
8) Sorting and Common Room.....

When the train finally reached Hogsmeade station the trio walked off together, though it was a few hours they were considered friends even it was a little time together. After getting off they saw the half giant Hagrid who was yelling for the first years to follow him leading the down to the waiting boats at the edge of The Great Lake.

"No more than four to a boat now!" he yelled watching them each enter one.

Iann and them entered one and since there weren't many kids it was just them as the boats set off towards the castle, Iann looked over the boat at the water but with the setting sun couldn't see anything. He was riding with Cedric and Angelina no one else followed them since there were so few kids then not all the boats were full.

While they went along the lake they finally saw the castle come into view, he would have been more impressed but all it was is a castle so he wasn't impressed. Cedric and Angelina were shocked seeing the view but held in their gasp unlike others that were heard from the boats.

Finally they made it do a large door where Hagrid knocked seeing that there was no missing first years handing them over to a slightly younger Professor Minerva McGonagall. That is from the views of the movies, though it wasn't much, actually Iann always did think it was better idea for her to be the Headmaster he just hoped that this Dumbledork actually died.

She gave them a quick speech before returning to The Great Hall, while they waited the three friends talked about the castle Cedric and Iann were amazed by the ghost while Angelina was scared. "Well guys it looks like we will be sorted so let's agree now that even if we are in different houses we will still get together and hang out." Angelina said looking at the two guys, they were her first friends here and she didn't want to lose them.

"Yeah we should, I mean I know so houses hate each other but let's not let that effect our friendship because of there negative views." Iann said agreeing he knew even in this life he wasn't going to be the best at making friends so he was going to get all the ones he could.

"Agreed." Cedric said smiling, he was different from them he was always under the pressure of his father so he didn't have much time to make friends even if he was still a child. Now seeing that he had the chance to make friends he wasn't going to let them go, no wonder he was a Hufflepuff he was loyal when you became a friend.

While they were talking they got led to The Great Hall, the movies didn't really do it justice since it looked so cramped in them but this one had wide spaces between the tables. While the floating candles were a nice touch the giant window behind the teachers desk was giving a clear view of a perfect night, with bright stars and a wide moon.

The ceiling was made to look like the stars outside but since Wizards weren't so good when it came to Astronomy then the constellations were all over the place. Shaking his head he walked along with them until they reached the edge of a mini stage where Professor McGonagall put down a stool and the sorting hat.

While everyone but Iann looked at it with question marks it spit open revealing a mouth before it started singing.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The hall broke out into applause while the Hat bent in praise, when it calmed down she finally started calling names. Iann didn't listen to the first couple cause he was staring at some who felt shivers down his spine, it was one Bill Weasley seventh year, who he was going to learn Runes from. Well when he got him to agree of course.

He looked away right as Cedric was called the kid walking forward not looking worried at all, shooting him and Angelina a smile. Not even a second later "Better be..... HUFFLEPUFF!!!" the table cheered and he shot them a smile before walking to his new house.

"Iann Edwards." She called out next.

He walked up to the stool and wanted to do like in the fanfics but seeing as he never learned to actually use his wand for magic he shrugged it off, no need to let people know what he could do. He did feel the eyes of one Dumbledork on himself but he ignored it and put the hat on.

'Curious one you are all houses would grow with you in them.... but it's not like you can be in them all so where so I put you?' The hat asked letting him decide.

'You know I haven't been able to decide myself I mean I love reading and learning new things but Ravenclaw is to stuck up when it comes to knowledge so I don't want to really spend my days with them. Hufflepuff has my cousin in it but I don't know if I can be just if people sit there and make fun of my house instead I don't want to be humble taking things lying down.' Iann said sighing in his head.

'Well we both know you won't choose Gryffindor, not really a fan of the so called 'brave' people are you, no you believe them to be idiots.' The Hat said with a small chuckle, Iann nodded in agreement. 'And while your mother thrived in Slytherin, you know that those people won't accept you even if you are part of the black family since you are a Half-Blood. Well we don't have much time so why don't you just tell me where you want to go.'

Iann paused a moment thinking about it and knew where he wanted to go it was obvious, 'Oh there?' The Hat said, "Well then better be......... HUFFLEPUFF!!!"

The table once again cheered but no one louder than his cousin who was standing on the bench and Cedric who looked happy to get a house mate, he was the only one there so far. Iann smile seeing Tonks she was also outgoing not caring what people thought about her but if you gained her trust then you were a friend for life which he was glad she was in his.

When he got to the table he sat next to Cedric saying hello to everyone but Tonks immediately ran over and sat next to him ignoring the older years that were there. "Haha, I knew my favorite cousin would let me down and go into another house." She said wrapping an arm around him shoulder.

"Yeah whatever you say Dora." He said rolling his eyes and calling her the new nickname like he agreed if he was to get into the same house as her.

The sorting went on with Angelina getting into Gryffindor like the books and movies, she gave them a small wave and a smile, at least she wasn't somewhere bad. Six kids ended up in Slytherin, two in Ravenclaw, Three in Gryffindor, and four in Hufflepuff including him.

Though he didn't know the other kids since they hadn't talked really trying to blend into the background though some of the older students were talking to them trying to get them out their shells. While he was lost in thought Iann missed Dumbledork's speech he really hadn't paid much attention to the teachers cause other than three then the rest were there to fill up spaces but no doubt he would get to know them better.

This was his life now so he would need to see more than just what was on the surface of everything. Dora started to talk to some of the older students about Iann since they were wondering who he was, when they saw both of them changing hair colors the put it together. Some said brother sister until she told them cousins which they all nodded to, Iann saw some girls look at him hungrily though.

He was a Metamorphmagus though so it was something he expected seeing as he could change into any man the girls had seen, though he wouldn't he was a young Heath Ledger enough said. After eating what is the most unhealthiest meal he has ever had he was lead along with everyone else by the perfect to their common room.

They were led to the basement near the kitchen before taking a right turn to the barrels on the side of it, the perfect told the first years to watch carefully. He then started to tap the barrels in a rhythm before one of the barrel lids popped open revealing a space big enough for two people to crawl through at a time.

Though it wasn't the best entrance it was something that was unique to them, Iann and Cedric were the last two to crawl through and he was amazed seeing the entrance. The place was like a study just without all the books it had a cozy vibe with the warm house colors, along with coppers and warm earth tones.

The place had plants he had never seen, mainly cause he wasn't so good with them, yes he possible had them in his inner world but he had only made it through half the field and hadn't seen some of them. This was probably the best common room in the entire place, with the added benefit of it being next to the kitchen so he could grab a snack and talk to the elf's about the meals.

He was not about to go an entire year with this kind of unhealthy stuff. The perfects after letting them wander a bit told them which side was the boys and girls dormitories.

Cedric and him roomed together while the last two new Hufflepuff's were girls so they went the other way, Dora actually tried to bring him over but he declined. Not that he wouldn't mind sleeping with his cousin like they do back home but he didn't want to leave Cedric alone and she understood.

Though she was still sad about it. The two friends settled in for the night both talked for more than two hours about what they expected to come before Cedric dozed off leaving Iann awake alone. He laid there thinking when they had their first free period then he would start exploring the castle.

So I skip a lot of the explaining and stuff because that is ninety percent of a Harry Potter fanfic anywhere else so I will only do those on rare occasions the rest will all be just daily life or things he is doing....

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts
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