
Am I dead?

Her eyes widened in shock and pain, trying to get a glimpse what causes it but her vision failed her – all thanks to the blindfold in the helmet. Her hands tried to roam to push the source of pain but two powerful hands locked hers in place immediately. Her feet kicked furiously, hoping to at least hurt someone in exchange to the pain but it was hopeless. Her body slumped in defeat as she lost the will to fight.

Immediately after she gives up, the sharp prickling pain can be felt retracting. Her neck was moistened the same way as before the pain arrives and the pain subsided.

"You've done well Sara. Until next time," the man with raspy voice said. She feels humiliated being treated like a toy but Sara was already exhausted with the meaningless solo fight. Before she knows it, she has fallen asleep.

The windows began to shatter furiously and the lights were flickering. Some of the guests inside the room ran towards the window to peer out but the sky was blue. The guests were completely mystified because it was a fine day to be outdoors and yet it was completely different seconds ago. Immediately the sounds of chitter-chatter filled the room as they exchanged their thoughts.

Unexpectedly, a strong gust of wind swept through the room sent serviette flying, tablecloths and curtains dancing, vases crashing to the floor and chairs and tables scraping the floor. Soon chaos ensued.

The main door flung opened and unnoticed. Everyone was too focused awaiting to see who dares to disrupt the Party that they had failed to see the man in the middle was having a conversation by himself.

"You have no right to take her. I have staked my claim. She's mine," the owner of the raspy voice said lazily, eyes fixating on Sara – talking to no one visible in particular.

"I know you're there and I am quite certain that you can hear me. Let her go," he said again in undertone to no one in particular but towards an empty spot next to Sara.

Sara was now gone. No one was sitting on the chair any longer. The man who had claimed Sara as his, is now fuming. His chest was heaving heavily up and down and his anger that bubbled up popped as he shouts at the top of his lungs.

"Find her!"

It happened so swiftly that nobody knew whom he was referring to initially.

The guards scampered through the main door, not sure where to begin looking.

* * * * *

Sara felt something cold on her neck and heard her name was repeatedly called. She muffled and groaned and finally pried her eyes opened. Her head aches as she tries to sit up. She stretches her arms and found herself in a big white room with a floor-to-ceiling window from one end of the wall to another right in front of her.

The room is about thirty squared meters, filled with nothing but a white Super King bed with grey bedframe and a white bedside table. She looked at the room admiringly before coldness on her neck began to numb her. Reflexively she placed her palms on her neck to warm it and it made her recalled what her neck has been through.

Fear started to envelop her and hot tears began to fall down her cheeks. 'I must be dead to be in this white room,' she thought as she sobs. As a result, her sense of awareness has decreased that she jerked when a big and warm hand covers her neck and wipe her tears away.

At first, she thought it was an illusion when her name was called since she did not see anyone in the room when she woke up. She still could not see the person clearly but only faint outline of the person because her tears has clouded with her vision.

In between her sobs, she mustered the courage to ask – slightly dreading the answer, "Am I dead?"

"No, you are very much alive," said the man with a smothered laugh. His voice was husky, calming and appealing to her ears. His big warm hand that warms her neck soothes her nerves.

Judging the friendly atmosphere, she tried to ask again, "What happened to my neck? Why did that scary man bite me?"

She could hear the man sighed. "I guess you still have not figured it out. I'm just glad you did not end up in that room."

The way the man sighed stops her from questioning him but she could not stop asking herself. 'Figure it out… it should not be cannibalism, should it? It can't possibly be. There's no way! And what is it that he talks about the room? What room? Was something bad about to happen to me? Wait, how did I end up here?'

The man noticed her face all scrunched up that he stroke her nose bridge. "Just calm down for now. You should rest more."

But Sara does not want to rest. She wants some questions answered, but how is she going to bring it up?

Wow. It's so silent here. Is the chapter dead?

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