
Chapter 12

Arriving on Nilfheim with my ship, I lament the fact I couldn't teleport since I have never been on this planet. It is the far northern region of icy fogs and mists, darkness and cold. Flying while invisible to all, thanks to the runes as well as the tech that allow none to gaze upon me, not even Heimdall. It takes me a short while to discover the location of Hel and I easily arrived.

I don't know what to expect from Hela. Is she really just some madwoman who wants to conquer the universe and expand Asgard. Odin encouraged the behaviour in the beginning, did he just decide to pussy out because he suddenly just decided to develop morals or was he afraid of her usurping him at the time. As he didn't want to give up the throne at the time.

A lot of questions and I can't even answer them. I have read the mind of older Asgardianss and they seemingly have no knowledge of her ever existing. I wonder if he used the Odinforce to wipe her memory out of the people. I could have gotten the memories of her if I actually spend time trying to restore the memory, but it isn't that important.

In Thor Ragnorak she technically had the lawful high ground since she was technically the heir and some random younger brother of hers just decided to take her position. If we take into account everything that happened in the movie, she is a better person than I am. That makes me wonder what would make Odin imprison his daughter since Hela was already imprisoned before the valkyries were slaughtered.

I dismiss the thoughts, either way, I am not here to give divine justice so I don't care about her reasons. I am not a virtuous person and only came to sate my battle junkies tendencies as well as test Sortem. Since Hela is one of the only people I have seen destroy uru weapons, I won't let her get touchy-feely with my stuff.

I exit the spaceship, climb on my hoverboard and fly in the direction of where I hope she isn't caged since that would make my adventure pointless. I ignore the denizens that try to mash me in pieces and just send energy to kill the persistent one.

I can feel a barrier close by and quickly dismiss the hoverboard so neither Heimdall nor the Allfather can recognize it. Just as I finished putting my hoverboard in my hammerspace I felt a gaze on me and know this signature as Heimdall. I am using magic to change my appearance to scrying to be far different, but people physically here would be able to me as the black-haired green-eyed man I usually.

Call it pride, but even if Odin finds out it is me and I can play ignorant test myself here. Since this place is known to not have many survivors. I want my first meeting to be in my true form. Not the blue one though, I don't consider that my true form, when you are a shapeshifter anything you want can be your true form.

The reason I am not fully hiding from Heimdall gaze is that I will fight Hela either way and then he can see me later since I won't be able to hide both of us from Heimdall especially if Hela doesn't want to. I also conceal all sound so he can't hear me.

As I get closer I feel another gaze on me, I look at what can only be described as a gender-bended version of myself. I have to wonder did Laufey cuck Odin since we look more than what Thor and I do.

She has black hair and green eyes, wearing black and green armour and that same arrogant smirk when gazing at me as I do to others. I scratched my thought of Laufey cucking Odin and wondered if I didn't fuck around with time travel and somehow ended up in bed with Odin's previous wife/lover.

"Darling, you're quite brave to enter my prison." She says with a haughty smirk.

I size her up for a second. "You're quite cocky to steal my look." Returning her arrogance with my own that has a habit of getting on everyone's nerve.

She scowls at me. "Not even going to introduce yourself, before I sent you Valhalla."

"I am Loki of Asgard and currently wondering if impregnated someone."

Her scowls deepen even more at the word Asgard. "Nevermind I didn't impregnate your mother, my children would never be so quick to anger." Absolute bullshit because I have killed people for less. I just want to irritate her even more and people tend not to react well if you mention banging their mom.

She stands up from her uncomfortable throne she has. She manifests a sword and sends it flying at me at breakneck speed. I easily evade it.

"Damn that's fast, though I am surprised you aren't sending any minion firsts. I figured you were one of those types." I say as I get Sortem out in the shape of a spear.

"What part of prisoner don't you understand you annoying ant. If I could I wouldn't even waste a glance on you. " She says before sending more necroswords at my direction, which I deflect with my Sortem or dodge.

"Damn quite hurtful, you're going to make daddy cry." I say before blink teleporting closer to her.

Necrotic magic is quite useful against people with an insane healing factor and it just so happens Hela specializes in the art. Truly a worthy enemy I thought before we start clashing weapons.

She takes a step back and materializes more weapons and send more of them in my direction. I curse for ripping off Gilgamesh in my head, before materializing a shield that blocks her weapons. I don't want to use to much magic in the beginning since I want to see how good I am with just Sortem without magic.

I blink teleport next to me and she pre aims her necrosword in my direction. I easily deflect it with Sortem before instantly retaliating by clashings blade again. She stopped shooting her weapons at me as I fought her with a spear while she sword.

We go at it for 5 minutes. I use my prodigious memory to learn her fighting style, but even then I only have a slight advantage. We have around the same speed, strength and durability. She has millennia of experience as the executioner of Asgard though, luckily I don't fall behind in the skills area.

