
A First, My Friend's Sister Ch. 02


I held Jeanie's hand to help her into the limo. As she brushed by me, again I caught the scent of her perfume and it made my knees go weak. She was absolutely radiant tonight; everything about her was perfect. Her olive skin gleamed, her smile warm and tender, her hair held up elegantly with defiant little strands hanging down, her scent sweet and alluring. I knew I had a difficult evening ahead of me, pretending I wasn't attracted to this vision of pure beauty.

In the limo we waved to the parents and finally drove away to the dance. The atmosphere in the limo was festive; everyone was in a great mood and looking forward to the evening. I wondered what the guys might be thinking. Was this their evening? Would they finally get lucky tonight? Or had they already reached that point in their respective relationships? I wondered what their pressure level was. Hey, whether they had gotten there with their girls yet or not, I knew damn well they wanted to tonight. I watched them, trying to read their reactions and their demeanor. It was too early to tell, I decided.

As for myself, I knew there would be none of that for me tonight. Jeanie was gorgeous, breathtakingly so. And I absolutely thought the world of her. But there could be no touching her. Her brother was my best friend and I'd made a promise. So no matter how enticing the thought of touching this beautiful little creature beside me might be; it simply wasn't going to happen.

At some point during the ride, Jeanie reached down and held my hand in hers. I looked down at our entwined hands, then up at her, but she just smiled radiantly. How could I say no to that? So I squeezed her hand tightly and enjoyed the ride.

We all joked and laughed as we made our way to the event hall where the prom was being held. Even Dan Reindorf, the total douchebag himself, managed to just laugh and have a good time without being too much of a dick.

We arrived at the hall and I helped Jeanie out of the limo. She held my hand as we entered the place, and it dawned on me suddenly how natural and good that felt. I liked holding her hand. And I must say, it felt great to be next to such a beautiful, wonderful girl. I'd had a couple girlfriends in high school, but during my year at college I had no one really serious in my life. Sure there were girls, but nothing meaningful or lasting. So there was something very warm and comforting about having Jeanie holding my hand, smiling proudly beside me. I'm the one who should be proud, I thought. This girl is amazing and I'm here with her.

Jeanie laughed and hugged her friends as they all arrived and began mingling. She introduced me to everyone, almost as though she was showing me off. It was really sweet of her. Some of her friends I knew from school, but others I hadn't really met before. We all had a good time laughing and joking.

In the event hall dinner was served and a slideshow featuring a bunch of pictures of members of Jeanie's graduating class were shown. It was a fun time seeing pictures of some people I knew, and I was amazed at how many pictures Jeanie was in. She and Missy were really popular and they were friends with pretty much everyone. At one point Jeanie leaned over to me and said, "Missy is totally going to be Prom Queen. Everyone loves her."

"Everyone loves you too, you know," I responded, touching her softly on her arm.

She pressed her hand onto mine. "Oh, you're so sweet, Jim," she gushed. "But I'm happy for her. She should win. Look at her; she's gorgeous."

She nodded across the table at Missy. Jeanie was right, Missy was a gorgeous girl. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She was tall and statuesque, yet curved and shapely, certainly a vision to behold with her full breasts and hourglass figure. I wondered if it made Jeanie just a little uptight having Missy as a best friend.

Jeanie was shorter than Missy, her breasts not as voluptuous and her curves maybe not quite as defined. But where Missy had a slender, statuesque, model kind of form, Jeanie had a more lean, athletic form. And that was the difference between the two girls. Missy was a cheerleader while Jeanie was an athlete. Jeanie played soccer and ran cross country, and Missy was captain of the football and basketball cheerleading squads. There was nothing wrong with either, but I still wondered if deep down it bothered Jeanie somehow. That Missy had the classic feminine form while Jeanie had a different kind of physique.

"Yeah, she is gorgeous, Francesca," I said, using her real name to be sure I caught her attention and so that she knew I was being serious. "But you're pretty breathtaking yourself. I can barely even talk to you tonight, you look so amazing." I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed it.

She smiled and laughed. "You're the best prom date ever, James," she said.

"And you're just about the best friend Missy could ever ask for, so you've also got that going for you."

"Thanks Jim," she laughed, "now I won't have to be so envious when she's named Queen later."

"Well, you're allowed to be a little envious; I mean, I think you deserve to be Queen."

"Nah, that's ok," she replied, "she should be. And besides, I have one thing she sure doesn't."

"What's that?" I asked.

She leaned into my ear. "My prom date is a lot hotter than hers," she whispered seductively.

"Yeah, there's no denying that," I smiled, squeezing her hand.

Jeanie smiled back at me and we continued to watch the slideshow. I hoped I made her feel better about the Prom Queen situation. Jeanie was friends with some beautiful people. I guess that was the drawback of being popular. I looked over at her friend Beth. Even she was strikingly pretty. An inch or two taller than Jeanie, she had very fair skin with freckles, and her slightly reddish hair hung pin-straight down her milky white back. Her green eyes sparkled and her smile was sweet and unassuming. Even her breasts were full and her dress billowed out with their roundness.

I hoped Jeanie didn't think less of herself because she had such pretty friends. I mean, yes her friends had beauty, but so did she. And Jeanie was a beautiful person both inside and out, so she deserved to feel special. I decided then and there that that would be my mission for the evening. I was going to make Jeanie feel special, and give her an evening she would never forget. No more than that; one that she would cherish.

I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. She smiled too and squeezed back. And throughout dinner everyone at our table had a great time joking back and forth. Then, when dinner ended, it came time to dance.

I hit the floor with the girls, but of course Dan had to be an ass and refused to dance. Even Mark, who seemed to be a pretty quiet and shy guy, came out and danced with Beth. I was sure to use every ridiculous and funny move I had in my repertory during the fun, fast songs. But when the slow songs came I turned off the goofball routine and danced with Jeanie. It was wonderful holding her so close. Not too close, of course, there were teachers around to make sure it didn't get too intimate. But close enough to feel her warmth and smell her sweetness. We talked lowly, staring into each other's eyes.

"I'm having so much fun tonight, Jim, thank you."

