
Eras of Vita Nova

Lizzie yawned lazily in Reginald's arms, and snuggled his chest muttering her answer.

"He was talking to the wall and then I saw him drawing on a piece of paper for a while, I'm pretty sure adults aren't supposed to draw, silly gramps. Oh he also was itching his side a lot I wonder if he has a rash."

Reginald's face darkened but he continued up the stairs and put Lizzie to sleep in her room. Quietly leaving the room Reginald made his way over to his mothers office.

Knocking twice a muffled Regina answered, "Come in."

Opening the door Reginald gave his mildly surprised mother a nod before closing the door behind him and taking a seat across from her.

"Has father been doing okay recently?"

Regina sat there befuddled by her sons sudden intrusion and question. Blinking a couple times Regina simply opened her mouth and blurted out a question.

"What is this all about?"

Reginald sighed before telling her what Lizzie had just said.

"I am concerned that the stress of work and of my situation is becoming to much for him. I know that he doesn't like to show too much of his emotions but I do think he should let loose more often."

Regina, upon hearing Reginald's words, stuck her hand to her chin and contemplated on how her husband was acting in the past few days.

"He has seemed a bit more stressed than usual, I'll ask him about it after dinner today. Depending on his answer we'll schedule a vacation to help us all relax."

Satisfied by her response Reginald thanked her before getting up and leaving the room. Walking down the hall he entered his room and jumped onto his bed falling into a deep sleep.


Celine strode quickly to her room holding an envelope, closing the door behind her she tore open the envelope that contained letter. Reading the letter rapidly her expression changed from one of dread to pondering.

(So it's not likely to be a hallucination huh? Then who is the Brotherhood of the Labyrinth? Also how can and organization powerful enough to mass release Death Clouds go under the radar for such a long time?)

The letter had brought up more questions than answers for Celine. Quickly brushing the dirt off of her clothing she disrobed and entered the shower. Letting the steaming water patter on her skin she pondered further into the implications the Brotherhood of the Labyrinth had for her.

Just incase she was wrong about the Death Clouds she had finished researching the last of the ten books. Upon finding no other reasonable solutions Celine had felt triumphant, not only that but she was experiencing a rapid growth in her magical prowess. Thus before she opened the letter she was in high spirits, and now was troubled.

Sighing Celine turned off the shower and dried off. Quickly getting dressed in a simple night gown she approached the stairwell to the hidden library. She had yet to return the books she had gotten last time; seeing that she needed to do more research on the killings cause she had decided to return the books as she picked up the new ones today.

Once reaching the podium in the library she simply activated the blue gem and placed the books next to it, after a few seconds the books were sucked into the crystal and appeared on the shelves. Keeping the gem activated Celine spoke out.

"Give me everything on Hidden Organizations, Death Clouds, and Labyrinths."

Stepping back onto the floating platform Celine paled as after she collect 3 books the platform dropped quickly bringing her into the dark abyss below the shelves. After what felt like an eternity she felt herself stop dropping. In actuality she was only dropping for about 5 seconds but due to the suddenness it felt longer.

She could barely see in front of her, and she didn't want to move around to much in fear of falling off the platform. Casting illuminate she squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light. In front of her was a large book with ancient leather binding strapping it shut. Grabbing it gingerly she blew the dust of it and tried to make out the title.

-Labyrinth's of the Divine-

Celine's pupils dilated as she read the title of the book. Nearly falling over from the sudden upward motion of the platform underneath her she gripped the book tightly as her mind spun.

Labyrinths were not a particularly uncommon occurrence, in fact one could see two if they traveled on the main roads between Peirstone and Forgemire. But labyrinths were usually long defeated in the present era.

There are currently 5 eras of history, excluding the current one, the first one being the Era of Creation. This era took place over a period of 300 years and was the shortest era, one can assume what happened in this era based off it's title. The planet decided it wanted life on it and so created the first gods out of its body. It was basically suicide with extra steps for the planet, but it did it anyway.

The first gods seeing that they were birthed from the death of the planet decided to name it Vita Nova. And the the gods went through and started creating things haphazardly, soon it got out of hand. Seeing that they couldn't handle their creations they up and left, except for the Razaith who later became to be known as the god of dragons, bringing the first era to a close.

The second era was the Era of Chaos, this era lasted about 18,000 years and was the longest era. Because the first gods had left the world was in constant turmoil and everything was vying for dominance. But no one could really claim the upper hand so it was just basically a 15,000 year war between everyone.

That was until several races made an alliance made a truce and wiped everyone else out, everyone in the current eras are decedents of the races of this alliance. Of course the original races were lost to time so know one knows what the exact races used to be.

But despite the alliance it took them about 3,000 years to conquer the entire world; with their conquest complete the Era of Chaos.

The third era was the Era of Divinity, it lasted for nearly 4,000 years and would be the start of written history in Vita Nova. The reason it was called the Era of Divinity was because it was this period in time that the races had discovered how to become a divine.

So as the first race in the alliance had a deity, they became greedy. Seeing the possible trouble that was brewing the other races quickly produced their own deities and prevented another catastrophic war from plaguing the planet.

But as the deities of each race had there own personalities they did not remain loyal to there race and excepted followers of different races into their religions. With this the first nations were built, along with it the first governments and writing. The Era of Divinity ended shortly after the first nations rose.

The cause of the end of the 3rd era was because the 4th era had started. The Era of Labyrinths lasted for about 2000 years. With the appearances of deities also came the appearances of demons, and demons came in the form of Labyrinths. Arch fiends and Demon Lords had figured out how to tap into the mortal world, but it was now easy task as the laws of the universe did not want that to happen. So in response portals leading to hell were surrounded by deadly labyrinths to prevent the demons from leaving.

Of course this was a double edged sword as the races couldn't close the portal's without entering the labyrinths themselves. Because of this there was major death tolls on the adventures that entered the labyrinths. The solution the deities had for this was to make their own Labyrinths that reward any adventurer that completed it.

The adventures who were able to complete the labyrinths were granted special powers and gained the title of Heroes. The Heroes went forth and cleared the vast majority of any Labyrinths preventing the demons from escaping. After the Labyrinth of the Demon God was closed the era of Labyrinths came to a close.

The fifth era was the Era of culture, it lasted about 1,200 years. As one came presume from the title it was an explosion of culture across all nations of Vita Nova. Not much can be said about this era has nothing much happened except for civilizations advancing at a rapid pace. The fifth era was brought to a close at the death of Razaith. His death caused a major decrease of dragons from the planet, which brought forth chaos as the power vacuum appeared and led people to struggle for the spots were the dragons previously owned.

Which brings us to the 6th era, the Era of Turbulence.

So when Celine read that the title was the labyrinth of the divines she was shocked, the easiest way to become powerful was to complete the labyrinth of a deity. But most of the deities labyrinths were lost or sealed off from the public. Yet she had a book on them right here taking some shaky steps off the floating platform she sat on the ground and took a deep breath.

(Thank you)

Getting up she quickly went up the steps to the main floor of her house, gripping the books tightly she let her mind wander.

(Maybe with this book not only will I find out about the Brotherhood of the Labyrinth, but be able to find the location of a labyrinth of a deity! Then I can become more powerful than my ancestors!)

Reaching her room she didn't even bother talking to her maid as she slammed the door closed and locked the door. Placing the book onto her desk the swiftly but delicately opened it up and dived into its contents.

Sorry for the lore dump, but believe it or not I shortened it to make it less expositiony. But now you know a little more about this worlds history and races.

As always thank you for reading!

Lanzxzcreators' thoughts
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