
Same Thoughts

"I want to draw."

The controller in Noah's hands fell on the soft mat he's sitting on. He gasped and gazed at Railey. "Dude, what did you just say?" he asked.

The other male smacked him. "Why are you so surprised? I told you I want to draw," he snorted.

"Yeah, I know dude. But how come you just say it now?" Noah squinted. "You look suspicious. When they asked you if you want to join the art club you said you don't like it."

He grabbed a chip and munched it soundly, still eyes at the guy. Showing how suspicious his looks were, he grinned.

"Could it be because of Justin?" 

The big screen of the television flashed red and green saying  GAME OVER!!!

"What?!!" Noah slammed the controller after finding out that he lost. "Dude, you're a cheater. You kept on attacking me while I'm talking to you!" he raked his hair up. "This is not fair!!"

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