

*Warning: Curse words*




Yuzan had fun memories of the snow with his younger sister. He treasured them and always reminisced those times when he was lonely but now, he detested it with a passion.


The cold winds blasted towards them as they trudged on the snow.

Fu*k. Fu*k. Fuuuu*k!!!

He was freezing. The cold had sank so deep in his bones he felt like he was no longer made of flesh and bones but ice and snow. This was too much! He wasn't a newbie to snow but this kind of cold was ridiculous! It was a wonder he wasn't a human popsicle yet.

He turned his head to look at Azmir to see how he was doing. He was quiet. Maybe Azmir was doing better than him.

Azmir was shivering and his eyes looked dead and miserable.

Oh. He wasn't doing well either.

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