
Extra: Name that Kitten

Hime look at the kitten as she seeps on top of Fenrir. Everyone look at her in a bit of suspicious. They were a bit worried since she's been looking at her pets for a while. Midoriya walk up to her in a bit of a shy yet worried expression on his face.

"Um,..H-Hime, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to think of a name for the kitten. We can't keep calling her "The Kitten."

"You still haven't name her?" He kneel down, next to her.

"I wasn't planning on keeping her. But it seem Fenrir have taken a liking to her and so have I. I have been calling her random names that she might respond to but none of them she seem to like."

"Oh? So you wanted her to pick the name?"

"Hmm." Hime nod.

"What names have you been calling her?"

"Death, War, Conquest, and famine. But she didn't seem to like them."

Midoriya bug out his eye at her, 'What names are those for a cat?' He look at her to see that she was worried.

"How about I help you?"

Hime's ear flap down up and down, "Really! You don't mind!"


"Wait! Wait" Hime stand up and run towards her room. She came back with her skull head. She place it down on the table. Everyone look at it with big eyes.

Everyone: why does she have a skull?

"Okay everyone!" Hime sound excited. "Each of you are going to write a name for the kitten. If she responds to it, we start calling her that instead of , "The Kitten."

"That sounds like fun!" Mina smile. "Let's make it a game!"

"Ribit," Asui agree.

"Right then, make sure you write your name down on the bottom conner of the name that you want to name the kitten."

Everyone grab a sheet of paper to write down the name they all have thought of. They place the names inside the skull head that Hime brought down. Once all the names were place in, Hime open the kill head from its mouth where a sheet of paper pop out.

"Okay, first one is Ten-Ten," Hime glance at Iida. She look at the name then tear it off.

"Hime! You didn't even read the name!"

"That name is a disgrace! I refuse to call her that!"

"I haven't even try it!"

"I would never give her that name!"

"What was the name?" Ochaco ask.

"A name that should never exist!" Hime told her. She went on the next name. "This one is from Kyoka!"

"Please don't tear mines."

"I actually like this one. Did you get it from the band Kizz."

"Yeah, i notice you have one of the records in your room. I thought it would be suitable."

"Are you kidding me! I love it. Although I'm surprise you didn't go for Peter Criss stage name. It would have been perfect."

"I was going for it but then I noticed Paul face paint is somewhat similar to the kitten."

"What's the name?" Denki wants to hear it.


They look at the cat who was still sleeping. Hime try again, "Demon!...Space ace?.... Catman?... at least Criss!"

The cat didn't respond.

"Could have used my name better," Iida told her. Hime lightly punch him in the shoulder.

"NO! That name was awful!" She pick out another name. "Midoriya,..."

"Hehe, I hope you ...aaaaah!" Hime tore the paper right away. "You and and Iida are ban from naming anything as of this moment. "

"I..I think it was that bad." Midoriya cry a little. " i really thought it would be cool."

"Naming a cat Mighy kitten is awful! No!" Hime went to the next one. This name belong to Mineta. She read it but she burst out laughing.

"Oh gosh no! Ahahahahah, its so wrong but yet so funny!" She look at Mineta, "PLease tell me your serious?"

"It makes perfect sense to me!" He told her.

"What is it?" Kyoka look worried.

"Boobsofter!" Hime try to hold in her laughter. But she couldn't. "On second thought, I'm keeping this. I'm surprise you didn't go for Vibrater."

"HIme! Don't encourage this inappropriate joke."

"I should have gone for Sammich." Mineta grin. Hime laughs at him a bit. She cover her smile with her hand but couldn't help it.

"Not you too, Mineta!"

"Okay, Okay, don't get so work up class rep." Hime pick out out the next name. This is one is from Fumikage, Oh, I actually like this one. You went from the old folklore of the tail beast."

"Ah, I didn't think you read about those."

"Are you kidding me! I have almost all of the unexplained horror stories in my shelf."