"Don't thank me, I'm having fun too."

"You make me feel special," she said softly.

"Well, you are special so I'm glad," I replied. When I said this, she rested her head on my shoulder. It was good to hear her say that. It looked like I was succeeding in my mission. When the song ended I didn't want to let her go, but we parted reluctantly.

"Do... you want something to drink?" I asked awkwardly before the next song started.

"Sure," she replied.

"Ok," I said quickly and before I knew what I was doing I leaned in and kissed her cheek, then broke away suddenly, realizing what I'd done.

"You gotta stop," I thought to myself as I walked away. "It's Jeanie, man, you cannot do shit like that." I chastised myself in my head while I grabbed a few glasses of punch. I brought them back to the table for the others to share. Jeanie was sitting there chatting with Beth. I gave them two drinks. On the other side of the table I could tell Missy was trying to get Dan to dance. She was standing over him, hands on hips, looking disappointed. It was another slow song, but since he hadn't danced all night I figured she wasn't going to have any luck. Suddenly I hatched a plan. I leaned down and interrupted Jeanie and Beth's conversation.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt," I said to Jeanie matter-of-factly, "I'm having a great time tonight."

"I am too," she replied somewhat surprised.

"I just want you to know that. You're the best date ever, so just... just trust me on this, ok?"

"Ok, I trust you. But with what?"

"Just watch."

I stood up and walked around the table. As I approached Missy, I could clearly see a look of disappointment undeniably etched on her face. But she smiled as I stepped up to her.

Without a beat of hesitation I said to her, "Missy, would you do me the honor of a dance?" I held my hand out to her. Then I turned to Dan and asked respectfully, "Dan, you wouldn't mind one dance, would you?" Dan looked up at me bewildered but before he could say anything, Missy grabbed my hand.

"I would love to, Jim," she said authoritatively.

"Great," I said, smiling at her. Then I turned to Dan and nodded slightly before I escorted Missy onto the dance floor. Once there, I held her to me and spun her gently around so she wasn't facing Dan.

"Hey, forgive me for this, but I noticed you hadn't gotten a single dance tonight and..."

"Don't," she cut me off. "Please... don't even apologize. I am so grateful right now. Let's just enjoy our dance, ok?"

"Ok," I smiled. Missy and I danced slowly, but I held her respectfully at a distance. I noticed over her shoulder that Jeanie was watching us. She was definitely smiling and I was relieved by that. She understood what I had done and that it wasn't meant to be a reflection on her. I gave her a little smile back when I made eye contact with her.

"She looks lovely tonight, doesn't she?" Missy asked, noticing that Jeanie was watching us.

"Yes, she really does," I replied.

"She likes you a lot, you know. Good god, it's like the sun rises and sets on Jim Stillman with that girl," Missy joked.

"Oh, come on."

"It's true."

"Well, she's an amazing person; I really care about her," I said.

"Good. You're right, you know, she is amazing."

"I know."

"And she's right too, Jim. You're a pretty amazing guy yourself."

The song was drawing to a close. Missy and I separated and we smiled into each other's eyes. I opened my mouth to say something, not sure what I should say. But Missy saved me the trouble.

"Thank you for this," she said, taking both my hands in hers. She gave me a small nod.

"My pleasure," I replied, then led her back to our table. I felt Dan's eyes on me but at that point I didn't give a shit. He was acting like a jackass and I'd called him on it. He had a beautiful girlfriend and it was time for him to treat her well.

I made my way around the table and sat next to Jeanie. "You know that was just..." I began, but she interrupted me.

"That was really nice of you," she whispered. "But just don't get any ideas," she added quickly, raising her finger to me.

I raised both hands in a pose of innocence. "You're the only one who's giving me any ideas, Giana, and I assure you they're all very bad ones," I retorted.

She smiled wickedly and leaned into me. I put my arm around her and squeezed her. Good lord, I thought, how am I going to get out of tonight without being bad? My mind flickered to what she'd told me earlier. No underwear. I held her tightly against me, imagining what was beneath that dress. Nothing. Just a thin piece of fabric between me and that glorious little body. Truly nasty thoughts began flowing in my head, but abruptly they were interrupted by an announcement over the PA system.

Apparently it was time to announce the Prom King and Queen. To no one's surprise, Missy was announced as Queen. Jeanie was genuinely excited and jumped up to hug Missy. Then a moment later, they announced Dan as King. There were several guffaws in the crowd, probably from the people Dan picked on, but for the most part people applauded respectfully.

And now Dan had no choice but to finally dance with Missy. He did so, albeit somewhat begrudgingly from the looks of it, and the couple had their dance in the limelight. Missy was beaming with happiness, while Dan looked a bit miserable. What an ass, I thought. She's such a genuinely nice, happy person. Why did he need to be such a jerk?

After their song had ended the DJ played a few more dance numbers to bring the evening to its peak. Jeanie and I and all her friends hit the dance floor and had a blast. I even danced with my sister, Jocelyn, a bit. I had kept my distance from her throughout most of the night because I didn't want her to think I was trying to cramp her style. I respected her and her friends so I wasn't about ruining their fun.

Jocelyn's reaction seemed somewhat cool a few days earlier when I had first told her that I was going to the prom with Jeanie. She scrunched her eyes a bit, and shook her head. When I asked her if it was a problem she had just said no but that it was a little weird. I guess I couldn't have disagreed with that assessment. But once I had assured her that I wasn't going to hurt Jeanie and that I wasn't going to be hanging around Joss and her friends all night she softened. So I had taken my time in approaching her all evening, keeping a respectful distance.

But once we were all having a good time Joss didn't seem to mind. We all danced and laughed and had fun. Then finally, it was time for the final song.

I pulled Jeanie close to me and whispered in her ear, "Well, this is it. Did you have a good time tonight?"

She stared caringly into my eyes. "I did. I don't want it to end."

I gave her an understanding smile and hugged her. As the song ended she kissed me gently on the cheek. "Thank you," she whispered. I took her hands in mine and squeezed them.

Afterward, everyone gathered in the entrance foyer to say goodbye. After several minutes, our three couples made our way to the limo. We all piled in and Dan was the first to ask, "Ok, what now?"

