
(chocolate shop)

I finish my food and all of do our own business..i go to my room to do some work...when suddenly im craving for chocolate..i open my window a bit and feel the cold breeze..

"its was so cold.." i was hesitate wether to go buy chocolate or not..but my stupid mind telling me to go buy it..i then get ready wear my fur coat and take my wallet along with me..i come downstairs and rose is watching some movie ..i keep walking without bothering her when she call me

"shuhua ?"

i stop on my tracked and look at her

"yeah ?" i ask

"where are you going ?" she ask me

"chocolate shop" i said

"dont you want me to follow you ?" she said

"if you want too..i dont care..but if you dont want im not forcing you" i said

"wait" she said and run to her room..i wait for her in about 5 minutes when she finally go out of her room with her wallet on her hand

"lets go" she said

we walk together in silent..to be honest..we didnt even feel like to talk because of the cool weather..but rose decide to break the silence

"so how your first day in school ?" she ask me

"horrible" i said when i remember about kyle

"why ?" she ask

i frowned a bit and

"hey rose..do you think it safe if i fall in love with one guy that i didnt even know his name..but i only see him once ?" i ask her

"hmm it can be safe and fun but also can be dangerous..we didnt know who he is..maybe he is criminal that all the police has been looking for..its hurt so bad if we have to let go"

she said and i look at her

"why you said like that ? seems like you have an experience" i said and look at her

"no lets not talk about this.." she said and play with her nails

i nodd with her answer..if you wondering..rose is my cousin..her parents died when she was still 5..she live with my mother..she just 3 years older than me..after that..she went overseas to study to be a surgeon..she than become a successfull surgeon..she often come to my house whenever she have an outstation..or she will stay for a few days..im close with her before ..because i dont have friends at home..than jenni born..when jenni born , rose already study in university before she go to overseas

then later we arrive at the chocolate shop..i enter the shop and the shop is so warm..i take the box and start to choose a lot of chocolate..so do rose..and then my eyes landed on one chocolate that only have one left..i quickly run to grab it when someone snatch it away

i look up and the boy is wearing a mask..after that he suddenly open his mask and reveal who is him

"y-you again" i said stuttering

"so ?" he ask me back

"why did you always have to appear at my eyesight..can i just get few hours without seeing you" i said frustrated

"hey..you are the new student ..so thats mean you are new here..you are the one who suppose to never appear at my eyesight at the first place" he said

"okay fine..by the way..that chocolate is mine..i take it first" i said pointed at the chocolate

"but i didnt take it from your hand..so thats mean im the one who take it first" he said


"ask nicely" he suddenly said that make me schocked

i take a deep breath and look at him

"kyle..can you please give me the chocolate ?" i said and try to smile at him

he smile at me and suddenly lean closer

"no" he said smiling and left me there

"huh" i said and flip my hair in frustrated

i feel someone tapp my shoulder and its rose

"i watch your fight earlier..dont mind to tell me who is him ?" rose ask me

"that was kyle..the most stupid person i have ever meet" i said angry and take my chocolate box heading to the counter ..i pay my chocolate and we both head out

"dont hate him that much..or later you fall in love" rose said while eating her chocolate

"i rather being single than fall in love with him" i said

"that was the word that always slipped from couple mouth before they being a couple" rose saud teasing me

i look at her with a death stare

"maybe you are just not in the mood to take a joke with me..but its okay.." she said laughing

and i just continue to walk ..after that we arrive at our house and i straight to my room without looking at my mom who is watching the tv..i enter my room..close the door and place the chocolate on the table

then i put my head on my palm while looking at outside..i remember kyle

"why did you have to be that rude..you know that you is so my type..but sadly..i hate you now" i said and hit my table so many time..i remember the way he talk to me..that rude thing..

"i wish when i see you..i can be friend with you..but you are shit..i wish i will never catch any feelings for you" i said and continue to look outside ..i open the window and feel the cool breeze hitting my face..i look at the chocolate that i buy..i open it and eat it like there is no tomorrow..well i cant do anything about this..im too in love with chocolate..i even wish my boyfriend one day is chocolate..i then feel that eyes is getting heavier so i decide to sleep and also tomorrow is the second day for school

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