
-End of Datalog-

The images showed what lay outside the city walls currently. It was full of destroyed structures as far as the eye could see. Hao Xuan could tell from one look that it was inhospitable for most life forms.

Just the toxic miasma alone was enough to snuff out most life not to mention a lack of proper shelter, fresh food or water, and all other necessities.

The images changed back to Altron one final time. He was standing in the same room.

[Today marks the 250th year of the death of the last organic lifeform. All attempts at creating new life were unsuccessful. Master...I do not know if hell is real but if it was, I feel like this would be it. I did not know I would be capable of feeling loneliness but through the miracle of time I have...and it is terrible]

[Please forgive me...I cannot wander these lands anymore. Today I will shut down and disconnect my matrix from the mainframe]

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