Missy replied, "You boys just relax and get comfy, the girls have it all planned out." Then she turned and handed our driver, Steve, a slip of paper with directions. "Take us there, Steve!" she shouted.

"My pleasure," Steve replied. "You kids just enjoy the ride." Then he rolled up the dividing window.

"Ok, now that we're alone," said Missy, "I have some good news." She began rummaging through a rather large bag she'd brought with her and left in the back of the limo. From it, she pulled out a bottle of champagne and announced, "It's party time!"

We all laughed. "Sorry, it'll be a little warm," Missy continued, "but I just think we have a lot to celebrate. Jeanie, Beth, you guys are my best friends and you've made high school the most amazing time I ever could have imagined. We're all going to graduate in a couple weeks and I just don't know how I ever would have made it through without you." The girls all began to gush while all three guys looked at each other simultaneously, snorted with laughter and rolled our eyes.

"No seriously," Missy chastised us, "I can't even ask for better friends than you guys. So I got this little gift for all of us." She handed the bottle to Dan who opened it. During the car ride we passed the bottle between us taking sips from it. Jeanie leaned against me and I draped my arm over her shoulder. I wondered where we were heading, but we were having such a great time I didn't really care. Even Dan had mellowed the hell out, maybe with some help from the champagne, and wasn't giving any attitude. Or maybe he was just anticipating getting some from his girlfriend, who was rapidly attaining a high level of tipsiness.

All three girls were beginning to get pretty giggly from the champagne. Beth had even begun stealing open-mouth kisses from Mark, making him visibly uncomfortable. I could tell he was eager to enjoy this attention, but very embarrassed having it happen in front of everyone.

Even Jeanie began nuzzling gently at my neck. It was quite alluring and really sexy, but I tried not to get too caught up in it. I'd made my promise, I reminded myself. But there was something about that moment. Jeanie nuzzling up against me, my arm around her shoulder... I felt a voice deep inside me say, "Oh fuck that stupid promise!"

But that was just the champagne talking, I reminded myself, so I stifled that train of thought immediately. Then I realized the car was slowing to a stop. It was dark out so I couldn't tell where we were. When it stopped, Missy opened the door and announced, "We're at Witherton Park. There are some nice trails to walk on and get some privacy at. It's a little after 11 now, we have the limo until 1, so we've all got an hour to do whatever. Have fun, you guys!" Then she grabbed Dan's hand abruptly and dragged him out of the limo.

Beth and Mark went next, leaving just Jeanie and I in the limo. She grinned at me sweetly yet mischievously. "Wanna take a walk with me, James Stillman?" she asked.

"Well, how do I know you won't take advantage of poor little old me out there in the woods all alone?" I teased.

"Well, how do you know you wouldn't love it?" she teased right back. It was just the answer I both wanted and dreaded to hear. But I knew deep down I couldn't resist her, so I gave the inevitable answer.

"I guess I'll just have to take that chance," I said, scooting to the door and stepping out. I took her hand and helped her out as well.

"You won't regret it," she laughed, brushing against me as she stood up out of the limo. I put my arm around her as we began to walk.

"You lead the way," I said, "it's your night after all.

"My night," she said, "I like that." Then she led me onto one of the hiking trails. Witherton Park was not a huge park, but it had a few hundred acres where you could walk and hike. "How about we go to Overlook Ridge?" Jeanie asked.

"Sounds great," I answered. Overlook Ridge was a spot up on a hill that overlooked our town and the river that ran through it. It was so the perfect ridiculous prom night cliché spot that it was actually quite fitting that we were going there. I held Jeanie close to make sure she didn't trip while walking in her heels. It certainly wasn't a difficult hike, but doing it in the dark, in heels, and tipsy, was a bit of a challenge. So I supported her as best I could. I even carried her the last few feet to the top. Luckily the moon shone brightly, and gave a nice little bit of lighting to make the walk a little easier.

Once on top of the ridge we sat down next to each other and enjoyed the view. "God, it's beautiful isn't it?" Jeanie remarked, gazing down on the lights of the town. I, however, was staring at her.

"Yes, very beautiful," I replied. She turned and noticed me gazing at her.

"Jim..." she began, wrapping both of her arms around my shoulders. "Tonight was such a wonderful time. It was all I dreamed it would be."

"I'm glad, Jeanie, I really am."

"I... just have one more... thing I've dreamed about," she said slowly, pausing for dramatic effect. Then very slowly, very deliberately, she began to lean into me. I knew this was the moment. She wanted to kiss me. And god knew how badly I was dying to kiss her. All night long I'd fantasized about pressing my mouth against her soft, pink lips, to feel how full and warm and wet they were. But that nagging voice sounded in my head. "You can't do this, man, you just can't."

"Jeanie," I said softly, halting her progress. "You are so amazing. You're so sweet, and you're so funny, and you're so beautiful. But... your brother... I just... I promised. I just can't."

She let me finish, the look in her eyes never wavering. "Jim, I know who you are. I know you're my brother's best friend. I know you don't want to disrespect him or me. And I know I'm just the kid who's had this silly crush on you for years..."

I interrupted her. "No, Jeanie, it's not that at all. Forget the crush. And forget being that kid. I don't see you like that, and I haven't for a very long time. You are a beautiful person, Jeanie, a beautiful woman. It's not about a crush anymore. I like you. I think you're incredible."

"Jim," she whispered, leaning further toward me, our lips now just inches apart.

"Jeanie, I..." I began, but at that moment all rational thought left me. I could smell her perfume, and the sweet scent of the champagne on her warm breath, and suddenly my desire became a single, focused thought. And it all made sense in that moment. There could be no denying it, no fighting it with reason. I gave way and submitted to that single, purposeful, almost forceful, thought: Kiss her.

And in a flash I squeezed her arms and pulled her into me, pressing my mouth onto hers. At first she seemed surprised, as though she wasn't expecting it, but in an instant she pressed back, her arms pulling me into her as well, a squeak of excitement escaping her throat. And our mouths searched each other.

