
NSFW - Hansel at her Mercy

*** R-19 rating!!! This chapter is a continuation of the smutty chapter that we had before. I hope you're not getting tired of the smut scenes. If you don't like smut, you may skip the smut scene and go straight to the three vertical asterisks: ***. If you're okay with smut, make sure no one is behind you reading over your shoulder, put on a sexy playlist, and enjoy privately. ***




Rubiella enclosed her hand around his erect member. She began to move her hand up . . . and then down.

"My lady . . . "

Hansel had his eyes closed and a thin bead of perspiration was sliding down from his forehead. He looked so hot tied up and under her mercy.

She began to slide her hand over his member faster. Hansel's hips thrusted upwards. His lips were parted and his breathing ragged.

Rubiella picked up the rose with her free hand and trailed its petals over his abdomen.

"Hahh..." Hansel breathed out loud.

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