
Univited guests

"Samantha, did you ever meet the king in the last few days?" Susanne put forth her question, observing the girl. 

Samantha's face scrunched up in confusion as she blinked at her mistress. "I don't understand, Madam. I have never seen the king, let alone meet him." She answered. Yet, Susanne was not convinced by it. How was it possible that the young king knew about her if he had not met her, or even seen her?

"Try to recall, dear. You might have met him once, and maybe you forgot." She urged the girl to recall, confusing her even more.

"No, Madam. I have not seen the king ever. I don't know how he looks." Samantha stopped when she recollected the day she had seen the royal carriage at Soren. "Ah, yes Madam. I did see the royal carriage when the king had visited Soren a few days ago. But other than that, I have never been in his presence." Samantha clarified, her puzzled expression still not leaving her face.

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