Her lips, so soft and warm and pink. So full and inviting. I found myself reveling in their smoothness, searching every inch of their little feminine curves with my own. We kissed passionately, dragging our lips against the other's top and bottom lips, noses pressing this way and that, jaws opening and closing, gasping for breaths of air between kisses.

I realized without a single doubt how badly I had wanted this. I had denied it as best I could, but now that I was kissing her, it was like an overflowing torrent bursting out of me. I had wanted to kiss her for so long; I was absolutely reveling in this utter abandonment.

Then suddenly I felt Jeanie's tongue. I wasn't sure if I should have used mine or not. I had wanted to, but I didn't want to sully a beautiful moment. But Jeanie had no such qualm. She circled her tongue around my lips teasingly, then pushed it brazenly into my mouth. I massaged it with my own tongue, and began sucking on it. For such a small girl it was incredible how long and wide her tongue was. She swirled it in my mouth, probing every inch. I ran my hands over her shoulders and down her back, pulling her body closer to mine.

She moaned and pulled her tongue slowly out of my mouth, allowing me to suck every inch of it as she withdrew. Then she pressed her mouth onto mine again and opened it widely. I could tell she wanted my tongue so I let it dart out quickly and press against hers. But every time she tried to squeeze it with her lips I'd pull it back.

"Mmmmmm, you tease," she groaned, but before she could even finish I pressed my tongue seductively into her mouth, giving her what she'd craved. She massaged it with hers and sucked it just as I had sucked hers. After a few moments of this I pulled it slowly out, our mouths separating with a loud, wet smack.

"I can't believe this is finally happening," she whispered, kissing me again softly.

"I can't believe how soft your lips are," I replied, pulling her in for more kisses.

"You could have been kissing me for so long, Jim," she said, a note of almost desperation in her voice as she continued to press her mouth onto mine.

"What was I thinking?" I asked. "I'm so stupid."

"You so are," she replied, and in an instant she jumped into my lap and sat on top of me, her mouth crushing mine, her tongue dancing in my mouth. I had to crane my neck up to meet her kisses as she hovered over me, her hands on both sides of my face pulling my mouth onto hers. I let my hands run down the length of her back and around onto her hips. I squeezed her soft curves, reveling in her soft femininity.

As I held her hips she began rocking them back and forth, ever so gently, softly grinding her pelvis into mine. I was powerless to resist this, and instantly I began rocking in time to meet her grinding. Our kisses became more desperately passionate, breathing heavy gasps into each other's mouths. The tension began to rise as our rhythmic grinding became quicker and more aggressive.

Soon our passion became a roiling tempest as we began dry-humping each other in earnest. Jeanie's gasps became moans as she swirled her hips, grinding her soft mound into my crotch. I broke off our kiss suddenly and began kissing and licking my way down her neck to her chest. I buried my face in her cleavage, kissing the tops of her soft breasts.

I was amazed by how quickly this moment had gotten out of control. In a matter of just minutes we'd gone from kissing, to making out, to full on dry-humping and grinding each other desperately. What a fool I'd been to deny my feelings for this girl. I wanted her. I wanted her more than I had ever wanted anyone else. And it was clear she felt the same for me. We were both moaning one another's names in our passion. I squeezed her hips and guided her rhythm to mine, imagining how glorious it would be to be doing this right now without these clothes between us. To be intertwined together, to be inside her, to feel the warm softness of her secret place engulfing me, enveloping me in unimaginable warmth and tightness.

Then suddenly I realized what I was doing. I had promised Tony not to touch his sister and here I was grinding her brains out. Suddenly the raging hard-on in my pants became like a betrayal. What was I doing? My best friend's kid sister!

I held her hips and slowed her rhythm. I leaned back and looked her in the eyes. "My god, Jeanie, you are so beautiful," I gasped. "I'm sorry, did I get carried away?"

"No Jim, god no. This feels so good. I got carried away too."

"Your brother will kill me, Jeanie, seriously... kill me."

"No, stop. Don't even think about that. Just don't."

We both just sat there, trying to catch our breath. Jeanie looked so impossibly sexy sitting in my lap, her chest and shoulders heaving from our passion. I rubbed her arms with my hands.

"Jim, I don't want you to think about anyone or anything else but you and I, ok? Please don't even let that stuff enter your head."

"I'll try, but..."

"I know; I know you. But make me that promise. Just you and me."

"Ok," I promised.

"Good. Actually, we should probably get going. We don't want to be late getting the limo back."

"Yeah, you're right," I admitted. Jeanie got off of me and I stood up. I reached down to give her a hand helping her up, but as she reached for it her eyes shifted to my pants. I knew damn well I had a huge erection bulging out, but there wasn't much I could do to hide it. I could, however, do my best to crack a joke to lighten the mood.

"Please ignore the ridiculous hard-on in my pants. It is, after all, your fault."

Jeanie took my hand and stood up. "Oh it may be my fault," Jeanie began, running her other hand slowly and seductively against the bulge in my pants, "but it is far from ridiculous." She gave my cock a soft squeeze and murmured, "Damn," shaking her head slightly in amazement. She then let go of my erection and took my other hand. She began to walk away but I pulled her back in suddenly. I pressed her body against mine so that she would feel my hardness between us. She gasped audibly.

Our eyes locked together in lust, and I shook my head slightly at her. "You are so sexy, Giana, holy shit." She laughed and gave me a soft kiss.

"Oh you've got me beat in the sexy category, mister," she replied, her eyes darting down again to my pants. But I pushed her beside me and began leading her back down the trail.

"No. No, I think you're winning that one," I said bemused. When we got to level ground I put my arm around her. Her shoulder felt a bit cool to the touch.

"Are you cold, sweetie?" I asked, pulling off my jacket.

"Yeah a little," she replied. "Guess you got me so hot I didn't notice how chilly it was."

"Well here," I said, draping my jacket over her shoulders.

"Thank you, Jim, you're such a sweetheart." I smiled at her compliment and pulled her closer to me, both for warmth and because I wanted to feel her pressed against me. When we arrived back at the limo the other two couples were already inside. We climbed in and Missy immediately began ribbing us.