"HIme, the name."

"Ehehe, Matatabi!"

The cat look at them but went back to sleep. "At least she moved on that one."

"Oi, the hell are you dam extras doing?" Bakugo came down with a drink. The cat twitch her ears. She got up to walk.

"Ah, Playing a game. We won't to know if the kitten like the names that we pick out. Care to join."

"Why the fuck do i want to do that?"

"YOu do have a say in it. After all, we did found her."

"Correction, you found the piece of shit. I didn't."

"Are you still mad because she bit you?'

"Like Hell I am."


Bakugo look down to see the kitten purr.

"The hell do you want?"

The kitten climb on his pants.

"The Hell!Don't climb on me!"


"Get the hell off of me!"


"Grrr, Dam it! HIme! Get your stupid cat."

"She responded." Hime's ears flap up and down. "Okay, its settle."

"What's settle?" He yelled.

"Looks like Bakugo won."

"The hell are you talking about?"


"Get the fuck off!"

"It would make sense since your dog is name Fenrir." Tokoyami agree with her.

"Right! But only, I didn't think it would suit her!"

"The hell are you two talking about?"


"SHut the hell up?"


"Wait, you don't mean that she like the name,..." ojiro look a bit worried about the name he was thinking.

Hime open her arms wide, "Hel, come here!"

The kitten jump off of Bakugo's leg. She ran towards Hime with a soft purr, "Meow!"

Everyone: You got to be kidding me.

"Aw, I was hoping we could have call her Mochi." Ochaco sound a bit disappointed.

"Hehe, all you need now is Jörmungandr and Svathilfari." Tokoyami joke. Hime grin in a smug look. She gets up and head towards the door.

"Eh, Hime where are you going?" Midoriya ask her.

"To find me a 20 ft long python!" Hime sound excited. She run out of the dorm happily. Everyone widen thier eyes in fear.

"Wait a minute! Hime, don't you dare bring another shitty animal in here!" Bakugo chase after her.

"I'm going to find one and there is nothing you are going to do about it.

"Hime, wait! I was just joking!"

"Nope! I decided!"

"Hime! Im' scared of snakes!" Toru yelled at her.

Hime look through the bush with excitement, "Don't worry. I'll make sure to place it in the cage."


Hime laughs happily as she holds a snake that's wrap in her hands, "I found one!"

"Aaaaah, M-M-Me-Me! That's a Rhabdophis! Those are poisoned!" Izuku warn her. Bakugo drop her right away and back away.

"Fuck that I'm out!"

HIme wave the snake at them with a happy grin, "I found one. It's actually kinda cute." Hime wave her finger to pet but the snake bit her hand. Everyone freak out to see her get bit. Hime look at the snake with a gentle smile. She look happy and calm.

"Hehehe, so cute." Hime look happy. The snake bit her cheeks.

Her classmates freak out again. But Hime was calm and happy about the snake. After Koji used his quirk to calm the snake down while the  classmates ask recovery girl to come make the antidote for Hime. She call animal control to take the snake to a safe haven so nobody else would get hurt.

"Lesson learn, one, don't give Hime any bright ideas. And two, don't pick up snakes that might be poison.  And three, don't look for strays" Adam told Eri as she play with Hel with a new cat toy that she brought for her to play with.

"Is that why Hime is in her room laying down?" She ask him.

"Eheheh, Hime well get better soon." Izuku told her.

Bakugo knock on Hime's door. He came in holding a bowl of soup. Hime turn to him from her book of Norse Mythology. She cover her smile from smiling.

"You actually knock this time, eeeh. Pervert." Hime tease him.


"Eheheh, Yeah. Fun time."

"Dumbass." He place the folding tray on the bed for her. He look at the bandages on her cheek. He tap it gently, "Does it still hurt?"

Hime pray for her food, she stir the soup a bit. "No, it's sore but it's all fine."

"Honestly, what were you thinking?"

