

Altair wiped the blood from his hand on Hao Xuan's shirt before walking out the door with hands clasped behind his back. But just before the door closed his voice rang inside Hao Xuan's head one last time.

"I am looking forward to tomorrow's gathering little one, do not disappoint me. Since you already have my bloodline, do not let it go to waste."


Hao Xuan collapsed onto the floor as soon as the door closed. One hand was still over his head, right above the flower that had fully bloomed inside his skull.


His body was still squirming in pain but his mind felt clearer than ever before. It was like the path ahead was previously covered in dense fog but now it was starting to get clearer.

'Those weren't...HIS memories. He was only in them. But who was the one that died? Was it me? Was that a past life? It didn't feel like one...'

This made it close to 20 times that Hao Xuan had now experienced death firsthand. And it didn't get any easier.

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