"Well, well, where have you two been?" she asked coyly. But Jeanie could hold her own in any situation.

"We've been at Overlook Ridge," she retorted saucily. "Where have you been and why is your hair all messed up?" It was true. Missy's hair was disheveled and her neck and chest were red, as though Dan had been kissing her there. But her appearance was nothing compared to Beth's. Beth's dress was wrinkled and her hair was a mess. Mark looked even worse. Clearly those two had been going crazy on one another.

At that moment, I made my assessment. Missy and Dan had probably already done the deed at some point in their relationship. Their hike had been some fun foreplay and after the limo dropped them off they probably had some sort of plan to get it on. Beth and Mark probably had not had sex yet, at least not before tonight. Maybe they just did it somewhere in the bushes, or maybe they were planning on doing it later tonight. But one thing was for sure, they had just torn each other up out there. Their anxious anticipation was a pretty clear indicator that they were both dying to finally have each other.

As for Jeanie and I, we must also have been quite a sight as well. Jeanie's hair wasn't too messed up but her makeup had been all but kissed off. Her neck and cleavage, despite her olive skin tone, were bright red from where I'd been kissing her. I couldn't see myself, but I was sure my hair was mussed and I'd bet dollars to donuts some of Jeanie's lipstick was somewhere on my face and neck.

Oh well, this wouldn't be a problem as long as no one went to Tony and squealed. But no one in the car was close friends with Tony so I wasn't particularly worried about that.

Missy opened the window and handed Steve directions. She announced, "Beth's house is closest so we'll go there first to drop off you and Mark."

"Ok," Beth muttered and almost immediately pounced on Mark, kissing him loudly. It seemed Mark's shyness had lessened over the course of the evening as he began kissing her back immediately. I smiled at Jeanie and gave her a little wink as the engine started up and the limo began to move.

Missy and Dan were across from us, their backs to the front of the limo. Beth and Mark were on the backseat next to us. I tried to ignore Beth and Mark's make-out session, but they weren't exactly being quiet so it was pretty hard to ignore. For a few minutes Jeanie and Missy carried on a very hushed conversation as they leaned toward each other. I had no interest in talking to Dan so I just put my head back and relaxed.

After a minute or two, Missy and Jeanie both giggled, then I felt Jeanie lean back into the seat and cuddle up next to me. I reached my arm around her and cradled her closely to me.

"Did you have a good time tonight, Jim?" she asked, whispering in my ear.

"You know I did, Jeanie, I like being with you."

"So," she began, cuddling close to me and nuzzling her nose against the nape of my neck, "you're not thinking about anyone or anything else, right? Just you and me, like you promised?"

"Mmmmm," I groaned, feeling her warm breath on my neck, so seductive and alluring. "I guess I made two promises, huh?"

"Yup," she whispered, her lips gently nipping my neck.

I exhaled breathily. "You're all I can think about right now, Jeanie; you're driving me so crazy."

She laughed seductively and caught my earlobe between her teeth. "That's what I wanted to hear," she said in a hiss, running her tongue along my ear.

"Nnnnnnnnn, Jeanie," I groaned. She was nibbling my ear now, running her tongue here and there over it, and pulling the soft, fleshy part into her mouth. I opened my eyes slowly, exulting in this luxurious seduction, and saw over Jeanie's shoulder that Missy and Dan were making out as well. I could still hear Beth and Mark pawing away at each other next to us. So much for my hope that being around other couples would help me avoid temptation. This car was filled with hormones and lust, and none of us seemed to care that our affections were on display.

Jeanie kissed down my neck and I let my head loll to the side. There I saw Beth and Mark grinding one another furiously, just as Jeanie and I had just a few minutes earlier on Overlook Ridge. Beth was on top of Mark, straddling him, and they were thrusting into each other dry-humping like demons possessed. And in a way, I supposed they were. If tonight was the first night they would be having each other, I'm sure their desire was absolutely brimming over.

And what did that mean for Jeanie and me? I wasn't sure whether Jeanie was still a virgin or not, but clearly we were discovering the attraction we had for each other. More than just discovering it, we were being overwhelmed by it, reveling in it. I watched Mark run his hands up the backs of Beth's legs, up under her dress, hiking it up and revealing her ass, a cute little mound covered demurely by a pair of pink cotton panties the same color as her dress. I watched his muscles tense as he squeezed her, running his fingers under her to where her delicate spot was. I heard her squeak in surprise at his touch, and I turned my head into Jeanie's face and kissed her feverishly.

What was happening in here? I was losing my head, not thinking rationally at all anymore. No one was. I pushed my tongue into Jeanie's soft mouth, caring only for feeling the warm wetness inside her. The promise I'd made to her brother not to lay a finger on her seemed so long ago, so far away. It was like someone other than me had made that promise. How on earth could I have made it? No one who knew how warm this mouth was, how soft and sweet her tongue was, how good she smelled, or how silky the skin on her breasts was, could possibly have made that vow.

I broke the kiss and let my mouth find Jeanie's neck. She moaned again, just loud enough for me to hear. This girl, how I wanted her. I wondered how I'd ever bring myself back to reality. Just as I asked myself this question, I felt the limo come to a halt. All three couples stopped making out and we all took a moment to put our clothes back in order. It was Beth who spoke.

"Oh, we're here. This is my house," she said, looking out the window.

"Oh ok," Mark replied huskily. He opened the door and helped Beth out. They both stooped to lean back in and say good night.

We all said our goodbyes and before they closed the door I reminded them, "You two kids have fun tonight." Mark smiled wryly and gave me a little salute. From where he had his hands just moments ago, I was pretty sure those two were going to have some fun.

Missy rolled down the window to Steve again and passed him another piece of paper. "All righty," he replied and rolled the window back up. I had to admit, that Steve was pretty damn cool. No questions, no judgments, just business.

"We're next to get off," Missy said, but I'm not sure she realized just exactly how it had sounded. I held it together but both Jeanie and Dan started busting up. "Oh whatever, you two are over there going at it like animals, what are you laughing at?" she snorted at Jeanie, but she was smiling so I could tell she was just joking around.