"Heheh" Hime cover her laughter. "I thought it would be cool to have a pet snake. And name it after the second child of Loki."


"Yes, yes, I know. I know. I'm the biggest Dumbass that you have ever met."

"So you can curse."

"I can. I just choose not to."

"Heh, so what's the point of telling me to watch my mouth."

"...." Hime take a sip of her soup. "This is actually quite tasty."

"Oi! Don't ignore me!"

Hime taste the soup again. She love the flavour. Something about the creamy flavour remind her of something. A memory. She can see it. A small clip playing in her head. She was at the door step, crying . She was about five years old. She hold her Allmight plushie close to her. A small boy hold her hand, taking her inside to his house. He look a bit angry but his eyes look calm and kind. His hand were soft along with her's. Hime was in a fight between the 2nd graders who were teasing her about her appearance. She have a few cuts and bruises around her arms and legs. She saw a woman who look exactly like the small boy. She smile at her. Pat her head gently. She clean up her cuts. She place her on a chair next to her son. Hime taste the creamy soup. She felt a little better. Hime snap out of it when Bakugo snap his fingers at her.

"Oi, Long ear's!"

Hime look at him with tears running down from her eyes. He jolt a little from seeing her crying.

"The hell?"

"Oh!" Hime wipe her tears. "Sorry. I'll stop."

"It's okay to cry... if you want to." Bakugo try to sound a little considerate.

"No," Hime sniff up. "You made this soup. Didn't you?"

"Why? Does it taste like shit?"

"No! It's the same....it's the same way that she made it."


"Your mother."

Bakugo look at her in shock. "Do you remember?"

"When we were five. The second graders tease me because the way I look. You took me to your home. Your mother bandage me up and served me this soup for lunch. I remember it."

"Anything else you remember?"

"No....." Hime sip another spoonful of the soup. "When I lost my memories. I didn't care about not remembering anything.... I was fine with it. You know. But at the same time I did want to remember."

"So why now?"

"Would it be funny if I said I was curious about you..."

Bakugo blush bright red. He avoid eye contact with her, "Th-Th-The hell are you talking about?"

"I wanted to know, about you and Midoriya. Did I have a happy childhood? Was I a good person? Did I have any friends? If I understand the two of you maybe , just maybe I'll get to know more about me." She sip on the soup again. "Silly isn't."

Bakugo look at her. He sigh to himself. He rub the back of his neck, "N-Not really. We're all trying to understand about ourselves. Who we are. Where we came from. It's not something to be ashamed of. Yeah sure, you lost your memories but you have every right to know who you are. Even if those memories are bad or happy. It shouldn't matter. They're yours. It's your choice to see how you see in them."

Hime look at him in a bit of shock. She never thought about it that way. She always thought of the negative of her memories. What harm they could bring her. Like, why haven't her mother visited her in the Hospital? Why didn't any of her friends came to visit? She always accepted the possibility of her being a terrible person in the past. That it was for the best not to know any of them. She slowly smile but she cover it up with her hand.

"Right. Thank you."

"For what? It's just soup."

"No,...it's more then that."

"Tch, whatever. Just eat the fucken soup and lay down when your done."

"Heh, your not half bad when you don't scream."


"And you ruined it." Hime sips the soup.


"I almost did really," Hime look at him with a smug look.


"Honestly, Do you need to have a potty mouth with every sentence?"



"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" Bakugo yelled with a wicked grin.

"Oh bullocks. You really are worse then a screaming toddler."


"I did, your just to stubborn to hear. Especially when your head is bigger then your alter ego."


"I'm already wishing it since your voice is so loud and annoying!"


"Screaming isn't going to solve anything!"

Bakugo look at her, he hold his breath from screaming at her. He storm out the room. Hime couldn't help to laugh as she see him get mad. He turn to look at her. He saw her actual happy smile for a while. He grin a little to himself to see how Hime look better with a smile.

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