing with them as well.

[Reed: "Don't act cute now Charlie, you're the first in my kill list for the next time I'm Impostor."]

Going along with the clumsiness and childish situation, I slightly narrow my throat and loosen my cheeks. Having my baby speak ready, I muster the cutest voice I can.

[Charlie: "Bwut Wedde? I thwoght we were bwest fwiends?"]

A few seconds later, I regret everything.

Oh my god, why did I do that? I've never done a baby voice like this in my entire life. When did I become so childish and stupid and cheesy?

Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. What stupid idiot goes around and talks in a stupid childish voice?

[Reed: "... I'll forgive you…"]

[blacklily: "PFFFFT that was so adorable ohmuhgod are you guys dating?"]

Holy shit, hell no.

[Rykun: "I don't know guys. It also seemed pretty sus how Redde invited Charlie over. Don't they seem really close too?"]

What? Please please please allow me to maintain my dignity.

[Charlie: "Wait wait wait, what?"]

[Reed: "Wait what? I just did because we were nine people and no one else was online"]

[blacklily: "Hohoho, you guys know each other in real life too?]

[Charlie: "Wait, stop. We're not dating we're just homies."]

[bzoomster: "I dunno about you guys but they're panicking too much aren't they?"]

[Swabloon: "Yeah definitely…"]

[Reed: "Yeah, he's also got a girlfriend."]

[Charlie: "Wait I do?"]

My brain stutters a little bit. Shoot, what's the point in having 14 points in intelligence if I'm this stupid.

[Charlie: "That's right I do have a girlfriend!"]

I say panicking. I've never been in a situation like this before, what the hell even is this?

[Juliamn: "It's okay Charlie, I know how it feels."]

I hear the most sorrowful voice cry out.

[Poodlefluff: "Shut up and go with your boyfriend wipL."]

[wipL: "Argh, you guys are so weird. Lily you even drew a comic of us together, what in the hell?"]

[blacklily: Whattttt? What are you talking aboutttt?"]

[wipL: "Don't act stupid!! I saw it in your stream!!]

No sooner does everyone begin cracking into fits of laughter.

[bzoomster: "Pfft haha. Wait, I haven't seen that. Send me the clip."]


Everyone was too distracted by having fun and at last, I killed the last person.

They all saw me killing them but ignored it.

[Poodlefluff: "Woohoo! Congratulations on your first win Charlie! You even got Impostor in your first game."]

[Charlie: "Thank you, thank you. I worked hard for this win."]

[Charlie: "Redde, how does it feel to get hard carried by a noob? Must be pretty shameful to have to rely on me."]

[Rykun: "Totally. Redde you were supposed to lead him to the win but instead, you died on the first round. You didn't even try to hide the fact you were an impostor."]

[Reed: "Yeah yeah, let's not talk about the fact that Charlie exposed us."]

[Swabloon: "What do you mean? We didn't even suspect of Charlie at all."]

[Poodlefluff: "Totally. Even as a ghost I didn't know who it was."]

[blacklily: "Wait, it wasn't Redde and Poodlefluff?"]

We burst into laughter.

The next game started and I was an impostor with Swabloon.

We won.

The next game I was impostor again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

[LoafOfBread: "Alright what the hell Charlie? You've been impostor like fifty times already."]

We laughed.

[Yvettel: "Dude, how do you even get impostor so many times? In one day you've won more impostor games than I have in total."]

[Swabloon: "I know. Charlie what's with that luck? Is that even lucky or unlucky? He hasn't even got the chance to be a crewmate yet."]

[Rykun: "Haha Yvette, getting more wins than you is not hard to do."]

Many people started laughing, I'm guessing she probably doesn't win any at all?

[Yvettel: "Oh my god Rykun you're so mean."]

[Rykun: "Haha I'm sorry. But really, why is Charlie getting Impostor in all of these games?"]

[Charlie: "I don't know I guess I'm pretty lucky."]

[Reed: "Dude, you even won a giveaway from the developers and got the game for free. Give me a piece of your luck or something."]

[Charlie: "Haha yeah, I didn't even realize I won it until you told me about the game."]

[Charlie: "I really want to try being a crewmate, though."]

In this case, I can't tell if luck was on my side or not. I kept getting impostor again and again and again. Is that supposed to be good luck or bad luck?

[Redde: "Petition to vote Charlie out at the beginning of every single round?"]

It's stupid how I laugh at literally everything when I'm with these guys.

[Author Note: Holy, I enjoyed writing this chapter so much I did not realize I'm already at 2,600 words. Thank you everyone for reading until this far. Please tell me in the comments if this was boring. I liked this dialogue because it added a lot of spice and enjoyment. Please don't forget to drop some powerstones. Thank you!]

Thank you all once again for reading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

CyanSuchcreators' thoughts
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