
Chapter 15

Back on floor fifty, in the village of the Crystal Tribe, Tyrone was patrolling the perimeter of the village. He sighs and slowly gets lost in his thoughts, ever since his adopted child left refugees from destroyed villages went to their village and asked if this was the village Ruby Crystal grew up in. He wasn't afraid that they would attack him, he has seven hundred points in his defense, vitality, and endurance stats. He was confused why they asked, he then understood that these were the people Ruby saved on her travels.

And like that almost every month a new set of refugees come to their village-turned-town and stay there, he was also glad they came because if people are coming that means Ruby is still alive. Right now he was called to the gates of the newly built cobblestone walls, 'Was it that time of the month again?' He arrives at the gate and saw two cloaked individuals and a bald man wearing armor waiting at the gate, his eyes narrow at them. He could tell they were skilled individuals, with the way their muscles tensed at his gaze he concluded that they are prepared to duke it out with him.

"Hello Bart, what do you need me for?" He asked as the bald man named Bart turned to look at him with relief in his eyes, "Chief, these two individuals were looking for Lady Ruby. They said it was the mission they accepted," Tyrone's eyebrow rose as he hummed, he then turned to the two cloaked individuals, "I'm sorry for ignoring you two until now but can you let us see your faces?"

The taller cloaked person suddenly made an act of drawing their sword but stopped when the shorter of the two put a hand in front of them. They both then took off the hood of their cloak letting them see the extra appendages on their heads, "Beastmen?" He silently exclaimed, he now understands why they covered themselves.

Although there hadn't been any more wars that happened in the dungeon for thousands of years there had been a war in the past that made a lot of races on the floor wary of Beastmen, at that time the dungeon was not even a millennia-old yet so there was a lot of fighting for territory. There was one race that was able to top the other races with their pure strength, speed, or endurance and that was Beastmen.

They attacked any race that wasn't their own living behind mountains and mountains of corpses, it made all the races band together to even push them to the very highest floor and sealed there.

He was now tense when he realized that he may be dealing with Beastmen who somehow found a way to get past the seal, the girl Beastman then shook her head, "I'm not a Beastman, I'm a Faunus, my name is Blake Belladona and this is Adam Taurus," She noticed their confused gazes and explained to them that they came from the outside.

Their mission was to find a girl named Ruby Rose inside the Vale Tower and bring her back to her family, the girl also brought out a picture of Ruby in a small box in her hand. Tyrone nodded and invited them inside, "This mission... When was it issued? If you came from the outside it must have taken you years to get to this floor," Blake grabbed something from her pocket and showed it to Tyrone, it was a rectangular glass. She then tapped the middle of the glass as a photo of child Ruby with the words <Mission In Progress> on the upper left side of the glass.

He saw the date that the mission was issued was a few years ago, The one who issued the mission was someone named Summer Rose. 'Must be Ruby's mother' He thought, "Okay you can put that away now, I have concluded that you don't have any ill intentions." Blake nodded and put the glass back in her pocket, he then told them where Ruby is now currently and handed them a photo of Ruby the latest group of refugees gave him.

They thanked him for his cooperation, they put their hoods back on and left. Tyrone watched them as they left and only sighed when they were out of sight, He didn't know Ruby still had a family outside, his adopted daughter didn't really say anything about her past and when he does bring it up she goes quiet. He shook his head and went back inside, it's no use worrying about it now. Besides, Ruby is much stronger than she looks.

I will be gone for 2 months, my test is coming this April and I need more time to study. Sorry for the late update

HiatusAuthorEuclidcreators' thoughts
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