Jeanie just laughed back. "Ok, Prom Queen, let us know when you get off," she joked. Even I laughed at that one, but Jeanie leaned in and nibbled my earlobe again. "Don't you laugh, mister," she whispered erotically, "I decide when you get off."

I just groaned contentedly. "Sounds good to me," I whispered back. Jeanie went back to work on my neck. I closed my eyes and did my best to concentrate on not blowing my load in my pants. Jeanie was partially on top of me, her thigh grinding against my crotch. I let my left hand run down onto the back of her leg, feeling its smoothness. With my right hand I grabbed a handful of her hair and held her mouth on my neck, making her continue to tease me.

I cracked my eyes open as Jeanie shifted her weight to get at the other side of my neck. From over her shoulder I saw Missy receiving much the same treatment from Dan that Jeanie was giving me. Missy was watching us, unabashedly, and when our eyes met she just blinked slowly, a subtle indication that she knew I saw her, and that she didn't care. At that moment Dan's mouth dropped lower onto her chest. He brought both of his hands up and used them to squeeze her right breast. She glanced down at him seductively, then looked back at me.

Very slowly, but very deliberately, she brought her left hand up along the side that Dan wasn't squeezing and kissing. Still maintaining intense eye contact with me, she reached up and slipped the spaghetti strap of her dress off her left shoulder. The strap dangled down limply and she slipped her arm out of it. Then she glanced down at the strap, then back at me, making sure I was still watching. For my part, I absolutely could not look away. I didn't know what was going on, but Jeanie's mouth making little sucking kisses on my neck, and Missy's odd little voyeuristic game, had me going absolutely insane with lust.

Assured I was still watching, Missy tugged gently down on the strap in her left hand, careful not to be too obvious in her motions. Her tug pulled the fabric down to the side of her breast. She then reached up and caught the fabric with her fingertip, and very slowly, very seductively, slipped it off her breast, revealing it in all its fullness, her soft, pink nipple engorged and taut in her excitement.

My jaw dropped seeing her beautiful tit exposed. It was heavy and round, but still stood proudly defying gravity, the nipple upturned and rock hard. The next moment, Dan pulled down savagely on the top of her dress and it slipped down to her waist. I heard intense sucking noises as Dan gave his full attention to her right breast. But I was absolutely enthralled by the show Missy was giving me on her left side, with Dan completely oblivious.

She cupped her tit with her left hand, squeezing the ample flesh so that it spilled out around her fingers. Then she began swirling her index finger around her areola, making little rings around her nipple. At this point I realized quite suddenly that Jeanie was unbuttoning my shirt to get better access to my chest. "Oh god, Jeanie," I thought, "what the hell is going on tonight?" I thought I must be losing my mind. How could any of this possibly be happening?

Still without breaking eye contact with me, Missy began squeezing and tugging her nipple erotically. With every tweak and pinch, her jaw swung open wider and wider and she began grunting, both at Dan's ministrations, as well as her own. Her grunting must have alerted him to her ecstasy because in that instant he realized what her left hand was doing and fastened his mouth to her left nipple. When he did this, he blocked my view of her, and I took the opportunity to look down at Jeanie.

She had the buttons of my shirt undone and was pulling my undershirt untucked out of my pants. When she freed it from my pants, she pushed it up and descended hungrily onto my chest. She made a trail of wet kisses from my navel up to my nipples. She took each one in her mouth and licked and nipped it, causing lightning sensations to run down into my cock. I involuntarily thrust it into her and grunted, the sensations causing me to go crazy. Jeanie smiled at my grunting, and I grabbed her and pulled her up onto me, kissing her passionately.

She straddled me and rested her weight in my lap. I pulled my mouth off of hers with a loud smack and looked into her eyes. "I am so crazy for you right now, Giana," I whispered hungrily.

"Now you know how you've made me feel for so long, Jim," she replied, her lips nipping mine. I ran my hands slowly up the backs of her legs until I came to her butt. Instead of squeezing it I let my hands curve around to the outside until I had her hips. Sure enough, when I reached those magical curves I found nothing there. No waistband of panties, no slip, no garter. She hadn't been lying; she really wasn't wearing underwear.

She just stared into my eyes. I don't know what she was anticipating and I don't know what she wanted. Did she want me to touch her? It was like she was just waiting for me to indulge my desires. But would she let me touch her? Would she let me run my hands around behind her and squeeze that gorgeous, round, little ass of hers? To feel the soft smoothness of her cheeks? To run my finger along her crack?

Or would she let my fingers come forward? Down along that triangle below her belly? Over her mound? Would she stop me? Would she let me feel where her hair grows? Would there be hair there? What if I went lower? Would she let me explore her heavenly valley? Let my fingers spread her apart and slip inside her?

I didn't know what to do next. This was my best friend's sister, a girl I cared about deeply. I didn't want to disrespect her, or her brother, or her family. But I was lost in a maelstrom of desire. I couldn't not touch her. I couldn't not kiss her.

I squeezed her hips and pulled her into me. "Oh Jim," she moaned hoarsely and our mouths met once again. We kissed hard, our tongues dancing again. I broke the kiss and found the nape of her neck. She turned her head and I found her earlobe. She arched her neck back and I descended, finding the soft, sensitive flesh. I was lost in this girl, not sure if I could find my way back out.

Her head dropped and found my neck again. On the other seat, Dan's hand moved rhythmically between Missy's legs, which were spread widely. She was still watching Jeanie and I. I didn't care and I knew she didn't care that I watched her and Dan. I looked down and saw Dan's hand had pushed her panties to the side. I couldn't see his fingers but I knew they were inside her. His mouth pulled and sucked her right breast. Her hand was in his hair holding him firmly to her tit. Her left breast hung seductively exposed. She was reveling in this lusty, exhibitionist moment.

I grabbed Jeanie by the face with both hands and kissed her. I looked deeply into her eyes. The moment was building to an unavoidable crescendo. Behind Jeanie, Missy moaned loudly and unabashedly. No longer were we just two teenage couples fooling around. Now we had become lovers. Lovers entranced and possessed, needing to express their ecstasy. Needing to build to that peak, that climax, and find the release we all craved. Jeanie groaned and began thrusting into me. I felt my hardness press obscenely into her softness. I grabbed her hips. We stared longingly into each other's eyes as we began to grind into one another again.

