

I feel like I need to explain something. Most werewolves are extremely fertile. So by 'good luck with that' Ari was pointing out that there's a good chance Chelsey is pregnant. Now I'm freaking out and on my way to confront all my loved ones so they can tell me how much they wish I had a ceremony. All I'm thinking is will I be a good father?

"What's wrong Bray?" Chelsey asks as we walk around the garden.

"Do you take birth control?" I ask quickly.

"No... why?" She asks. Did she not get the meaning behind Ari's last question?

"Well... we didn't exactly do anything to stop that." I try to explain.

"And?" She asks. How can she not get what I'm saying?!

"You could be... pregnant." I whisper the last word.

"Yea." She says drawling out the word.

"And you aren't scared by the idea?" I ask.

"No. Why would I? You'll be a great father so why stress. Plus you have an army of people looking after you that would love our pup just the same. Would I like more time just the two of us? Yes. But the prospect of having a pup doesn't scare me." She tells me. I am in awe of this woman. She is truly amazing.

"Okay... then let's not worry about it." I say.

"Didn't plan to... now let's head to this party. We've been out here for hours."

"Hay you mentioned my family... what about yours?" I ask.

"They are gone... and I didn't have someone to take me in like you did." She says.

"I'm sorry." I say as we walk.

"No need. It's long past. I hardly knew them. You're my family now." I hug her to me as she says this. We are more alike than I'd thought.


"Brayden, Brayden's mate." Eric greets us.

"You know my name, Eric." Chelsey grumbles.

"True, but I didn't know you are my best friend's mate!" He says as we enter Aaron's house.

Three babies play on the living room floor while Clay's mate, Abby, holds her newest addition. Clay comes over and gives me a hug.

"You know Aaron was much calmer about all this than I thought." He says as we make our way to the couches.

"May I?" Chelsey asks and scoops up the newborn pup.

"I'm impressed. Little Alic won't even let Clay hold him yet." Abby says as my mate coos the infant.

"I love babies... I've always been good with them." Chelsey responds watching the little boy as he grasps her finger.

"Good I've needed to pee for the last hour but he wouldn't let me put him down." Abby makes a quick break for the restroom.

"Sooo... by the rate you two are going I'm guessing we'll have a fifth pup around here soon." Clay says nudging me.

"Maybe... who knows. I'm not trying to rush it." I shrug. Chelsey gives me a look I can't read before returning her attention to the Baby in her arms.

"It's gonna be funny that a pup I helped raise is gonna raise his pups with mine." Clay continues his line of thought with a laugh.

"Clay! We don't even know if she's pregnant! Will you and Ari just give me a break!" I yell. I'm already nervous enough I don't need him piling on!

"Here, Clayton, I'm gonna go get some air." Chelsey says handing Clay his son.

"Bray, can I talk to you?" Lilly asks from the kitchen.

"Do you realize what you just told your mate?" She asks leaning against the counter.

"What? I didn't tell her anything." I answer defensively.

"You just told your mate, who desperately wants a family, that you don't want pups." She corrects me.

"I didn't... and how do you know she wants a family?" I don't even know when she wants to start having pups. She said she wants time just the two of us.

"Its obvious, Brayden... I know you better than that. I know you'd make a great father. Go talk to her." She tells me. With a nod I make my way to the front door.

I find my mate sitting on a porch swing tears flowing down her face. She doesn't even look at me as I take a seat next to her.

"I'm sorry." I sit playing with my fingers unsure what to say.

"No I am... you're 18. You don't want pups. What teenage boy does?" She says trying to smile but ends up crying.

"Hay, hay, hay, no." I am say dropping to kneel in front of her cupping her face. "I do want pups. I'm just a little scared I'll mess it up. Then with Ari and Clay and you being so calm about the prospect I started to panic. We don't even know if you are pregnant and I'm already a nervous wreck." I give a chuckle.

"Why would you be nervous? I've never seen a guy so good with kids." She says and I laugh.

"Yea, but none of them are mine. Bringing life into the world and molding them into real people. Not only that but one of our pups is gonna be an Alpha and I'm not ready to train an Alpha! I'm not even a full Alpha yet." I ramble.

"So when do you plan on starting our pup's Alpha training.

"Probably 16 or 18 depending on the maturity level." I answer.

"So even if I am pregnant it will be six months before the pups born and another 16 to 18 years before you start training them. Do you think you'll be done training with Alpha Aaron by then?" She asks.

"Well yea, I'll have been Alpha of moon lake for like 15 years by then." I answer.

"So why are you worried again?" She asks giving me a genuine smile.

"Because I'm a stupid stupid man." I answer kissing her.

"Well now that we've settled that how about I bring my stupid mate inside so we can have dinner with his family." She laughs as she stands up interlocking our fingers.

"I'm actually really smart." I mumble following her in. I called myself stupid for my panic but I don't like her saying it.

"Shut up Brayden." She laughs as we reenter our party.

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