She backs away as we both realize fighting only with our physical abilities is futile.

"I have got to give it to you, I have never found myself challenged like this." I say with a bloodthirsty smile hardly exhausted since I am mighty.

"I guess my evaluation of you were wrong, maybe you aren't an ant. Hela Odindottir, heir of Asgard. I think you deserve to at least know by who's hands you will die today, maybe I will even resurrect you as a pet.."

"I think the world would know if the Allfather had a child." She looks positively confused by my words. "Plus Love, if you think my main specialization is in weapon combat, you're in for a rude awakening."

She sends an arc of necrotic magic at me only to see it going through my form as the illusion dispels. Sortem transforms into a hammer, I hit her on the head with it sending her flying several meters.

"Oh dear, I hope she isn't dead." I mutter before seeing an irate Hela launching herself in my direction, trying to cut me into pieces with her blade. I block her weapons as she sends a beam in my direction. I narrowly create a shield, but it barely holds as the necrotic beam hit her.

She flips backwards to make some distance between us. The next thing an area of effect blast destroy my poor illusion.

I say as I hit her with Sortem, sending her sideways. "Are you ever not going to fall for that."

She stands up at looked at me with utter hatred."Enough! You are beneath me! I am a god, you dull commoner, and I shall not be bullied by-"

I increase my size as I am instantly upon her and lift and begin to smash her into the ground for a good 5 seconds. My smashing of her is interrupted by a necrosword embedded in my back. I grunt before dodging another one while kicking Hela sending her meters.

She quickly collects herself as she sends a giant sword in my direction. I quickly shrink to the height of a foot. I salute the Omnitrix in my mind before sending Sortem flying hitting in the chest, most likely knocking the air out of her. As I think transform back into my actual height she transfigures the ground as send it in my direction. I fly for a few meters but quickly stop the momentum.

She doesn't let me get my barrings and embeds a sword into my belly. I grunt and pull it out and move out of the way of another attack. I see several swords flying in my direction and blink teleport in her direction before swatting her away.

Pulling the casket of always winter out of my hammerspace. Her eyes widen as she recognizes what I am holding. Freezing her entire lower body.

"That's why you don't overspecialize, love. See you next time." I slowly caress her cheeks and pull back as she breaks out of the ice.

As I prepare to block or dodge I am surprised she grabs me and lock lips with me. I am still on guard in case she gets stabby. I open my mouth and free my tongue to get access to her mouth. She quickly tries to gain dominance, but I have far more experience in this area.

She disengages and smirks in my direction. "Since you aren't trying to kill me, I may as well sate my lust before killing you."

"Please, we have already established that you can't succeed in that area." She ignores what I am saying and began peppering my neck full of kisses.

She moves downward and licks the blood from my torso. Kinky, I thought. I transfigure the ground into a bed and push her forward. I pounce on her as her armour disappear. I quickly use a cleaning spell on both of us.

My clothes dissolve as well as I begin to suck on her pert breasts. Her hands grab my hair as she wants to keep me focusing on her tits. My one hand caresses her vagina as she begins to moan. I move my fingers more aggressively into her cunt as I enjoy her moaning. It doesn't take long for her to cum.

Pride fills me at putting such a blissful look. I gave given her pleasure and it's time to return the favour. I move my shaft so it is in front of her lovely lips. As she opens her mouth to look like she is about to refuse. I silence her by shoving my meat in her warm mouth.

I expect her to bite or stab me as I begin to slowly fuck her mouth. Surprisingly she doesn't and actually begins to use her tongue. She is quite inexperienced at this and I figured she definitely never allowed anyone to be on top.

As she gags and swirls her tongue around my head, it doesn't take long to deposit my seed in her mouth. Some of my cum comes out the mouth as she isn't experienced enough to swallow everything.

"Not bad, is this chocolate flavoured." She says and she licks the cum that escaped her throat. My dick throb at the scene.

"My lover loves chocolate, so I decided to give her extra motivation to service me." Her expression darkens when I mention lover.

I move her into the missionary position. An underrated position in my opinion, since I love to watch my partners face convert to pleasure. She is already wet, so I immediately shove it in her entrance as she lets out a lovely moan.

I begin thrusting in and out of her as she wraps her legs around my waist.

"Faster, you brute. You are experiencing something most would die for." I ignore her haughtiness and just fuck her faster and harder. It takes a while for me to cum, but she has already climaxed dozens of times.

I spend a day just doing her in random positions before we both decided to finally rest.

"You weren't half-bad, maybe you will provide more of a challenge next time. I mean you're fighting, not you're bed skills, those aren't even half bad." I easily ignore the semi necrotic magic nuke she sends my way before teleporting out of the barrier. Showing again how easily I can get under people skin.

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