Our breathing became heavy and labored. Jeanie's groans came with every thrust as we dry-humped each other aggressively and desperately. Missy moaned again, bold and unashamed, and we both heard loud, wet noises. Jeanie turned and looked over her shoulder. I looked too. Dan had hiked Missy's dress up obscenely and his face was buried between her legs. She cradled both of her tits in her hands, tweaking and pinching her nipples. The entire scene became surreal. Jeanie moaned when she realized what was going on behind her. Dan's head bobbed up and down in rhythm, his licks of Missy's pussy became loud slurps and smacks. I squeezed Jeanie's breasts roughly through her dress. Her head lolled forward onto mine and we pressed our foreheads together, our eyes locked.

I'd never wanted to fuck anyone as badly as I wanted to fuck Jeanie in that moment. If I just unzipped my pants, I could slip my cock out. I could guide it right between her legs into her glorious softness and be inside her. I was worse than a fool in that moment. I was a blind idiot. I didn't care that she was my best friend's sister. I didn't care that I had made a promise. All I cared about was having her. All I wanted was to know her secret beauty, to feel her sacred luxury, and let myself explode inside her.

I ran my hands inside her dress and squeezed her soft breasts. She was wearing no bra and I felt her smooth softness, and let her tender nipples press stiffly into my palms. I was about to squeeze them, to pinch them. I was about to slip the dress off her shoulders and taste them. Bite them, chew them, suck them, pull them. But suddenly I realized that the car had stopped. Missy was no longer moaning. Both Jeanie and I realized this fact simultaneously. She rose up off of me slowly and I slipped my hands out from under her dress.

Missy had pulled her dress back onto herself and rearranged it. "We're at my house," she said softly, almost as though she was embarrassed. I felt bad at that moment. I hoped she didn't feel embarrassed. We had all gotten carried away in the moment, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. I didn't say anything though; it wasn't my place to.

Dan opened the door and they climbed out. I did feel a little bit better though when Missy stooped her head back into the car and echoed my words from earlier, "You two kids have fun tonight!" She smiled genuinely and then went to shut the door.

But before it shut, Jeanie called to her, "I love you, your royal majesty, Miss Prom Queen!"

And from outside the car came the unseen reply, "I love you too, my gorgeous, loyal, little subject!" Then the door shut. That exchange made me feel better. Those two would remain friends and no weirdness would come between them because of tonight.

Jeanie scooted across to the other seat, rummaged in her purse for a moment, and slipped a piece of paper through the window to Steve. "The last stop, Steve," she announced.

"Ok, no problem," he replied and closed the window. Jeanie just sat on the other seat staring at me as the car began rolling on. Her legs were slightly spread, and her hair was now a bit disheveled by our exertions. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were enflamed and red.

"Alone at last," she said, her voice sultry and low.

"Finally," I nodded.

"So what do you want to do?" she asked wryly.

I shook my head side-to-side slightly. "Absolutely unspeakable things," I replied.

"Good, me too," she said quickly and sprung on me. She pounced on top of me, straddling me, but she had taken that position of authority enough tonight. I turned her immediately and threw her down against the seat, maneuvering myself over her. She gasped and grabbed my chest, pulling me down onto her. We kissed deeply for a moment and she pressed her tongue into me for more, but I stopped her.

"Jeanie, I want you to know I care about you," I said softly.

She stopped her lustful clawing at me when she heard my tone and replied, "I know, Jim, I care about you too."

"I know. But I just need you to know that. I would be absolutely riddled with guilt if you thought that I had ever tried to use you or take something from you or hurt you."

"No, Jim, I know you would never do that."

"I really need you to know that, Jeanie. You're not just some girl to hook up with. You're special. You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever known..."

"Oh Jim," she cooed, kissing me softly. "I know that. Why do you think I wouldn't?"

"I dunno, I guess I just feel guilty that..."

"No, wait, stop. Please do not feel guilty. I know things happened kind of suddenly tonight. And I know it's weird that we've been in a car with my friends as they've happened. But please believe me, and please understand, that I've wanted all of this. Everything that's happened between us, I've wanted. You haven't taken advantage of me, and you haven't forced me into anything."

"Ok," I nodded, "that makes me feel better."

"I hope so, James, because this night is what I dreamed it would be. You've been such a good friend to me. And yes, I had a crush on you once. But that's not what tonight was about. Tonight was about spending my special night with the most amazing guy I've ever known."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered. "You are an amazing person, Jim. And I'm glad I got to spend tonight with you. And yes, it's ok that we kissed. And it's ok that we fooled around. Believe or not, I wanted that too. When I pictured tonight, it wasn't just walking in on your arm, and dancing with you, and having you bring me a glass of punch."

"It wasn't? I mean, I did do all those things, even the punch."

"Yes, I know. And you were wonderful," she obliged. "But when I fantasized about tonight I pictured other things too."

"Other things?"



"You want me to tell you or show you?"

"I'll go with... show me," I said eagerly.

"Well, then you're just going to have to shut up and kiss me, Stillman," she responded, pulling my mouth down onto hers. I couldn't think of my vow to her brother in that moment. All I could think was that I had a beautiful woman in my arms, one of the loveliest women I had ever known. And I just wanted to experience her loveliness. To taste her mouth, to press against her soft, yielding body, to run my hands along her smooth skin.

Her big, brown eyes gazed into mine as we kissed, melting my heart and laying waste to my doubts and misgivings. Any reservations I had were further weakened when she ran her hands beneath my undershirt onto my bare back, digging her nails into my flesh. I pushed my knee up between her legs in ecstasy as she scratched my back. She obliged and spread her legs wider, allowing me to slide between them and grind into her forcefully.

She brought her legs up and wrapped them around me. I ran my right hand up her leg, and let my left hand run up along her side to her breast. I squeezed both the back of her thigh and her breast as I thrust greedily into her. Her hips swiveled forward and met my thrusts as our tongues found each other again. "Good god, this girl is going to make me lose my mind," I thought, as we found our rhythm again and began grinding into each other.

