

"Where I fall ten more shall take my place! And one hundred each of them! So strike me down! I am the harbinger!" By Saint Ollanius Pius, while fighting the arch-traitor Horus.


By defeating the Alpha Legionnaire, William receives:

[Sword of Sorrow: A Chaos-tainted sword forged and quenched from the blood of the thousand Sisters of Battle. The sword was created to be a symbol of the end of the Imperial Creed but resulted in a weapon against believers of the Emperor. Sword of Sorrow can inflict great harm to Living Saints and even delay respawn time for their resurrection. This sword is big enough for Adeptus Astartes to wield as a single-hand weapon.]

[Scroll of the Creation and Recognition of 'Blank' Legion: A blank documentation for the official creation of certain Legion which approved and signed by Malcador the Sigillite, the Imperial Regent and second most powerful man next to the Emperor of Mankind. This document is one of countless that were created during Horus Hersey to counter the traitors and protect the Imperium if it ever survives. By filling in the name of the Legion (or Chapter) the name will be officially recognized by the Imperium and access to the highest order with full authority of the Imperium. No one will question the existence of the organization and only a selected few will know the truth which will be limited information. Those with authority higher than Malcador the Sigillite can overrule the organization in question (Such as the Emperor himself, Malcador the Sigillite, and his loyal sons if they wish to use their authority of birthright). Note: When in contact with the Imperium factions or other organizations, the use of the master code that comes with this scroll will give unquestionable authority even above the Inquisition or Chapter Master of the other Astartes. It is important to know that the use of this level of power is not something taken lightly as High Lords and the Grand Inquisitor will take action.]


'Well, shit. That's a bit overpowered as hell.' William thought to himself after he quickly read the description of his rewards for slaying the third Alpharius. He began to wonder what other kinds of rewards he could obtain if he fought the other two but quickly remove those ideas as he didn't see one thing that could end the New World. The Tesseract Cube contains the splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Leviathan.

[He doesn't have it. My Alpha Legionnaire doesn't have the cube I'm looking for. I mean I do like what I got from capturing him but he didn't have the cube.] Trazyn the Infinite, while holding the Tesseract Cube of his victim said to William and Rana as he examine the cube with a voice of curiosity. William assumed that Trazyn could access the cube and obtain all the information through his connection with the cube including what his victim possessed and maybe more. One thing for certain, William also didn't obtain any cube in question.

[You my dear, how about you? Did you find anything from your opponent after you brutally murdered him? I assume you know what I'm talking about, a cube similar to what I'm holding.] In desperate hope of finding the world-ending bioweapons, Trazyn rushes the Rana in which Living Saint proceeds to bash Trazyn with her golden shield.

"No, I didn't find any item that looks similar to your cube. Are you certain these traitors were the ones responsible for your loss?" After Trazyn recover from the hit from Rana, she spoke to question Trazyn's intelligence on who his thief was. In some way, Rana has good reason to question Necron Overlord as Alpha Legionnaires tend to skip on a few important details such as their true intention and actual number of their forces.

[You dare to ask me of my intel? I know for a fact one of these men was responsible for the theft of my belongings. I'm just not sure which one, that's all.] Even in a robotic voice, Trazyn was not fully confident in his answer as William and Rana stared at a lone Necron Overlord.

William was certain he didn't get anything from his opponent as his rewards didn't contain Necron Tesseract Cube and he sure didn't see Rana search the corpse of her opponent after the fight. William managed to defeat his enemy just right after Lliving Saint did which didn't give her enough time to search the body. Trazyn knows this as he was the first one to finish his and observe the other two fights a few seconds before the end of all three conflicts.

"Looks like none of them have the Tesseract Cube. How do you want to pursue this? I'll say we have to regroup with the rest of the forces and find other Alpha Legionnaires." William said to Trazyn to see if he have other ideas. At this point, the one who possesses the cube could release the Great Devourer just by vox silence from three fallen legionnaires. They have to act fast and find this cube soon as possible before it's too late.

After a long silence and thoughts, Trazyn finally spoke, and to no one's surprise, the Necron Overlord's next move is something William anticipated.

[Or since I have both of you here with me, I could just capture both of you for my rare collection of named Astartes. Imagine, a grand stage where you, the Chapter Master of unknown origin fight side by side with a new Living Saint of the Emperor of Mankind against the champion of the 20th traitor legion. What do you think?] Said the Necron Overlord as he pulls out the new Tesseract Cube from his dimensional portal out of thin air. The neutral alliance quickly ended as it was quickly formed before. William and Rana are now face against the Trazyn the Infinite who have all the reason to collect and make the run to the 40k universe after.

"You can try Trazyn but both of us know it won't be easy. If you just want to dine and dash this New World before the Great Devourer surface from the cube, I'll say you don't have time to spare at all. Take your win and leave now, unless you want to risk it all by fighting me and Rana." William casually calmly said to Trazyn but his words were different from his action as William place his hand on his weapon while Rana grab the Necron EMP spear from the fallen Alpha Legionnaire.

William's brutal strength was difficult enough for Trazyn to fight but for Rana to join with that cruel EMP weapon is insane even for the Necron Overlord. Seeing there is no way for him to win the fight to capture two top prizes, Trazyn decided to take the win he have and live for another venture.

[You bring up a good point. I will take my leave and I hope to see both of you in the future.] Trazyn put away the empty Tesseract Cube back into his dimension portal and recently captured Alpha Legionnaire for the future display.

"You made the smartest choice since meeting our short alliance," said William as he put out his right hand to initiate a handshake. The Necron Overlord stare at William's hand for a second and simply laughed at the sound of lack of air even though he doesn't have lungs or breathe air for all that mattered.

[Hahahahahaha! You do have a sense of humor after all. Hahahahahaha!] After a few more seconds, Trazyn finally stopped but he continue to giggle more while refusing to shake William's hand.

[I will be the Deceiver's second victim if I ever fall that. Let us just depart and meet again in a better… situation.] Trazyn said and a moment later, a green light engulf his entire body and disappear as he teleported back to his flagship.

Trazyn the Infinite, the Necron Overlord, and a self-proclaimed Archaeovist of the Solemnace Galleries left the New World with his fully repaired flagship. He and his ship eventually entered the giant warp tear beyond one of the moons, to return back to his homeworld and catalog his new collections for his galleries.


"Let's continue our night game guys. With Necron Overlord leaving the game, Chapter Master of an unknown Chapter and Living Saint decided to find their exit after multiple faire to contact their group. After finding the exit, they continue to move forward with caution as they have no idea where they are or what kind of danger will suddenly appear." Mal said to his players at the table as he roll the fancy ebony dice.

"I roll 13. Let's see what you guys will play this time." Mal began to check his DM list and in a matter of few seconds, he brought out sheets of paper for the players to take.

"Looks like we are playing Drow."

"I'm Drow Swordmaster."

"Oh, I got Drow Slave Master."

The players quickly review their character sheets and began preparing for the next encounter. The secondary encounter of the unusual fight will begin as Mal plays with his ebony dice with his fingers with an evil smile behind his DM screen.

The first night of the game continues as Mal flips a few pages from his precious notebook and starts explaining the scenario of the game setting. Two 'NPCs' continue their advance to find the escape while a group of Drows slowly approach them in the shadows to destroy them.

Enjoy the update and stay safe.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts
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