She held me close to her with her nails dug into my back, as I pressed the hard length of my cock into the softness between her legs. I squeezed her thigh again and let my hand slide further down toward her ass. We bucked into each other over and over just like this, both moaning and grunting into one another's mouths, until finally she broke the silence.

"I want it to be you, Jim," she said breathlessly, gazing into my eyes.

"What do you mean, sweetie?" I asked softly, still not breaking our rhythm.

"I've never done this before, and I want my first time to be with you."

I still didn't break our rhythm. I was in a trance, lost in this beautiful woman. But what I just heard mystified me. "Are you serious, Francesca?"

"Yes, Jim, I'm serious. I want you. I need it to be you."

I couldn't believe my ears. Did she really just offer her virginity to me? Could I really take it? I wasn't sure; I didn't know what to think. But I was so utterly turned on in that moment that I increased the rhythm of our dry-humping. So much so that I felt like I could explode in my pants. Her body felt so soft and so good beneath me, her softness such an exquisite contrast to my hardness.

I let the fingers of my left hand slip under her dress onto her bare breast. I found her nipple and squeezed it between my thumb and index finger. She squeaked and kissed me harder. My right hand slipped further down. It was on the back of her thigh, just below her ass cheek, just inches away from her sex. I was dumbstruck with lust. I could feel the heat emanating from her. A warm, moist, inviting heat. I felt little hairs tickling my fingers. I had to touch her. I had to know her softness, her wetness. I rolled her nipple between my fingers. She moaned. She would let me; I knew she would. So what was stopping me?

Thoughts swirled in my mind. Just touch her. Just feel her. Push your fingers into her. She's wet. She wants it. She wants you. You want her. You want to know, admit that you do. Admit that you don't care about a stupid promise. Admit that you want her and you have for a long time. Admit that this is all you care about. To know her, to feel her. It's there, so very close. And you want it. Picture it in your head. Her pussy. Warm and soft and wet. Now touch it, put your fingers inside it. Feel how soaking wet she is.

I couldn't stand anymore. She moaned and I knew she wanted me to touch her. But just as I let my fingers slide down onto her, just as I felt the soft, warm gush of her fountain, the limo rolled to a stop. The car jerked a little and we both woke from our trance.

She looked into my eyes and smiled. "Looks like we're here," she said. I nodded in disappointment. If we were back at her house, the party was over. Her parents and brother were home, so there would be no continuation of our passion. But at the same time, I was relieved. There was no way I could have resisted taking her. I had completely lost my head.

I rolled up off of her and sat up. In an instant I knew we weren't in front of her house. The lighting was all wrong, I could tell even through the tinted windows.

"Jeanie, where the hell..." I began.

"Just be a dear and grab that empty champagne bottle for me ok, Jim?" she replied.

"But what's going on?" I questioned.

"It's ok, just open the door," she reassured me. She turned and rolled Steve's window down. She pulled a neat stack of money out of her purse. "Steve, this is for you. Thanks for everything this evening," she said through the little window.

"Oh, my pleasure, thank you very much," Steve replied. "And uhhh... you two kids have fun tonight!" he added, a little tongue-in-cheek joke letting us know he probably heard everything that went on in the back all night long.

"Thanks, Steve," Jeanie said saucily. Then she slid over to me. I opened the door looking at her questioningly. As soon as I stepped out I knew where we were. It was a hotel on the other side of town. I helped Jeanie out after me and immediately began to protest.

"Jeanie, we can't do this. I don't have enough money for a hotel room, and we're on the other side of town. How are we gonna get home? A cab? Holy crap, that'll cost more money! And your parents will kill me, what time is it anyway?"

"Are you done, Mr. Worrypants?" she asked sarcastically after letting me rant for a minute. I shrugged my shoulders in reply. She stepped into me and kissed me softly on the lips. "You need to have a little faith in me. First of all, the room is already paid for. Secondly, I told my parents I'm staying at Missy's. Thirdly, she and I came here earlier today and dropped my car off. See, it's parked right over there."

She pointed and I turned to look. Son of a bitch if her little white Hyundai Accent wasn't parked right over in the next lot. "So do I get a little credit now?" she asked.

I wrapped my arms around her. "Yeah," I admitted, "you get all the credit in the world. But there's still one little issue here."

"Which is?"

"What are we going to do in there, Giana?" I nodded toward the hotel.

"I have a few ideas," she smiled.

"No, I'm serious, Jeanie," I looked at her sternly. "This is a big deal. I promised..."

"It's just you and me, Jim. Remember that promise? Just you and me?"

"I remember."

"So let me just say this," she said sternly. "I know how big a deal this moment is, James. I've anticipated this, dreaded this, craved this, been terrified by it. But the one thing that's always been there in my head, the one thing that has been a constant no matter what I've felt, is that it was you I'd be here with. I know it sounds crazy. I know I must seem out of my mind. But it's always been you, Jim. It's always been you. "

She looked up me sweetly, letting the moment hang in the air. And after several seconds had passed, she said softly, "So you tell me, what should we do?"

She stared at me unblinkingly. She was going to force me to answer that question honestly, and she had every right to. It was time for me to be a man. She had offered me the most beautiful gift any woman can offer a man. She had offered it willingly, vibrantly, enthusiastically. She deserved a true man's response.

In looking at her I knew without a doubt what my answer was. I was burning for her. Not just in a teenage lust way, as though she were an object I craved for satisfaction. I wanted the woman she had grown to be. The woman I now respected and admired. There could be no other response.

I looked her in the eyes and met her gaze. "I want you, Jeanie."

"Be my first, Jim."

"I will. I want to."

She smiled and hugged me, holding me tightly. We kissed softly for a moment and then she took me by the hand and led me inside. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring. Hell, I was still worried about tonight. Could I be the man she had hoped for, had wished for? Could I make this night all she'd dreamed it could be?

I walked with her toward our beautiful destiny. One thing was certain; I would be the best man I could for her. I would give her everything I had, mind, heart, body and soul. She had me enthralled.

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